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"Y/N, wake up honey. Today's Hee Young's birthday. We're going out to celebrate," Seokjin tapped my shoulder to wake me up and I squinted my eyes, sitting up on the bed.

"Thanks oppa, I'll get ready and help you –"

"I finished packing everything, you just have to get yourself and Hee Young ready" Seokjin smiled kindly and I felt guilty for making him do all the preparations alone.

"Now I felt sorry for letting you do all the work by yourself," I pouted playfully and Seokjin just ruffled my hair, messing it even more.

"I didn't do it alone. Joonie did help me a little whether you believe it or not. Take it as a 'thank you' gift from us for giving birth to Hee Young, Y/N. Namjoon and I are happy that we got to be Hee Young's godparents," Seokjin said and I was touched as his words that my eyes glistened and a real pout was made on my mouth.

I turned to look at my beautiful baby that was still in her sweet dream.

I had never thought that I would hear someone thanking me for having Hee Young.

Maybe because I once thought that I'd never even see her peaceful sleeping face like this.

Because she was never in the plan in the first place.

And to think back at how hard it was for me in the first few months of the pregnancy of her, I got overwhelmed by my feelings and drops of tears soon fell on my cheek.

"Oh honey, why are you crying on this happy day?" Seokjin saw the tears and quickly pulled me into a comfortable hug.

"Thank you, oppa. Thank you for being there for me and Hee Young," I couldn't held in my sobs and continued crying on his shoulder. Seokjin just rubbed my back, trying to calm me down.

"I'll always be here for you, Y/N" Seokjin kept on saying comforting words in order to calm me down but soon our hug was disrupted by a series of soft knocks on the door.

"Come in," I wiped my tears away and both Seokjin and I waited for the person behind the door to enter.

Jungkook slowly peaked from behind the door shyly and showed his bunny smile. But soon, the said bunny smile faltered as he observed my eyes.

He sure was sharp as ever.

"Did you cry, noona?" he asked timidly and with concern, but still straight to the point.

"Ah, yeah. I'm just being sensitive this morning because Hee Young's finally one year old and couldn't help but be sad at past memories," I pushed a smile on my face and gestured him to come in.

He entered the room slowly, not wanting to wake the baby up and walked towards us two adults in the room.

"You're early, Jungkook. Did you come with Taehyung?" I teased and looked at the boy's cheeks turning pink.

"Yeah, he picked me up at my house earlier than expected but thankfully I was ready at that time," he answered shyly.

"Well, seems like someone's excited to meet Taehyung more than meeting the birthday girl," Seokjin joined force in teasing the bunny and Jungkook turned a shade pinker than before.

"Stop teasing me, I come here not to be teased" the boy pouted and both of us cooed at his cuteness.

"Alright, I'll leave you two here. I need to get ready quickly and supervise the boys downstairs. Who knows what could the two be doing right now, they've been so troublesome since they're kids," Seokjin left the room with quick steps, leaving us in the room.

"Kook, will you stay here and look at Hee Young while I take a bath? I won't be long, but if she woke up, just knock on the door and call for me, okay?" I requested and he accepted without question.

"Sure, noona. I got this," he showed two thumbs up at the mission he just got and I just laughed at his determined face to excel the task given at hand. I walked into the bathroom and moved fast just in case the baby would throw tantrum.


Getting out the bathroom, I saw that Jungkook and Hee Young were already on the bed. The girl was taking a few wobbly steps towards Jungkook before falling down on the soft mattress with giggles leaving her mouth.

I grinned as Hee Young proceeded to crawl quickly to the boy who was encouraging her to come closer by drumming his hands on the mattress furiously at the excited girl.

And once she reached the boy, Jungkook quickly lift her up and throw her in the air a little before catching her back securely in his arms. A series of laughter escaped from the two and I walked towards them.

"You're very good now compared to the first time you saw her. I would take you as Hee Young's babysitter if one day Seokjin oppa can't handle her anymore," I spoke out and both heads turned towards me.

Hee Young immediately shrieked using her loud voice as she saw me and proceeded to make grabby hands towards me, asking to be fed.

I laughed at her antics and turned to thank Jungkook.

"Thanks, Kook"

"No problem noona. Ah, before I forgot. Taehyung said to make sure Hee Young wears the clothes we reserved for her at the store a month ago," he smiled and tickled the baby in my arms, earning a loud giggle from the girl.

"Sure, sure. He reminded everyone to remind me about it since a week ago, Jungkook. I can't even forget about it even if I want to," I rolled my eyes playfully before laughing and Jungkook laughed together with me.

"Alright, noona. I'll be downstairs to help Seokjin hyung control Taehyung," he said with a smile and I just nodded at his words.

"Bye Uncle Kookie, we'll meet again soon," I said with small voice, taking Hee Young's hand to wave at the boy who's exiting the room. Jungkook just chuckled and waved back before disappearing behind the door. 

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