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It all started when you asked me out on our last year of high school. You knew that I liked you, so you decided to take advantage on my sincere feelings for you.

I knew about that, but I was too in love with you to decline your offer.

I was afraid.

Afraid that if I said no, there would be no interaction between us in the future.

Not that we interacted much before this. I was merely your average classmate who didn't even have the courage to start a conversation with you.

On the other hand, you were the most popular bad boy in school.

Everyone knew you. The teachers, the seniors, the juniors. Even the students from other schools.

You were very popular.

For your heavenly looks.

For your influential parents.

For your overflowing wealth.

For your exceptional dance skills.

For your athletic model-like figure.

And of course, for your shitty attitude.

You and I lived in such different world, so the desire to be a part of your world had intrigued me to accept you even more.

Because I knew that if you hadn't approached me that day, we would never cross path anymore.

In a way, I was grateful for your half-hearted offer. Because of it, I could get closer to you.

Physically and possibly, emotionally as well. Although I doubt the emotional part very much.

And in a blink of an eye, five years passed by just like that.

We moved in together in the middle of our university life since you said that it was a hassle to get me when you needed me.

And I said yes, because that means I got to be closer to you for a longer time every day.

Both of us now just managed to get a stable job, and still trying to live a stable life.

A loud thud from the front door notified me on your return. I got up from my workspace and walked up to greet you like always.

"Hoseok, you're back" I smiled in relief when you managed to come home in one piece.

It was already way past midnight, and the thoughts about something might happen to you couldn't just leave my mind.

You reeked of alcohol but that's nothing new. You had always come home like that and I was used to it by now.

I took off your jacket and hung it up on the stand, before following you to the living room.

"I'll make some hot coffee for you. Rest up for-!!" you suddenly grabbed my hand harshly and threw me on the couch.

Without giving me enough time to react, you forcefully kissed me and started to undress me.

You forced your fingers into me, and I grunted in pain. Tears welled into my eyes and I grabbed your arm to stop you.

"Hoseok! Stop it!" My voice boomed out louder than I meant to, and I regret it the moment we met eyes.

"Are you trying to resist?" you asked lowly with a dangerous glare that made me loosen my grip in an instant.

"Be gentler hurts" I managed to muster out a whisper, but it seemed that it only enraged the drunken you even more.

"You don't tell me what to do, Y/N"

You [Hoseok ff] ✅Where stories live. Discover now