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Hoseok's POV

It felt weird.

The feeling of falling in love with the same person all over again felt weird to me.

But I liked it.

I might not have realized this feelings when I was younger because of how dumb I was, but I did missed how it felt to have to pursue for the only one special person in my life.

The one whose name was Y/N.

After the night I sent Y/N home, she had given me her contact number by calling me the very next day. Saying that she was forced by her brother to call me.

I remembered vividly the clear voice of Hee Young asking to talk to me and my heart felt all warm and fuzzy talking to them, making me felt like I was in the cloud.

Oh how I wished that they were right in front of me instead of just hearing their voice from the phone.

And as for Taehyung, I gave him a good headlock for not telling me that he knew who Y/N was after all these long. But I understood where he came from when he said that Y/N had asked him to keep the news from me.

And Jimin, Yoongi's love interest since the first time he laid his eyes on the mochi boy, had came to know everything, but respected me nevertheless. He even came to share all the photos he had of Hee Young - and the mother *coughs* - making him becoming a closer friend of mine in the short period of time.

And Yoongi, my right hand man, oh boy, he was happy about Jimin wanting to meet me frequently. Because it meant that Jimin had to go through him everytime he wanted to meet me. It happened last week when I called Jimin up to my room just to know more about Hee Young.


"H-Hello Mr. Min, I'd like to see Mr. Jung please," I heard Jimin stuttered to the poker-faced man from the crack of the door to my office.

Yoongi had raised his one of his eyebrows, checking out the small employee shamelessly, making the smaller fidgety.

I observed as Jimin’s face became pinker by the second but decided to wait until he was allowed into my office until I brought up the topic.

Yoongi could be punished for sexual harassment if Jimin was actually uncomfortable with his stare. I would still do the right thing even though Yoongi was my friend.

"And what for?" he talked lazily, and I rolled my eyes at his behavior. Did he think that he was cool acting like that? He'd only scare the boy.

"It's a p-personal matter," Despite being nervous, Jimin still anwered the question.

"If it's personal, why don't you see him after working hour, because working hours are only for work matters," the pale man teased, making the pink brighter on the boy’s cheeks.

Jimin seemed to have no comeback to Yoongi's evil tease thus I decided to come for help.

"Park Jimin, you can come inside. Ignore him," I voiced out, making the nervous boy immediately dashed inside the room.  I gave a glare to Yoongi through the see through glass windows and saw him ignoring me and proceeded smirking, eyeing the boy hungrily.

"Good morning, Mr. Jung" he greeted, and gave me a smile of relief at my rescue.

"Morning, Jimin. Come have a seat," I replied his smile after he closed the door.

"Do you actually felt disturbed by his attitude? He's just interested in you, but if it makes you uncomfortable, I can tell him to stop, you know?" I sat up straight to show my seriousness, asking the question straight to the boy.

"Ah, no, you don't have to stop him! I mean...i-it's okay. I don't mind it," he answered almost immediately, before looking down on his lap to hide his red face. I chuckled at his unexpected but firm answer and sat back comfortably on my chair.

I see that Jimin liked Yoongi too.

That boy might become the changing factor in Yoongi's behavior just like how Y/N was to me. The older male really needed to settle down from all the clubbings and one night stands he did all these years.

"Well, alright. But if he goes over the line and you're uncomfortable with his style, just tell me. I'll tell him to act more gentleman-like to his crush,"

"C-crush? I don't think I'm his crush, sir. Mr. Min is so high up, there's no way he'd have someone like me as his...well, crush," he replied shyly, not realizing how big his presence was in Yoongi's everyday life.

He could change the bitter guy into all smiley for the whole day with just a single good morning greet.

"Nah, trust me. I've known this friend of mine for so long, he'd never talk about any employee in the company since he said that he don't do relationships with colleagues. But now, I'm not so sure anymore since -" I paused to smirk at Yoongi whose eyes were glaring at me, warning me not to spill any secret.

" - since you're all he's been talking about these days," I finished and saw the blush on Jimin’s cheeks intensified.

"Anyways, how's Hee Young doing?" I changed the topic to my interest, not really caring what Yoongi was doing outside the room. He was giving me signals with his flailing hands and there was no way I could understand what message he was trying to deliver to me.

He could just barged into the room if he wanted to, but the male did have professionalism going on in him when it was during work hour. He never once disrespected me even though he was my friend, and that's what I respect about him.

"Oh, Hee Youngie asked about you!" Jimin chirped cheerfully, not aware of what's happening outside the room.

I turned my attention to the small boy with bright eyes, excited at the one sentence he said.

"Oh yeah? What did she say?" I urged him to tell more about the girl and the small boy complied, also eager to share my daughter's cuteness with me.

Flashback ends.

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