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"You could stay the night if you want. We have a guest room ready for you," I asked Hoseok.

"Would they like it?" he asked, unsure of Seokjin and Namjoon's acceptance towards the idea.

"They told me to ask you. It's really late, and you look way more tired now compared to earlier," I looked at his droopy eyes.

He looked sleepy now after all the crying he did.


"Yeah, here. They texted me a while ago when we were still talking about us," I took out my phone and showed him the message that I just read.

Seokjin told me that Hoseok should stay the night and that he should have breakfast together tomorrow if he'd like to.

Seokjin knew that I was going to tell Hoseok about me and Hee Young accepting him in our lives, and he predicted that we'll be taking a lot of time talking about it.

And he was correct.

We had a long ass discussion about the topic, covering almost all things that we could think of, that would be related to us going to live together.

Agreeing to the offer, I showed Hoseok the room and there's already a pair of clothes for Hoseok to change into on the bed. I recognized the shirt and pants to be Namjoon's and Seokjin was probably the one who prepared them for Hoseok to change to sleep.

"You should rest up then. I'll see you tomorrow," I tried to leave the room since there's nothing for me to say left.

"Y/N," he called out just before I leave the door, and I turned to look at him in case he needed anything before resting for the day.

"Yea -" I stopped in the middle, suddenly being pulled into another hug. My eyes fluttered close as I felt him planted a kiss on my forehead, heart beating faster again.

"Good night," he whispered, and I opened my eyes to look into his hooded ones.

"Good night," I whispered back, almost sighing at the loss of contact when Hoseok let me go. Giving one last smile, I turned away and walked back to my room.


"Mama, wakey wakey. Mamaaaa~" I felt multiple taps on my cheeks and forcefully opened my sleepy eyes.

"What is it, honey?" I croaked out, voice hoarse with sleep.

"Wake up, Papa Jinie make waffles," she chirped out, jumping on the thick mattress.

"You can go eat first, baby. Mama still sleepy," I buried my face deeper into the pillow, still sleepy.

"Nooo~ Papa Jinie will not give Hee Young waffle if mama no wake up," she whined, pulling my shirt hard making the fabric almost too loose for my body because it had been stretched for too many times.

"Alright, honey. Mama's up. I'm up," dragging my body out the bed, I took Hee Young in my arms without even celaning up and carried her down the stairs to the kitchen.

She was humming happily, and I was weirded at what had made her so cheerful this morning.

And it was weird at how she could wake up without making a fuss too. Usually, even when Seokjin came to the room, he'd have troubles making Hee Young let go of my shirt when asleep.

"Papa Jinie, mama here - Hobi appa!!" she screamed loud in my ears as soon as we entered the kitchen area and I took a second to digest her scream.

Hobi appa?

"Good job Hee Yo - oh my, Y/N," Seokjin gasped as he turned around with a plate of freshly made waffles on his hand.

Opening my eyes wide as Hee Young started making grabby hands towards her 'Hobi appa', I finally remembered that Hoseok spent the night in the house yesterday.

He was already walking at us to take Hee Young from me after her loud excited shout, and I looked down to my disheveled appearance.

What the frickkkk!!!

With Hee Young still in my arms, I ran out of the kitchen and back to the room with full embarrassment, dashing past Namjoon who's just on his way to the kitchen himself.

"Wow, so active in the morning Y/N" was what he said but I had no interest in replying now.

"Papa Joonieeeee!!! Hee Young’s waffleeesssss~" Hee Young said out loud, trying to get away from me but I refuse to let her go. She was going to be my support to reenter the kitchen after I embarrassed myself just now.

"Argh Hee Young baby ~ what to do? Mama is so embarrassed right now," I slammed the door close and plopped on the bed, with Hee Young lying down together with me.

"Is mama running from Hobi appa?" she asked innocently, and I didn't feel the need to lie to the small girl.



"Because I am shy,"


"Because Hobi appa see me being messy after wake up,"

"But mama is still pretty," she complimented easily, but still worked on me.

I swore she was one of the reasons why my confidence was boosted over the roof these days. I didn't even know where she learned to speak that way. I just hoped she didn't use this skill to flirt around when she's older later.

"Thank you, honey but I'm not the prettiest right now. Will you help me become prettier for Hobi appa?"


"Alright, let's go"

After a few minutes of quickly washing up and changing clothes, I walked down back to the kitchen with Hee Young tight in my arms.

If I followed my heart, I didn't even want to get back into the kitchen, but it wasn't proper to leave Hoseok on his own since he wasn't so close with the couple. Plus, I did abduct Hee Young and took her away from her waffles, so I needed to give her what she deserved for.

However, the kitchen was livelier than ever as I saw the addition of two more beings called Taehyung and Jungkook. They were happily munching through their waffles and having a lively conversation with Hoseok, making the said male more comfortable in the middle of the kitchen.

"Uncle Tae Tae, Uncle Kookie!" Hee Young squealed in delight.

Everyone turned their head towards us and Jungkook was quick to fetch Hee Young from me, cooing at her pretty braided hair and quickly pulling her to the waffles on the table.

I awkwardly smiled and took a seat beside Taehyung, trying to act like usual.

"Oh noona, you're here. I heard from Jin hyung and I regret not coming earlier. I would totally record your reaction though," Taehyung cackled as soon as I sat down, and I felt my cheeks heating up.

"Stop it," I muttered under gritted teeth, trying not to be obvious to the male sitting opposite of me.

"Good morning," Hoseok greeted gently, and I greeted back shyly.

"Sorry about earlier,"

"No, you look cute," he smiled wide, totally ignoring all ears that were also listening our conversation.

"Ew, flirt somewhere else. I'm eating," Taehyung made grossed face, taking a big piece of waffle into his mouth, munching it enthusiastically.

"Mind your own business. Y/N’s cute, fight me," Hoseok replied nonchalantly, sipping his coffee and I choked on my first bite of waffle.

Definitely did not see that coming.

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