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A few months into the work, I could say that I managed to catch up quite fast because Jungkook was more than willing to help me on everything.

Surprisingly, even Namjoon's secretary helped in certain things although I had to face her deathly glares every time I asked for something from her.

"Urgh, I'm exhausted!" I stretched my arms and rested them flat on the desk full of paperwork.

Jungkook also looked spent after having a long day full of meetings.

We were in a hectic situation since our company had to organize an event slash business party for all the involved company to gather.

Tomorrow's presentation will be our next step towards the event's success, thus, explaining all the paperwork scattered around the desk.

However, everything was progressing smoothly thanks to the two workaholics.

Being under Namjoon's guidance and having Jungkook as a teammate was indeed a blessing.

"Good work, you two. I think we can stop for today, we've done even more than what was targeted," Namjoon came with two cups of coffee and handed one to each of us.

"Thank you, Mr. Kim" both of us gratefully took a sip of the coffee given to us.

"I'm going home, you two should do that as well," he advised, packing his things into his work bag.

"Jungkook, I'll be looking forward to the presentation tomorrow," Namjoon added, patting Jungkook's shoulder who just nodded at his boss's words.

We bid Namjoon goodbye as he walked out the door and I looked to Jungkook.

"You good for tomorrow?"

"Of course, this is Jungkook, noona" he said confidently I smiled widely at his answer.

"You'll do great, Jungkook. You're the best. Don't worry about anything, we'll always be there to support you," I patted the boy's back, believing that he'll do a great job, nevertheless.

"I am still amazed at how we could finish a lot of things even before the sun set for the day," Jungkook suddenly commented, making me realized the truth in his words.

"Oh man, you're right. We never stayed in the office later than 7. I just realized that,"

It's true though.

I always managed to come home for dinner and played with Hee Young but still perform in all the tasks at work.

"I know, right? At first, I even thought of bringing sleeping bag to the office in case we couldn't go home to work on the project," Jungkook tattled.

"I thought that I would have less time to spend with my daughter as well," I added, agreeing with Jungkook.

"How old is your daughter, noona?" Jungkook showed interest as he looked at me with his doe eyes.

"Hmm, seven months. Do you want to look at her pictures?" I offered and Jungkook quickly pulled his seat closer to me.

Jungkook's interest about Hee Young got me excited and we spent for about twenty minutes when the phone suddenly rang, and Seokjin's name popped up on the screen.

"Wait for a sec, Kook. I'm taking the call,"

Did Seokjin has anything he wanted me to buy before coming home?

"Hey oppa,"

"Y/N, I think Hee Young got a fever,"

"Is it serious, oppa? I'm still at work though. It's going to take a while for me to come back," I talked to the phone, as I heard the news from Seokjin.

I started to pack my bag with Jungkook observing me in my panic mode, looking concerned.

"It's okay, Y/N. I'm here. I've told Namjoon about this and we'll be going straight to the hospital when he arrives," Seokjin said in a soothing voice.

"Thanks, oppa. I'll get there as fast as I can,"

"Don't rush. I'm sure Hee Young's going to be okay, she's a strong girl"

"Yeah, you're right. Thank you so much, oppa. I don't know what to do if I don't have you,"

"Don't say that, silly. I'm your brother, of course I have to be here for my sister. Just be careful on your way here,"

"Alright, oppa. I'll see you at the hospital. Thanks again,"

As soon as I hung up the phone, Jungkook immediately asked about it.

"What happened, noona?"

"My daughter seems to be having a fever. Seokjin oppa is taking her to the hospital, so I better get going as well,"

"If you want, I can take you there noona. But only if you don't mind riding a motorbike," Jungkook offered.

"I would be really grateful if you could do that for me, Jungkook,"

"Of course, noona. Let's go,"

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