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"You've got to dress up, honey! This is your chance to make him drool over you - not that he didn't do that already but still - let's spice things up," Seokjin smirked naughtily at me, rummaging through the dress room.

As I was carrying Hee Young, supporting her increasing weight on one side of my hips, I facepalmed myself in embarrassment at Seokjin's words. Luckily it was only us three in the room. If Jungkook and Taehyung were here, things were going to be so out of control.

Hee Young and I was asked out by Hoseok for what supposed to be a family outing. Hee Young was at the age where she was learning a lot about animals so we decided to let her see the animals herself.

But this brother of mine was trying to make this as a good time to seduce Hee Young’s father ever since I told him about the outing yesterday.

"No, oppa. I need to take care of Hee Young. I'm wearing pants. There's no way I'm going to wear skirts chasing Hee Young here and there at the zoo,"

"Oh, right. I forgot that you guys are going to the zoo. Oh well, you can wear this leather pants, right?" Seokjin smirked evilly and I gulped, feeling trapped with no escape from his evil plan.


"Wow, noona! You look like a hot mom! Right, Hee Youngie?" Taehyung voice boomed throughout the living room as soon as he saw me.

"Hot mommy? Mama looks pretty!" Hee Young was hyped up at Taehyung's excited words, jumping on his lap as she was held secure with Taehyung's big hands under her armpits.

Hearing Hee Young’s copying Taehyung words, I quickly walked up to both and clasped Hee Young ears with both my hands.

"You brat, don't teach those words to my princess!" I snarled at the boy who was just laughing at my attempt to appeal scary. Jungkook who just came out from the kitchen with a plate of fruits also laughed at me.

"Don't laugh, Kookie. I will have my revenge in the office soon," I threatened the boy, as he took Hee Young away from us after he placed the plate on the table. Taehyung's focus was turned to the plate immediately and he took a full bite of the fruit, putting the whole piece inside his mouth before munching it away.

"Whatever, noona. Mama is not scary at all, right, Hee Youngie?" Jungkook nuzzled his nose with my daughter's, and she laughed happily as the boy spinned her around for a few times.

"Mama not scaryyy~" she squealed accompanied with giggles as the boys continued playing with her. I gave up in scolding them and just took a seat beside Taehyung, taking a bite of the fruit myself.

"You're going to have to redo your lipstick if you eat like that," Seokjin appeared out of nowhere and smacked the back of my head with his hand. He placed a jug of juice on the table and I figured he was from the kitchen as well.

"Oppa, it hurts!" I whined, rubbing the back of my head because of his hit earlier and Seokjin just rolled his eyes, squinting them a little to warn me to be careful of my make up.

I groaned as he changed his face into all smiley towards Hee Young and I pouted my lips, scrunching my face in disappointment.

"Everyone loves Hee Young more than me these days, ughhh" I plopped my back angrily at the couch, but then immediately sit back up straight after receiving a death glare from my brother.

"Well, you got Hoseok to love you more anyways, right?" Namjoon chirped in as he repaired the position of his glasses on his nose, and I almost choked on my juice.

"No! He loves Hee Young more too!" I exclaimed, taking several sheets of tissues from the box to wipe my mouth. Taehyung snickered and gave me an unbelieving glance, and I felt my cheeks heated.

Hoseok did manage to pursue me a lot in the office. Openly.

He came to the office one day when I finally got to handle a project from his company, and he shamelessly flirted with me during meeting.

And now, almost everyone in my department knew that Hoseok would always be sending presents to me. The ever-so-free Taehyung would always be the one who tattled the news to Namjoon everytime he caught one of the delivery men in action.

And Jungkook was one to hype his boyfriend even more, making me becoming the main teasing topic everytime we were all having dinner together. Seokjin had been pestering me all the time for new gossips about me and Hoseok, and it almost become a routine for me to report everything to him everytime I got back home.

But I wasn't complaining.

My life was filled with all these interesting events with all these people that I could call as family, and I've never been happier.

The sudden ring from the doorbell brought me back to the room and I started to search for Hee Young’s and my things that would be needed for the outing.

And I got smacked again .

"Ouch, what's that for?" furrowing my eyebrows at Seokjin who was standing tall with both hands on his hips.

"Get the door, young lady. Your man's waiting for you," he instructed curtly.

"He's not my man, and I need to get these bags" pointing to the bags a few feet away from where we were standing, I tried to make excuse to not get the door.

"I'll get them, you go get the door" he squinted his eyes dangerously, a ladle prepared to smack me on his hand. I didn't know where that thing came from. I swear it wasn't there earlier.

"Alright, alright. Geez, no need to get violent here" I complained but still obeyed his word since Seokjin's words were absolute. Especially when a ladle was in his hand.

Walking away immediately to get the front door, I almost choked on my saliva as soon as I pulled the door open.

Ma ma mia ooh la la.

He's hot.

"Hey," Hoseok greeted with his smile brighter than the sunshine behind him.


"Are you ready?"

"Yeah, I'll be getting Hee Young and our things. You can come inside for a second if you want,"

"Sure, we've got time before the place open up anyways," he nodded and I stepped away, letting him enter the house.

We walked to the living room side by side but I halted my steps when Hoseok halted his. I looked at him and only realized at what situation I put him into when saw him gulped.

Everyone's eyes were on him.

Ugh, sorry Hoseok.

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