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After Jungkook was out of my office, I was back into being buried under the work. Until I heard a knock on the door.

"Yes?" I glaced at the time and it was almost end of office hour. Who?

"Hi, noona" Taehyung peeked his head to look at me and I smiled gladly seeing the handsome young man.

"Looking good. You're taking Jungkook right after this?" I asked, aware of their plan for dinner.

"Yeah, but first I need to tell you something about Hoseok hyung," Taehyung said after he got into my office and closed the door behind him.

Hearing his name still brought tingles to my heart but I didn't show it on my face. Nodding curtly, I got up from my working chair and walked to the couch in the room, gesturing Taehyung to take a seat as well.

"Any type of tea you want? I only have instant ones though," I pointed to all the types of teas in sachets available. I wasn't an avid fan of tea, but these were gifted by one of the employees, thus I just kept them in the room.

I'd love to offer coffee, but unfortunately the boy never liked the heavenly bitter taste of the said beverage.

"Do you perhaps have coke, noona?" he asked, as he grinned his beautiful boxy grin.

"Should've guessed that," I mumbled, rolling my eyes with a smile still on my face, taking out a can of coke from the fridge.

Sliding the can to the boy, I sipped my coffee and take a seat opposite of him.

"Is it something important?" I asked, staring at the boy as he took a long seep directly from the can.

Has he ever thought on being a Coca Cola embasssador? Or shoot a commercial? He'd sell them out for sure.

"I have to invite him to attend our annual dinner and I figured that you need to know this. Because you're supposed to attend as well, and there's a very high possibility that he'll see you, and you'll see him too" he looked at me with a pout, genuine concern on his face.

"Awh, you're worried about me, aren't you?" I smiled, touched by his concern.

"I do, Jungkook does too, Namjoon hyung too. You almost got panic attack last year, so Namjoon hyung and I would always try not to make you took the tasks related to Hoseok hyung's company. But this time, we can't do it. But we promise that we'll be there for you, okay noona?" he looked at me with determined eyes, promising that he won't let anything happen to me.

I did wonder why I haven't got any projects related to the company, and I got my answers.

What cute protective brothers I had with me.

Smiling softly, I nodded at the boy’s question.

"Alright, I believe in you guys. I'll be okay, because you guys are going to be there as well," I showed two thumbs up and Taehyung smiled happily at the reply he got.

A soft knock was heard, and this time, Jungkook peeked his head inside the room.

"Can I come in?"

"Oh come in, Jungkookie. We're just talking about the dinner and noona said okay," Taehyung invited his lover inside and I scoffed at how he acted like the room was his.

As Jungkook was about to step inside, I stood up and lifted my index finger towards him, making him halt his steps in a blink.

"Actually, no. You can't come in, Jungkook. You, Mr. Kim Taehyung, should go out of this room right now and take your boyfriend to the date you promised him today," I announced, looking at the two back and forth.

"Now?" Jungkook asked with small voice,  looking at his watch. There're only a few minutes left anyways.

"Now," with my final answer out of my mouth, Taehyung quickly got on his feet and pulled Jungkook out with him.

He was excitedly waving goodbyes to all the other employees outside and telling everyone about his date with Jungkook, while his lover struggled to get his things quickly before his face exploded with embarrassments at his boyfriend's antics.


"Namjoon, are you still working?" I peeked inside the room where Namjoon was in.

After spending too much time with Taehyung and Jungkook, I couldn't help but picked up a few of their habits. Including peeking inside the room before entering them. But I only did it when I went to Namjoon and Taehyung's rooms, there's no way I'd do the same to the other bosses.

Looking up from the papers on his table, he smiled tiredly as he saw me.

"Yeah, need to settle these jobs before the vacation," he looked back down on the pile of papers and I carefully placed the freshly made coffee to his desk.

"Thanks," he gladly stopped his work for a while, taking a sip from the paper cup. I took a few papers and roughly looked at the confusing numbers before placing it back down at their previous exact location, not wanting to disturb the male's work.

I knew how frustrating it was to have the papers changed from their original position when we had all of them piled up on every different places across the desk. They looked messy to others, but they were organized in our eyes, with every paper had their own special position to be placed on the desk.

"You sure you have a driver to go back home? We're going to be at the mall until late today, it's been a while since Seokjin oppa shops for himself," I reconfirmed with the boss, who seemed to be frequently out of his head these few days back, being too busy with his jobs.

"Ah, yeah. I did contact the driver today. Don't worry and have fun. I'm sorry I didn't get to join you guys," he apologized, and I just smiled, shaking my head a little at his apology. There's nothing to apologize for.

"Nah, just relax. Oppa understands, plus, he has Jungkook and me. We always update him on things at work these days," I smiled widely showing my teeth, and Namjoon smiled just as wide, but much more beautiful than mine, with his dimples on display.

Not wanting to take more of his time, I decided to go for today, leaving him with his work.

"I'll get going. If you have anything to buy, just text us. We'll get it for you, okay?"

"Sure, thanks again Y/N,"

"No problem, bro" I saluted playfully before exiting the door, hearing Namjoon chuckled a little at my childish act.

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