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Hoseok's POV

I knew that Taehyung didn't swing that way and Y/N was more like his sister than a person that he'd be interested in, but I was still fuming inside.

I squinted my eyes as Taehyung swung his arm and hugged Y/N's shoulder, and I just stared at the boy's hand as he pulled her closer. They were looking at some website on baby clothes for Hee Young from Y/N's phone.

Can't they just use their own phone?

No need to share and be so close to each other, right?

I was not jealous.

I was NOT jealous.

Still trying to convince myself, I kept repeating those chants in my head since he first arrived and bear-hugged Y/N, which was almost three hours ago.

"Hoseok, what do you think about this one?" Y/N asked, snapping me away from my thoughts.


"This dress, or this dress?" she showed two different pictures of pretty dresses that would definitely suit my baby princess, but I was too focused on Taehyung's hand on her shoulder that I just answered her coldly.


Y/N realized the hard tone I was using and her eyebrows frowned with concern.

"Are you okay? You don't look okay since lunch. Do you want to rest up a bit?" Y/N showed concern at the difference in my behavior, but Taehyung loud laugh made both of us turned our heads to look at him.

"Gosh this is priceless. I need to tell Jungkookie and the others fast," Taehyung was still laughing as his thumbs furiously tapping on his phone screen.

I grunted in annoyance as I figured out his play.

He made me jealous on purpose.

And he got me good.

"What are you talking about?" Y/N asked, looking at both of us back and forth, still clueless about the situation.

"I was capturing the rare moments of Hoseok hyung being jealous," he happily waved his phone towards me, telling that he got me on camera.

"I'm not jealous," I defended myself poorly, clearly loosing to the sneaky boy.

"Oh yeah? And I'm not gay for Jungkook," he answered sarcastically, and I just silently cursed under my breath.

"You are a bit too touchy today, so you do it on purpose?" Y/N asked, getting a hold of the situation.

"Of course. I was planning for only a short visit but hyung's hostility towards me was hilarious, so I decided to stay longer and secretly took pictures of him for our future entertainment," he told Y/N in sheer excitement, probably enjoying his success in tricking me this time.

Y/N just chuckled at Taehyung's childish behaviour and looked at me pitifully. She mouthed a sincere 'sorry' but I just shook my head.

It's not her fault.

Taehyung was just born to tease people.

"It's just so fun teasing Hobi hyung, I'll send the photos to you later. He's being so obvious, noona, but I'm glad you're loved though, he's so possessive towards you - in a good way" Taehyung proceeded going on in between complementing me for loving Y/N and rubbing my defeat in my face as he got up from the couch.

He went on and on about seeing me being jealous for the first time in forever until he was at the front door.

"Will you stop that already? Now please leave before I kick your butt," I rolled my eyes, wanting him to go already.

"I am leaving, hyung. I already got everything I need anyways. Thanks for the fun" he waved a quick goodbye and disappeared behind the door just before my slipper hit his head and hit the closed door instead.

I sighed tiredly and turned to Y/N who's just looking at me with a smile on her face.


"What, what? I didn't say anything?" she pretended clueless and I rolled my eyes again.

"Ugh, yes, I'm jealous. Happy now?" I confessed and she giggled, stepping closer and wrapped her arms around my neck. My arms automatically circled around her waist, pulling her closer into a loose hug.

She wordlessly tiptoed before leaving a quick peck on my lips, smile never faltered, and I raised my eye brows after she pulled away, her hands resting on my chest now.

"Yes, very" she grinned happily, and I just scoffed at her reaction before squinting my eyes at her.

"Now let's talk about you," I glared into her fearless eyes, trying to intimidate the woman but obviously not working.

"What about me?"

"Don't wear like this in front of others anymore," I looked down to my shirt she was wearing, and tried not to stare at the hickeys on her neck for too long.

"But they're used to seeing me like this," she looked down to her own body and looked back up to me with innocent eyes.

Psh, so much for the innocence.

"No. Only for me, please?" I pleaded, pulling her closer by her hips and bended down a little, burying my face on her shoulder.

"Alright, anything for you Hobi," she answered, softly playing with my hair.

"You're using my nickname more these days," burying my nose deeper into her neck, I spoke out with low voice, loving the way she shivered at my touch.

"Can I? It's easier to call than Hoseok," she spoke with breathy voice, and I pulled away to look at her face.

Also, to stop things from getting too heated up.

We were still in front of the front door, so I still had to control myself, in case a certain boy decided to come back and abuse our doorbell, disturbing our privacy.

"Sure, and I'll call you princess," I smiled as I saw her smiling face.

"But we call Hee Young princess?" she tilted her head a little, questioning my idea playfully.

"Then, I'll call you my queen?" wrapping my arms closer around her, our chests collided with each other and I faced down, nudging her nose with mine.

"Hmm, no" she smiled wide, revealing her teeth.

"Why not?" I asked, leaving soft kisses all over her face.

"Because I'm not your queen yet," she answered with light voice, a small giggle left her mouth.

"Do you want to get married?" I pulled away and stared into the beautiful orbs, not minding if I were to drown into them.

"Are you proposing to me right now?" she crinkled her eyes as she questioned me, and I kissed her forehead for a short while.

"Will you say yes?" I asked laced with seriousness at the topic, even though my self control was thinning as she became more irresistible by each second.

"Hmm, I dont know. Will I?" she playfully queried, and I hit my limit when she bit down her lips.

"I'll just have to convince you to say yes then," I whispered out, face down to her level, lips dangerously close to each other.

"How?" she whispered out, silently challenging me with her stares.

To hell any doorbell ringing.

I'm ignoring them if any.

"Like this," I dived instantly for a kiss, pulling her up in my arms and gently carried her to our bedroom, to pepper her with the love she deserved since long time ago.

I'll love Hee Young and Y/N to my heart content, because that's what I should've done since forever.

The end.

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