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I was brought to the HR room for a while to get my employee access card before being left at my seat.

I pushed my chair backward a little and peeked to the desk on my left to see a young man, writing down something in his notebook very diligently.

Having nothing to do, I decided to get to know my future colleague first, before being officially introduced to the team.

"Hi, I'm Y/N. I'll be working here starting today, I hope we can get along in the future," I introduced myself in a lower volume, afraid that I would disturb him.

"Ah, I'm sorry. I didn't realize that you are coming today," the young man looked up and I saw the purest face in the world I had ever seen in my life.

Other than Hee Young, of course. She was the purest angel of all.

"Oh wow, you're cute," I blurted out accidentally and the boy blushed at my comment.

"Well...thank you? I'm Jungkook, I'm an intern here," he introduced himself shyly.

"An intern. How long have you been here?"

"Two months, but I plan to work here once I graduated as well," his eyes sparkled at the mention of working here and I couldn't help but uwued a little.

"Why is that?"

"I am going to follow the footsteps of our boss. He has been my role model since forever,"

"Nam-Mr. Kim? Wow, is he that great?" I asked as I pulled my chair closer to the boy.

He seemed to have known Namjoon for quite a while from the way he talked.

I guessed there's no harm for a little chit chat since there was still time before office hour started.

"He is the best. I had been to the same high school as he was and even got accepted to the same university as him. His leadership skill is beyond comparison and I have always admired how he is able to become this successful at a young age,"

"Well, I admire that about him too. We are the same age, but he is already my boss," I smiled at Jungkook's enthusiasm while talking about Namjoon.

Jungkook's going to be a great colleague to hang out and gossiped with during lunch.

He seemed shy, but sure talked a lot about Namjoon.

I could dig stories about Namjoon at work and spill the tea to Seokjin when I got home later.

"You are? So, can I call you noona?" that doe eyes sparkled again. I didn't know what made him excited to call a girl noona, but I was happy, nevertheless.

"Of course, Jungkook. I'm an old woman with a daughter. I'm just glad you didn't call me aunty yet,"

"What are you talking about? 25 years old is nowhere near old,"

"Awhh thank you. By the way, is it hard working here?"

"Well, I'm an intern so they basically help me in everything when I first got here. Especially all the noona, they even treated me lunches until I decided to bring my own lunchbox," he said innocently.

He definitely didn't know his own charm.

'That's because you're cute. I'm sure you look like a lost puppy when you first came' – was what I wanted to say to him, but I didn't think I should tease the boy too much on our first day meeting.

Maybe I could tell this to him later, when we got closer.

"Maybe we could eat together later? I bring my own lunch as well," I asked, hoping that he would agree because I need to make friend fast to calm my nerves a little at this new workplace.

"Sure noona. I want –"

"Um, excuse me Ms. L/N?" a voice cut off Jungkook's sentence and I turned toward the voice.

"Yes?" It was the young lady who I assumed to be Namjoon's secretary.

She was beautiful but her tone of voice was quite – irritating?

Jungkook didn't seemed to be a fan of her either from the look on his face.

"Mr. Kim wants to meet you in his office," she informed before turning her heels away from us without waiting for me to follow behind her.

I turned towards Jungkook with a curious look and he showed me a disgusted look that was directed to the secretary.

"I don't like her. It's hard for me to dislike people in general, but I dislike her. A LOT." Jungkook whispered so discreetly to me that I had to hold my laugh due to his cute behavior.

"Fill me in about it later. See you,"

"Not fair, I want to meet boss too," I heard the boy mumbled as I left my seat. I couldn't reply to Jungkook request, but I'll be sure to tell Namjoon that he got a fanboy later.

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