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"Hobi hyung?" Taehyung asked, seeming very familiarized to the name that was just said by Namjoon.

Hearing his nickname slipping through Taehyung's mouth so easily had made me held my breath for a while.

Seokjin and Namjoon were sitting on the two seated couches opposite to Jungkook and I that were sitting side by side on the three couches.

Taehyung had stolen Namjoon's usual place at his favorite single couch with Hee Young comfortably had fallen back to sleep in his arms.

I had to admit, the boy was very good in handling Hee Young, very different from his cousin.

We were all surrounding the coffee table in the living room, in the process to unravel our pasts.

Jungkook at first was reluctant to join the conversation because he wasn't a part of the family, but he was convinced to stay, by all of us.

Because we all knew that someday, he will be a part of us too.

Just look at how Taehyung was ogling the boy for the whole time.

How can Jungkook not be family?

"Of course, I know him. You guys know him too," Taehyung admitted with wide innocent eyes, one hand pointing towards Namjoon and Seokjin.

Both men exchanged uneasy glances before Seokjin decided to ask further.

"Tae, Hoseok was a troubled boy, and you're telling me you keep in touch with him after all these years?" Seokjin asked carefully.

Taehyung seemed to catch on Seokjin's concern, and he immediately flashed a reassuring smile towards the couple.

"Hoseok hyung changed. He changed since a long time ago, he wasn't how he used to be anymore," Taehyung said.

"Can you help us to believe that?" Namjoon gently asked.

"I met him back in the university. At first, I even distanced myself from him, but he sincerely apologized to what he had done, and I decided to forgive him. And you can have my word, he has really changed," Taehyung looked at the two pleadingly, trying to convince them.

The two of the grown men knew that Taehyung would never lie about something that important, and he didn't seem to be lying as well.

I had mentioned that I moved in to live with Hoseok in the middle of our university life, but we weren't studying in the same university.

His university was about fifteen minutes away from mine, and we moved in at an apartment that was in between both our universities.

One thing to know about Hoseok, he didn't tell much about his friends, families, or work-related things.

So, I shouldn't be blamed for never hearing Taehyung's name before.

"But, what's with the sudden talk about Hobi hyung? Is there anything I need to know?" Taehyung straight question had made three of us took a deep breath, before I finally speak up.

"Hee Young..." I paused, looking fondly into the sleeping girl in his arms before staring straight into Taehyung's eyes.

"Hoseok is the father," I looked at Taehyung's widened eyes and gapped mouth, as he looked back and forth from Hee Young and me a few times, processing that one sentence in his head.

"So, it's you" Taehyung blurted out, making me confused at his words.

"What is it about me?"

"You are the one who gives the bracelet to Hoseok hyung," Taehyung blinked his eyes as his memories flashed back to Hoseok's pained expression a few months ago.



Taehyung's POV

"What is it, Tae?" Hoseok glanced at me as he stopped the car at the red light.

Hoseok was driving back to my company after we went out for lunch together.

He had to attend a whole day meeting on our partnered project, and this time it was held in my company.

While Namjoon was located at one of our fun and younger subsidiary companies, I had to start managing our boring and old head quarter.

Father's instruction. Can't defy that.

"What?" I asked, pretending not to understand his question.

"If you don't have question then stop staring," Hoseok directly said, as his eyes focused on the red light, waiting for it to turn green.

"That bracelet, it's been with you since forever hyung. Why don't you change it?"

Again, my eyes were glued to the bracelet that was shining as the sunlight shine on it.

"No, this is the only thing I have left to remind me of her," Hoseok said in a whisper, but enough for me to hear the evident hurt in his voice.

"Who?" I asked nevertheless, although I was convinced that he won't disclose the name to me just like that.

"Someone important," was all I got as answer, and I stopped prying into it as I saw his eyes glistened.

Flashback ended.


Back to Y/N's POV

"I never asked him about it anymore, but I remembered very clearly our conversation on that day. It's you, right? The one who gave him the bracelet?" Taehyung asked, and I felt fresh tears rolled down my cheeks.

I remembered the bracelet I gave him on his birthday a few years ago while we were still in university.

I never saw him wearing it so I thought he might've lost it or threw it away because he didn't like it but I never asked about it to him.

Jungkook immediately snatched the tissue box on the table and offered a few pieces to me.

"I gave it to him for his 21st birthday. He still has it?"

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