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I entered Namjoon's room and saw him sitting professionally at his desk.

Ooohhh, not bad for my boss.

"You can leave now," Namjoon instructed his secretary and she left reluctantly with a disappointed look on her face.

Not to mention, the deathly glare she gave me when we met eyes.

I stayed standing and only spoke out when the door was closed. I wasn't sure if the outside can hear our conversation or not, so I just stood there without saying anything.

"We can relax now, they can't hear us in here. Take a seat,"

As soon as he said that, I took a seat in front of Namjoon but kept my posture straight. They couldn't hear didn't mean they couldn't see.

"I might be wrong, but she has the hots for you, right?" I asked right away.

"Yeah, but she's good at her work and she never cross the line. How's it here? You seemed to be making friends just fine with Jungkook,"

"Yeah, he's cute. And he's your fanboy"

"My fanboy? Anyways, you'll be working directly under me, so you didn't have to report to my secretary about your tasks. But if you need anything from previous projects or whatsoever, you can just ask her. I'll inform her to give you access to all the files we have in case you want to go through the system by yourself,"

Namjoon seemed to switch into his working mode, thus I started to get serious too.

In the short amount of time, he managed to explain to me almost everything I needed to know for the time being and my admiration to him increased even more than before.

No wonder Jungkook could become his fanboy.

"As of now, just ask Jungkook to get to know the company better. That kid got a lot of potential and he catch up very fast in everything,"

"Would you hire him if he applied for a permanent job here?"

"Absolutely. That boy is a gem. He is even more competent than I am when I was at his age,"

"Wow, to get a compliment from his role model, he must be very good at his job. I wonder how he will react if he knows that you speak so high about him"

"Better to keep it down first. He is on my number one list, but the other heads need to agree on this as well,"

"Oh yeah, I understand where you're coming from. Jungkook might not get the whole team's vote so it's still not confirmed yet," I nodded a few times, letting all the info to settle down in my head.

"Come on, I'll introduce you to the team. All of them are around our age, so the working environment here is pretty good I would say," Namjoon got up from his seat and walked outside, with me following closely behind him.

"Is that so? I'm getting excited to work with you guys,"

"Excitement is good, but you still need to catch up on everything. One-year break might not seem like a long time, but everything moves and changes fast around here," Namjoon spoke out casually, but with a serious tone.


After a brief introduction to the team, I was left in the hands of Jungkook to bring me for a tour around the company building.

He showed me the essential locations that I needed to know around office such as meeting room, printing room, pantry, toilet, café, and more.

"Thanks Y/N noona," Jungkook grinned happily.

Oh my gosh, he got a perfect pair of beautiful bunny teeth!

Okay, he's not a puppy, he's a bunny!

"Why?" I managed to prevent myself from squishing his cheeks because I wanted to get a closer look at his teeth.

"I got to walk around during working hour because I have to bring you around the company," he said happily.

"Did you just use me as an excuse for you to ditch your work?" I squinted my eyes playfully at the boy.

"No, I didn't mean it like that!" he got flustered really easily, this boy.

"I'm just kidding, you probably finished all your tasks and were bored to death already, right?"

"Yeah, how did you know that?"

"Your notebook from this morning is full of crossed lines. All of them are completed tasks, right?"

"Wow noona, you have hawk eyes like Mr. Kim. You'll be able to keep up in no time, trust me. You have my words."

I just laugh along, feeling entertained by Jungkook's fresh behavior.

If Seokjin was my older brother, maybe Jungkook could be my non-blood-related-younger-brother? I'd love to have a younger brother like Jungkook.

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