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I carefully fastened my seat belt as I glanced at Hoseok who's currently giving tips to the valet parking worker. I quickly diverted my focus to my phone as he walked back to the car.

Soon, he drove smoothly out the hotel area and I stared outside the window to run away from the awkwardness.

"Can I ask you something?" Hoseok tried starting a conversation, and I didn't want to act hostile towards the man, thus replying to his question with another question.


"Your home now. It's Kim Namjoon and Kim Seokjin you're living with right now, right?" he continued, and I nodded, eyes on the road now instead of the row of buildings by the roadside.


"Since when?" he asked, gentle. Not that he was interrogating. He just sounded curious.

"Since I left," the answer left my mouth no louder than a whisper but I was sure he was able to hear it.

Upon hearing my answer, silence filled us until he stopped the car at one of the red lights.

"I - I want to thank you," he said, seeming hesitant to elaborate on his words.

Not understanding the reason behind his sudden thanks, I turned to look at his face, realizing that he was gripping hard at the steering wheel.

He glanced at my questioning face, and huffed out a breath, looking both sorry and thankful towards me at the same time.

"Thank you. Thank you so much for giving birth to Hee Young - o-our daughter. And I, I'm so sorry that you left when you're pregnant with her, Y/N. I know I'm the reason behind you leaving. I'm sorry," he finally blurted out his confessions, which seemed to me like he had it bottled up inside him since forever.

I felt tears pricked my eyes again at his words, still feeling emotional whenever someone thanked me for giving birth to Hee Young.

Just like what happened when Seokjin thanked me on Hee Young’s first birthday.

You might think it was ridiculous for me to have the thought of not having her - it sounded ridiculous to me too now - but it's the truth.

I really did consider on getting an abortion.

I was afraid.

At that time, I felt like my world was crashing. I felt alone. Seokjin wasn't there yet, so my only world revolved only around Hoseok.

Would he still want me if he knew?

What if Hoseok kicked me out?

Where should I live?

How should I live?

Having all those worst case scenarios running through my head if I decided to keep my baby, it sure took a lot of courage for me to actually choose her instead of Hoseok.

It was that hard for me to decide to keep her.

And when someone thanked me for the decision I made, I finally felt like I did the right thing.

Which I knew I did the right thing.

But still, having other people agreeing to me, especially Hoseok, I felt so happy.

Crying without holding back now, I knew that I had worried the male beside me as he started driving again as the light turned green.

The car slowed down in search for a spot to stop, with Hoseok glancing non-stop towards the crying me. And when the car finally stopped, I realized that we were now at the park near my house.

The park that I used to sneaked out to, waiting in the middle of the cold night for Hoseok whenever he suddenly said that he wanted to meet during our high school years.

Hoseok had went out of the car for some time now to who-knows-where and I just took my time in calming myself down. A knock was heard from the window and I turned to look at Hoseok who was holding a paper bag in his hand.

He gently opened the door on my side, lifting the content inside the bag, showing it to me with a reminiscing smile on his face.

"Baked sweet potato?"


"Feeling better?" he asked, as we were now seated on one of the wooden benches in the park that was still strong even after all these years.

I nodded, still munching on the hot potato in my mouth. I didn't know that Hoseok knew about my obsession with the said delicacy.

But then, I did bought too much of it back home whenever I had to stay up late for my assignments or work. Which was quite frequent, I would say. He must've realized it during those times.

"You've got some on your cheek," he said, removing the said remnants of the food on my cheek with his fingers, and to my shock, he ate it up.

Feeling attacked at his action, I choked up and threw a large fit of a very unlady-like coughs, fortunately, away from the male.

Hoseok instinctively rubbed my back to ease the coughs and I appreciated his actions.

I really did.

But the touch of his hand on my bare back really brought me back to reality as I felt my body heat up at the simple touch.

Oh gosh, why did I agree to wear this dress?

This was all Seokjin's fault.

"Drink this," Hoseok offered a bottle of mineral water that he bought together with the sweet potato, and I accepted it, although I was very much aware of his hand that was still resting on my back.

After I calmed down, I shifted a little to notify the man about his hand, and thankfully, he pulled away instantly. Hoseok apologized with a beautiful shy smile and brought his fingers to scratch the back of his nape.

Brushing off the matter away, I looked back at the empty playground that I haven't stopped by for years, reminiscing old memories.

Tilting my head upwards, I admired the bright stars in the sky, hugging my body a little when I felt cold, consequences of letting the night breeze hit my body.

Being covered by Hoseok's jacket and engulfed in his cologne's fragrance made me turned away for a second from the starry sky and looked at the man beside me.

"Hoseok" I called his name, earning a hum from the boy who was back at looking at the stars after giving me his jacket.

He looked calm.

"Do you really want to be in Hee Young’s life?" I asked straight forward, eyes still on him.

"I do, not only her. But you too," he replied without hesitation, taking me off guard.

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