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He was so rough claiming my lips and I loved every bit of his possessiveness.

His fingers brushed through my hair and rested at my nape, pulling it closer to kiss me deeper.

It's hot.

Everything felt hot.

But I wanted more.

And I won't hold myself.

The desires that I have kept hidden for so long before this were all let loose as soon as I heard Hoseok's ragged breath in my ears, feeling his hot lips on mine.

Hoseok tried to pull away but I quickly wrapped my arms around his neck, tugging his bottom lip with my teeth, refusing to break the kiss.

My action shocked the male, but he reconnected our lips together again, obeying to my needy request. He supported his weight with his knees that was rested on each side of my hips, and his free arm circled my arched back, pulling me up and close to his body.

Hoseok lifted me up without breaking the kiss, and I was pulled to straddle his laps after he managed to sit down.

"Shit, you're killing me," Hoseok grunted as I gripped his hair and tilted his head to the side, started sucking on his exposed neck hungrily.

I could care less at how my sleeping gown was lifted up revealing my skin as I straddled him, secretly wishing he'd lose control at the sight of my bare thighs.

And he did.

I felt his hand roamed up and down my thighs, squeezing the area close to my ass, and I couldn't help but moan into our reconnected kiss, delighted with his touch.

"Fuck - Y/N" he moaned as I rolled my hips and grinded on his lower part, his grips on my hips tightened to stop me from moving. He pulled away and distanced our bodies a little, and I was met with his darkened eyes.

"If you keep on doing this, I'll be wanting for more, Y/N" he said serious, voice extremely low - almost close to a growl.

"I want to give more," I breathed out shamelessly, feeling my body getting hotter as Hoseok's eyes darkened even more.

I knew he wanted me as much as I wanted him. His body agreed. Back to kissing my lips for a few seconds, I knew he was going to take this kissing to where we both wanted it to be.

He lifted me up effortlessly, making my legs wrapped his waist to secure me from falling and arms around his neck. He secured me with his arm on my back and walked to our shared bedroom, placing me in the middle of the bed ever so gently, and my heart raced even more at his action.

He hovered over me, and roamed his eyes on every part of me, before they went back looking for my eyes. I saw nervousness in his eyes, and I took his face in my palms, pulling him down until our noses brushing, foreheads rested against each other.

"I love you, Hoseok" I whispered soft, feeling his eyelashes brushed against my cheek as he closed his eyes, his breath mixing with mine.

"I love you too, Y/N. I love you just too much," his voice quivered a little, as his upper body rested on top of mine slightly, circling my waist with one arm, hugging me closer.

"Then love me,"


Hoseok's POV

Y/N fell asleep after we took a bath together, her small torso that was covered only with my shirt secured carefully in my arms, and her face rested in the crook of my neck.

It was perfect.

She was perfect.

Beautiful, just the way she always was.

I breathed in her hair that smelled fresh of shampoo scent the same as mine, and I sighed in content, pulling her into a closer hug.

She stirred in her sleep and I looked down to search for her eyes, that slowly fluttered open with a slight cute pout on her swollen lips.

Her eyes sparkled against the noon sunlight, and she tilted her head upwards, closer to my face.

"Sorry I woke you up. You can sleep more if you want," I spoke out slow, removing her hair from her face to behind her ears.

"No, what time is it?" she shook her head, and took my hand, placing it on her cheek before closing her eyes again.

"Around lunch time. Are you okay?" I asked, afraid if I was being too rough.

"I'm okay, just - sore," she got shy and buried her face into my chest, but I could clearly see her red ears from the side.

She was so different a few hours ago.

So confident, so bold, so breathtakingly gorgeous.

Gosh, remembering our rough kisses from the hallway earlier, I'd never thought she'd have that in her. She managed to wake up everything inside me, pushing me to reach all my limits, pulling every strings loose inside my head.

I almost went crazy.

She was making me crazy.

"I love you," hugging her back into my chest as she was still trying to calm her blushed face and refused to look at me, I smiled, feeling genuinely happy and content with what I had in my life now.

I won't ask for more.

This is more than perfect for me.

"I love you too," she replied with soft voice, and I grinned into her hair upon hearing her anwer.

Yup, perfect - or not.

The doorbell blasted through the quiet house and both of us looked at each other in shock, not expecting any guests for today.

And from the continuous blare of the bell, we could already guessed who the person at the front door was.

And he was sure not invited.

Especially right now.

Frantically getting out of the bed only with boxers and put on another random shirt from the cupboard, I ran to the front door after telling Y/N to dress up.

"Oh, you answered. I thought you're being naughty with noona oh - I guess you did," Taehyung smirked evilly, stepping into the house, lifting his finger up and slyly pressed on one of the hickeys on my neck that Y/N made earlier.

"So? I'm his anyways. We can get naughty all we want Tae," Y/N’s voice was heard behind me and I abruptly turned to look at her only to choke on my saliva.

She got out just the way it was.

With only my shirt.

And she even put up her hair, all the love bites out on display, not even trying to hide all the proofs I left on her body.

The mere sight almost got me hard all over again.

And I would, only if Taehyung didn't make his presence known.

"Stop drooling, hyung" he smacked my back hard, and I hissed at the pain, glaring at the boy who just ignored me and pulled Y/N into a bear hug, unfazed by her condition.

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