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"Rise and shine, sweetie!" my blanket was pulled away from my body and my eyes squinted at the sudden intrusion of bright light.

"Seokjin oppa, let me sleep in for a few minutes" I groggily turned away from Seokjin who was standing by the bedside in his pink apron.

"If I can, I would let you sleep in for the whole day Y/N. But you are going to start working today, don't you?"


I bolted out of bed at the mention of work and stormed into the bathroom.

"Goodness, be careful Y/N!" Seokjin whisper-shouted from outside. I grinned at his strained voice because he probably didn't want to wake up the sleeping princess.

Hee Young.

My daughter's name. Joy and prosperity.

I hope she would always bring joy to me. And prosperity as well because damn, growing a daughter cost a fortune, people.

She was three months old now, which meant that it has been approximately a year since I got out from Hoseok's house.

Till this day, Hoseok still didn't know the existence of her.

He never looked for me as well.

Well, I think so.

Because I cut down all the ties I had that could be related to him as soon as I left the house.

I changed my phone number and disconnected with everyone who knows both me and Hoseok.

I deactivated all my social media accounts to prevent myself from exposing my location.

I quit from my old job on a short notice. Luckily my boss didn't make any scene since the company was in a tight situation as well.

When I got back to my hometown, I rented out my late parents' house instead of living there. Because I believed that Hoseok could easily find me there if he wanted to.

I decided to live with Seokjin, who was living in the city next to my hometown.

Seokjin was my childhood friend.

More like my non-blood-related-brother/mother/father-figure.

Seokjin's family moved away in my second year of middle school and Hoseok only came to the neighborhood during high school so, they never know each other.

It was a miracle that Seokjin still used his number when I called him a year ago.

When he heard of my situation, Seokjin immediately instructed me to move in with him and his boyfriend.

At first, I was reluctant because I didn't know if the boyfriend would be comfortable with me around, but Seokjin's boyfriend gladly welcomed me into their house.

But to be honest, their house was only a few kilometers away from my parents' house, but Hoseok would never know that.

"Y/N! Are you sleeping in there? Hee Young is already staring at me, asking for her breakfast. I can't produce milk from my boobs, young lady"

I snapped out of my thoughts at Seokjin's nagging and quickly finished washing up.

Hee Young was quite fussy for her food and she refused to drink formula when she knew I was there to feed her.

"Sorry oppa, I was lost in thoughts," I said as I took Hee Young from Seokjin's hand.

"When are you not, Y/N? Just don't do this later at work. Namjoon may be the head of your department, but he won't tolerate such behavior among his employees, including you Y/N." Seokjin advised and I just smiled guiltily at him.

He soon left the room to give space for me to feed Hee Young.

Namjoon was the said Seokjin's boyfriend-soon-to-be-husband.

He was the same age as I was, but very successful if compared to me. He climbed up the chain quickly using his own effort, and I admired that about him.

He was very kind and thoughtful towards me and Hee Young.

He treated us warmly like a real family would, and even refused to accept the rental money when I offered him so.

"You're going to need that money more than us when the baby's out. If you really want to repay us, I hope you don't mind helping Seokjin in the kitchen from now on," Namjoon said on the first day I stayed there.

"I don't need help in the kitchen, sweetie. You just have to help me in making sure that Joonie here DID NOT enter my kitchen," Seokjin glared at Namjoon while saying that.

At first I didn't understand why he said what he said, but after only a few days living with them, I understood them. Clearly.

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