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Half an hour before Seokjin called Y/N.

Jungkook’s POV

I was on my way back to the ballroom from my toilet break and had witnessed the rarest sight that I didn't think I'd see here.

Y/N was sitting shyly, with Jung Hoseok beside her.

She looked so small next to the male and this was the first time I saw her really shy and prim, looking like a teenage girl sitting beside her crush all over again.

The said male was so into the conversation with the person inside the screen, which I believed was hundred percent to be Hee Young. He might have missed out on how Y/N was acting  beside him.

Not being able to contain my excitement and wanting to share this with others, I quickly dialed Taehyung's number while proceeded hiding behind a pillar to protect myself from being discovered by the shy lady.

"Tae, come to the lobby quick, noona is so cute right now. She's with that Jung Hoseok guy!" I whispered excitedly, almost squealing at the sight of the two.

They matched each other so well.

"I knew Hobi hyung would get his chance tonight! Wait, I'll call Namjoon hyung and Seokjin hyung," he hung up as soon as he finished his sentence, and I was back to focusing on the two.

This moment needed to be captured.

Opening the camera app on my phone, I took a few pictures of the couple, feeling like a paparazzi on role.

"Babe! Where are they?" a hand circled my waist and soon enough my back clashed with the hard chest of my lover. Another two pairs of shoes clacking rushingly towards us, and Seokjin and Namjoon showed themselves beside us, still hidden behind the huge pillar.

"There, at the couch," I pointed, and the three quickly followed the direction of my finger.

"Ooh I see them. Oh my, Joonie! Look at how pretty she's blushing!" Seokjin squealed, hitting his husband's arm repeatedly.

"She's still so in love, huh?" Namjoon voiced out, chuckling at Y/N’s reaction.

"Look at Hobi hyung. I can't believe his eyes could sparkle like that," Taehyung scoffed, taking out his phone.

"I ship them so much, Tae! That Hoseok guy looks nice to me," I shook my boyfriend's arm a little, happy to see the two together.

"Hey, I told you he changed. Wait, I need to get his picture to tease him later," Taehyung stopped me from shaking his arm by hugging me close to him with one arm, as the other start clicking on his phone's camera furiously.

He sure took a lot of zoomed pictures of the two. Especially that Hoseok guy. Oh well, if Taehyung decided to tease someone, he could tease them forever.

"I already got noona's" I chirped in, grinning at Taehyung who grinned back. He swiftly pecked my lips for a sec, and I felt my cheeks heated at his action.

"Send it to me later, okay, Jungkookie baby?" Seokjin required, and I immediately turned to the male.

"Alright, Jin hyung,"

"Only I got to call my baby, baby, hyung" Taehyung warned Seokjin, hugging my waist tighter, pulling me closer to his body in protective manner.

Wow, I felt loved.

But very embarrassed.

"Oh whatever, Taehyung. I got my Joonie, I'm not going to steal Jungkookie from you. Now, gather up. We need a plan," Seokjin suddenly announced, ignoring Taehyung's warning completely, and Namjoon who's the quietest among us this whole time instantly raised his hand.

"I'm in!"

"Plan to bring them back together?" I asked timidly, still cupping my cheeks to calm the blush due to the second-hand embarrassment because of Taehyung's earlier peck and his unnecessary jealousy.

"You bet. I have never seen my little sister acting like that. Although Hoseok still needs to be tested, but as of now, my babies' happiness are my priority," Seokjin decided - thinking about Y/N and Hee Young - and I agreed with his words.

"What should we do?" Namjoon asked.

"They should go back home together tonight. You know. To catch up on the time when they were separated?" Seokjin suggested.

"Just ditch Y/N noona. I'll text Hoseok hyung to take the chance," Taehyung chirped in and we all looked at him.

"Won't he be weirded?" Seokjin asked back.


He might question as of why Taehyung suddenly ask him to send Y/N back home.

"Nah, I have been feeding him news about Y/N noona since forever. He should have already figured out that I know who Y/N noona really is by now," Taehyung said confidently, and we just agreed with him.

Yeah, that's logical.

That Hoseok was an intelligent being according to all the stories I've heard about him. It should be easy for him to figure out the relationship Taehyung had with Y/N.

"What reason can we use to ditch her?" I asked, back to the plan.

"Just say that I broke my arm. I'm that clumsy," Namjoon suggested nonchalantly and we just smiled at each other, no one's saying anything for a few seconds.

"No, that'll be too hard to act the next days. Let's go with stomachache, she'll forgive me immediately if I said I panic and forgot about her," Seokjin immediately cut off his husband's idea and suggested his own.

Taehyung and I were quick to agree on Seokjin's idea.

"Alright, I'll call her now. You text Hoseok, Taehyungie," Seokjin finalized, fetching his phone out to call Y/N.

"Roger, sir" Taehyung playfully saluted the male, and started searching for Hoseok's name in his contact.

"Mission getting Y/N and Hobi together starts now,"

Well, this was going to be fun!

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