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Hoseok's POV

"Can I?" I looked at Y/N with both of my hands were awkwardly by my side, split into wanting to reach out to the girl, but being afraid that the mother won't allow me to.

"I guess so, since she wants to" Y/N answered as she eyed her daughter who was only looking at me, waiting to be picked into my arms.

I carefully lifted my arms and took the small girl with my two hands. I was surprised at how light she was. And how small she felt in my two hands.

My heart was beating so loudly as I exchanged glances again with the mother.

She knew that I knew.

Her eyes told me that.

Diverting her eyes from mine, she started to pack their belongings, but I stopped her by quickly voicing out my opinion.

"You should eat first. I can sit here and take care of her for a while - that is, only if you allow me to" I spoke out slowly, looking at her untouched food and back to her face.

Before she could answer, her stomach grumbled a little and she covered her stomach with her arms, blushing at the sound coming from her tummy.

Oh how I missed that blush.

Knowing that she couldn't refuse the offer anymore, she muttered a small 'okay' and gestured me to seat at their table.

Sitting the baby on my lap, I decided to focus on the baby instead of the mother. I thought that Y/N would be more comfortable that way.

And I was correct.

She started to take the first bite of her food, and the next bites comes naturally. She didn't even realized that I had called for the waiter to put both our bills under my name.

"Hee Young want it too, please" she pulled my shirt to make me look at her, and I looked to where she was pointing with her small index finger. She's pointing to the ice cream from the other table.

I immediately turned to her mother, asking with my eyes if the little girl could have her ice cream. Y/N who had already heard of her daughter's request, turned to look at me and slowly shook her head, not giving her permission.

Disheartened that I had to turn down the request, I turned her small frame, making Hee Young diverted her eyes from the ice cream and looked at me.

"I don't think you can eat it. Your teeth will hurt," I said sadly as I pointed to my teeth and she looked at me with a frown on her face.

"Hee Young teeth will hurt?" she replied with soft voice, looking down to her lap and I could see her cheeks puffed out with disappointment, making my heart drop a little.

I looked again pleadingly to Y/N who was still observing the two of us, and she huffed out a silent sigh with closed eyes.

"She can have ice cream, it's okay. But not too much," she finally gave permission, and I looked down to see the little girl only to find out that she was already looking at me.



They were just... too... similar.

I felt a clench in my heart as I observed the two.

How they asked for things with their pleading sparkly eyes.

How they pout when they were denied.

How they smile their heart smiles when I finally gave in.

I bet that Hoseok didn't realize how similar they were acting.

I felt like crying for various reasons.

One, I felt like crying because finally the cat's out of the bag.

He knew.

He knew that Hee Young was his daughter.

And he wasn't pissed.

Then, I felt like crying because Hoseok didn't get mad at the fact that I kept this from him.

He even took her in his arms and my baby didn't even flinch being held in some stranger's hand.

The stranger who was her father.

And I also felt like crying looking at how the two interacted with each other.

Looking at how Hoseok listened to my request to not give Hee Young too many ice cream made me felt someting.


I had finally realized the main reason why I was too afraid of being reunited with the man.

It was solely because I was afraid at how he'll react when he found out.

I was afraid at how he would treat her.

I was afraid that he would hate the innocent child. 

But looking at how Hee Young was acting all cute asking for another spoon of ice cream and Hoseok awkwardly trying to find another reason not to give any, it's just - calming.

And I wasn't afraid anymore.

My thoughts were interrupted by the ringtone from my phone and I looked at the caller. Picking up the phone, I removed my focus from the two who was sharing their ice cream.

"Y/N, where are you two? I'm finished here," Seokjin asked straightforwardly, and I was impressed at his speed. I thought he'd stay there until the mall's closing.

"Oh that's fast, oppa. We're currently at the usual dining place," I peeked out the glass window, looking around if Seokjin might be close by to the place.

"I am sulky that you dared to eat without me, but I also know that it's my fault for being too excited in choosing my suit too, so you're forgiven. Do you want me to go there?" he asked.

"Uh, we're almost finished, oppa. Do you want us to wait for you here?"

"If that's the case, I'll pass. You haven't went to the groceries section yet, right? How about we meet there, it'd be faster that way?" Seokjin suggested.

"Sure, oppa. We'll see you there later," exchanging goodbyes before ending the call, I put the phone back on the table and looked at the two.

Hoseok was looking at me with a certain look that make me realized instantly, he had misunderstood.

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