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Hoseok's POV

I placed my tablet on the nightstand, done with today's reading. My back was rested on the headboard of the bed, with my eyes now focusing on the shiny bracelet.

I touched the bracelet that was comfortably resting on my wrist and let out a small sigh.

Automatically, my mind went to the woman who had suddenly gone missing from my life for more than a year ago.

I looked beside me, to the empty space on the bed which had been filled by her in the past.

The bedroom felt so empty.

The house was empty.

The kitchen was empty.

The living room was empty.

My heart was empty.

Everything was empty without her.

Without realizing, tears rolled down on my cheeks for the thousandth time, yearning for her presence.

I closed my eyes and covered them with one arm, lying flat on the bed this time.

"Y/N" I called her name out, still hoping that she would answer to my call and when I opened my eyes, she would be by my side again.

But no.

Even how much I cried out her name, she was never back.

I regret.

I regretted a lot of things after she left.

I regretted never acting like a real boyfriend to her.

I regretted not realizing my real feelings for her earlier.

I regretted for following my head and refusing to accept that I love her.

I regretted not treating her better.

I regretted I had left too much bruises on her that night.

I regretted acting cold towards her.

I regretted not kissing her that last night we shared together.

I regretted going to the event my father told me to only to be fooled and came home to find all her things gone.

I remembered everything that happened that day.

I remembered that day very vividly like it happened just yesterday.



I walked into the house without being greeted by Y/N as usual.

Assuming that she had to work until late, I was quite surprised to see the dinner already prepared when I entered the kitchen.

'Hobi, I'm sleeping in the guestroom for a few days. I caught a cold and I don't want you to get it too. Y/N'

I read the note she put beside the food and sighed.

She must've been really sick to write my nickname instead of my real name.

I decided to clean up first and was walking towards the kitchen to eat dinner when I saw the door to the guestroom slightly opened.

A peek wouldn't harm, right?

I softly pushed the door open to see Y/N already sleeping on the bed.

Stepping into the room, I wanted to go near her when my stomach growled in pure hunger.

I forgot that I didn't took lunch this afternoon, being too occupied by paperwork at the company.

Deciding to eat first and check on her later, I turned around to exit but my eyes caught a glimpse of blueish spot on Y/N skin.

I furrowed my eyebrows and it felt like my body moved on its own as I stepped towards her. I immediately pulled Y/N's blanket that was covering her lower half.

Her pajama pant was quite loose for her waist thus it easily showed her hipbone when she moved.

I slightly pulled it lower, only to be greeted by a few more fresh bruises.

I lifted her shirt and saw more bruises on her body.

"Did I do this to her that night?" I muttered out to myself.

I had no recollection of that night, but I knew I slept with her because my body was sticky the next day.

But I didn't know I was this rough to her because she never said anything.

She never did.

I traced my fingers on the bruises that had turned purplish on a few spots and this time I was shocked at her body temperature.

Only then I realized that she was breathing very heavily, and I cursed under my breath after I touched her forehead.

She was burning.

"Y/N," I woke her up with a slow voice, wanting to take her to hospital.

She opened her eyes, squinted them due to the light from the lamp, and finally focused on me.

"Hobi?" her voice was already hoarse from the fever and I felt a tug at my heart.

"Let's go to hospital. Or clinic. You're burning," I said directly, ignoring what I felt earlier.

Her eyes suddenly glistened before a few tears rolled to the sides of her face.

She covered her eyes with her palms and again, I felt something in my heart.

"Sorry, it must've been the fever. I can't stop them, sorry" she sobbed, referring to the tears that was gushing out from her eyes.

"Like I said, let's go to the hospital" I pulled her up a little only to receive a weak refusing pull from her.

"No, not hospital. I don't want to go," her eyes were filled with fear at the mention of hospital and I was weirded by her reaction.

Is she afraid of hospital?

But she took her medicine and even went there alone without any problem before.

What's with her?

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