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And after a few commotions in handling my sometimes-stupid-but-very-smart boss, we finally calmed down and managed to make Namjoon to be able to see again.

I returned the onion quietly to the kitchen without disturbing Seokjin who was currently in his element.

Quickly tiptoeing out of the kitchen, I joined Namjoon who was now at the living room to continue talking about the upcoming project.

He had changed his clothes after being sprinkled with tap water earlier.

"Does your employees know this side of you?" I asked sincerely wanting to know the truth.

"Nah, I am a pretty cool boss at the office. Don't you dare ruin my reputation, Y/N" he warned playfully.

"Sure, boss. Don't worry, your secret is safe with me," I pretended to zip my mouth earning a laugh from Namjoon, which showed his dimples.

Seokjin suddenly came behind us and wordlessly handed Namjoon an ice pack for him to rest onto his red eyes.

He inspected them for a little while, leaving soft pecks on both eyes, before going back into the kitchen.

Both were so attractive and suited each other very much from my point of view.

Lovely. Happy. Complete.

I'm jealous.

Blinking my eyes repeatedly for a few times to chase away the sudden jealousy of Seokjin and Namjoon's happy relationship, I brought up the project we discussed earlier.

"Are you sure you want me in the team? From what I heard from Jungkook, this project is a huge scale," I queried at Namjoon who was looking up, the ice pack rested on his closed eyes.

"It is a big scale, but even Jungkook could be in it, so why can't you?" Namjoon shrugged his shoulder.

"That's different. Jungkook already has the skills and talent needed. Plus, I'm sure this is also one of your plans to get the other heads to be interested in him, right?" I questioned, although I could already predict his answer.

"That's correct, I'm impressed. Besides, he finished the tasks I gave him way too quickly these days and he ended up taking other people's job just to fill in his free time," Namjoon sighed and rested his back on the couch.

"True. He even thanked me earlier because he said that he finally had something to do other than being bored to death in his place," I chuckled, remembering the happy look on the boy earlier today.

"See? He's a monster. A brilliant and genius one. So, I want to see how well he will do for this project. If it's a success, the chances of other heads recognizing him will be significantly higher," he exclaimed, highly praising the boy.

"Understood. But why me again? In my personal opinion, I'm still rusty," I looked at his still-red eyes.

"The boy asked me to include you," Namjoon simply said.

"Jungkook did? And you listen to him?" I asked, feeling amused at the situation where a boss openly accepted a suggestion from an intern.

"Hey, Jungkook is great at analyzing characters. He basically thinks a lot like me and able to recognize potentials just as good as I am," Namjoon praised again.

"Jungkook said he wants to work with you. Like your observing skill is up to my par or whatsoever. He said that he would like to work with a female version of me," Namjoon added, finally placing the ice pack on the table.

"Really, that boy said that to you directly?" I questioned as a chuckle left my mouth.

"Uh yes. He voiced out his opinions very often no matter who's the person he's talking to," Namjoon answered casually.

"Uuu, I am liking that boy even more now,"

"Although I'm his boss, we are more like senior-junior relationship. You could say that we're quite close in a sense," he admitted, increasing my admiration to my boss for his humble personality.

"Oh, I thought he is just admiring his role model from afar, like a secret admirer,"

"Jungkook knows nothing about being discreet," Namjoon scrunched his nose at the thought of the said boy.

"Yeah, his thoughts are like open books due to his unfiltered facial expressions," I agreed with Namjoon, after only knowing Jungkook for a day.

In the short time of knowing the two, I felt like I was blessed having them as a co-worker.

Namjoon was the greatest boss I had ever have. And Jungkook is the best colleague I had ever meet.

Working with them would surely bring a lot of fun and knowledge to me.

"You guys seems to be having fun?" Seokjin returned to the scene with his apron still on him.

"Yeah oppa. We are talking about a very cute intern in the office. He is so talented and very much adorable," I quickly shared the information with Seokjin, not wanting him to feel left out.

"Is he? Namjoon never tell me anything about work, so I didn't really know much," Seokjin pouted, making me grin when I saw Namjoon gulped at his boyfriend's reaction.

"Believe me, oppa. If you see his face, you would think the same. Plus, he has bunny teeth!" I jumped up from my seat and stood beside Seokjin.

"Well, let's talk more over dinner. I want to know more about Joon's workplace." Seokjin linked his arm around mine and we skipped to the kitchen, leaving Namjoon to follow behind us by himself.

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