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It's been a few months after Hee Young’s first visit to our new house - well, not technically new, but you know what I meant. So far, she had been so accepting towards the change and I was really glad about it.

I was just starting to do my weekend chores, the laundry. It is still early, but I was already lazy. I didn't even got out of my sleepwear yet.

"Y/N," a call close to my ears shocked me and made me drop the basket full of our dirty clothes in my hand.

The clothes spread out on the floor and I shook my head not believing how Hoseok could act so differently now. He was so cheerful and loved to play around a lot, be it with Hee Young, or with me.

"Hoseok, don't do that. I almost elbows you, you know?" I sighed without looking at the man that was still behind me and sat down on the floor.

"Sorry," Hoseok laughed a little before he sat down by my side and helped me collect all the clothes. I looked at him as he hummed happily while hands busy putting clothes into the basket.

"What?" he asked when I stared too long at his face without saying anything.

"You're very different now, you know that?" I asked back, still observing the man beside me.

"I'm just done being rebellious, I guess" he answered softly, a small smile decorating his handsome face.

"Can you tell me more? I don't really know a lot about you," I focused on the man, turning my body a little to face him.

"Is it story time now?" he chuckled, staring back at my serious eyes that didn't waver as they met his.

"Yeah, we got a lot of free time after all. Tell me," I urged, feeling very enthusiastic to know more about his past.

Hee Young was away since last night because it was her turn to spend time with Namjoon and Seokjin. Thus, only two of us remained in the house for the time being.

"You already know my parents. And I'm the only heir to the company. What else?" he tilted his head, starting to think.

"How you got transferred to our school? How you know Taehyung?" I started, since that was all I know about him before he transferred to the school.

"Taehyung didn't tell you?" he blinked in surprise, probably thought that I would've known about that.

"You were really a bully?" I asked hesitantly, playing with my fingers a little.

"It hurts hearing that from you, but close enough. I got into a big fight and beaten up a couple of students. Taehyung was just indirectly influenced and accidentally got caught in the incident," he briefly told, but enough to know the situation.

"I was a brat, really. But you changed me though. After I met you, I stopped getting into troubles like fights, bullying, smoking, clubbing and others," he listed a lot and I just gulped silently before commenting.

"You went clubbing?"

"Duh, I was so upset with my parents who were just so fixed on making money, so I rebel. And that's the easiest way to spend my parents endless wealth anyways - with those cigar, booze and all. You'll be surprised at how many people in our school went clubbing underage,"

"I never know," I muttered out in whisper, taking in the fact.

Does that mean he slept around too?

"I stopped," Hoseok said all of a sudden.


"I know what you're thinking about, and you're not wrong. I did sleep around...but I stopped after our first," he said, and I felt embarrassed at the out of nowhere information I just heard.

"It's just different. Knowing you, being with you, makes me feel calm. But I didn't realize at that time it means that I was developing feelings for you. I just thought that it's because you're a kind person - which you are - and I just liked the quietness at home with you better than the noisy clubs. When the actual thing was, I just - like you, like a lot. I have like you a lot since a long time ago, Y/N" he confessed his feelings fluently, and I melted.

Awhh, take my heart you idiot.


"After you left, only God knows how I've missed you like crazy. I feel all empty inside my heart without you, Y/N" he looked down and traced the bracelet I gave on his wrist. I slowly brought up my hand to touch it too.

"You really take good care of this," I looked at the bracelet, shining brightly like new.

"Actually, it broke once because the metal breaks easily," he said honestly, and I couldn't help but smiled at his words.

"I should give you a better one next time then,"

"What? No - I didn't mean that I want a new one - I'm just saying that I am the reason it broke - I am not a very delicate person after all and - uh, you and Hee Young. Yeah, you and Hee Young here is more than eno -"

I cut off his rambles by leaving a short kiss on his lips.

It was super effective.

He even froze up.

"I'm just teasing you, Hobi. Calm down," I got up from the floor, trying to act indifferent and run away before he saw my reddening face.

It was our first kiss after we got together and I did that without thinking.

I kissed him first.

Oh gosh, I've gone crazy.

But he was so cute panicking like that and I just couldn't help myself.

After calming down myself, I heard him said something but it wasn't clear enough to make out the words.

"What?" I bended down to the sitting male, bringing my ears closer to hear the words clearer.

However, instead of answering, Hoseok swiftly pulled my hand making my fall on top of him before he flipped my body down on the floor, him hovering over me.

"I said, it's not enough," he repeated clearly now, caging my wrists with his hands besides my head.

"What?" I managed to ask, my heart's starting to beat faster all over again hearing his dangerously low voice.

"I said, a single kiss is not enough to pay for teasing me like that,"

Uh oh, danger alert? 

And without giving me chance to react, he dipped his head and hungrily captured my lips with his.

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