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Hoseok's POV

It was the dinner night.

And I was currently standing stunned, after being introduced to the one person that Taehyung had been talking about nonstop for years and were dying to introduce to me.

The Ms. Kim, who's according to Taehyung, a cool single mother.

Who's full name was actually, Ms. Kim Y/N.

The Y/N that had been the same Y/N I had knew all along.

SERIES of flashbacks.

"Hobi hyung, you should really come to hang out at my office these days," the younger chirped out excitedly as he barged into my office after our meeting.

"Uh huh, and why do you think I should do that?" I asked just to entertain the boy, not really interested in the topic as I kept my eyes on the computer.

"You've got to meet my new employee. She's so cool! You're going to like her, hyung!"

Upon hearing the boy's statement, I softly sighed.

Not again.

"Are you trying to set me up with someone again, Taehyung? I've told you that I'm not interested, okay?" I looked up to see the boy's expression.

Still determined.

"Alright, no setting up. But in return, I'm going to rant everything I know about her everytime we hang out and you'll hear me out, deal?" he suggested with a sly smile, and I just sighed again.

What did the boy have under his sleeve this time?


"Deal," I agreed.

Nothing bad would happen from just listening to his rant, right?


"Hyung, she has a very cute daughter that I love so much!" Taehyung's voice blast out from the phone and I flinched away a little at his excited voice.

"Who?" I groggily asked, still annoyed my sleep was disturbed.

"The new noona, of course! Who else?!"

He dared woke me up in this rare free weekend morning just for this info?

Ending the call, I went back to sleep.


"Hyung, hyung. Choose a great baby cloth brand for me, please?" he asked, as he was scrolling through a number of baby clothings with his phone.

"What for?" I replied, shaking my head a little at the boy's weird antics.

He called me out to hang out, saying that he had something important to ask. And it's about baby's clothes?

"You know about the new noona, right?" Taehyung asked, sipping his smoothie.

Ah, that's why. Her again.

"From your rants, yes" I answered, getting where this was going.

"You know she has a cute daughter, right?" he asked, and I could see the excitement talking about the single mother and daughter.

"Uh huh," I replied, drinking my coffee.

"It's her daughter's birthday in two months! I want to give her birthday presents but I didn't know which brand was good for babies' clothing"


"You have to help me choose!"

"I'll ask my noona. She might have a few in mind because of her son," I suggested, thinking about my sister back in hometown, who's living happily with her family.

"Thanks, hyung!"


"Hyung, I'm going to my cousin's house. You want to come with me?" Taehyung spoke out from my couch, where he came uninvited to hang out.

"For what?" I asked, drying my hair with a towel after just taking a shower.

"For noona, of course! I had already told you that she's living with my cousin who just get married and she has a daughter, right?" he poked his chin with his index finger, rethinking of all the rants he had told me about the certain girl.


"So, you're coming? Maybe say hi to the baby?" he suggested, and I just stared at him.

He's serious.

"Nah, I'll pass" brushing him off, I walked to my working space.

"Don't forget to clean up the snacks you stole before you go out, Tae" I reminded, closing the door of the room behind me, leaving the boy alone.


"Hyung, she got promoted!" Taehyung exclaimed as soon as I entered his car. He invited me for dinner, and I didn't have any exact reason to reject the offer.

"Your office noona?" I sighed out, wearing my seatbelt and instructing him to start driving.

"Yes! Now you got the gist of it! So, you're interested in her now?" he asked as we were moving out of the company compound.

He was still fixed on the idea of setting me up with this girl?


"Darn it!"


"Hyung! You're having a meeting with my company?" Taehyung called, as I was preparing some paperwork in the office.

"Which one?" I said, barely focusing on the boy's voice.

"The one with noona? My boyfriend's boss? You know, the Ms. Kim?" he emphasized on the person and I paused my work for a second.

"Ah, that one. No" I replied curtly, earning a groan from the other side of the line.

"Urgh whyyyyy?!" Taehyung whined annoyingly, and I just rolled my eyes at his exaggerated reaction.

"What are you so frustrated about?" I asked after he quieted down.

"You can see Ms. Kim if you do the meeting!" he exclaimed, voicing out the obvious.

"Taehyung, give up already" I sighed out, almost tired at his determination.

"Never! I know you'll like her, so I'm not giving up" he hung up the phone call, and I just chuckled.

If she's not Y/N, I'm not going to be interested, Taehyung.


"This is the last time, hyung. I won't ask you to meet with Ms. Kim anymore after this," Taehyung said, after he had invited ne for the dinner.

"You sure?" I asked, not really believing the boy's words.

"But I'm still going to rant about her cute daughter to you," he quickly confessed, and I shook my head, sighing out.

"Tae -" I started, but he cut me off.

"But no more setting up. I won't try to be cupid this time. I'll just introduce you to her, and you can go your way after that, deal?" he stared at me expectantly, and I just surrendered.


End of flashbacks

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