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"Why?" I managed to whisper out.

"Because I've found you again. And now that I know the reason you left was because of Hee Young, I - I want to be better to you both. By your side," he closed his eyes, exhaling slowly with his head still tilted upward.

"Could you give me a second chance, please? I want to be a father to Hee Young. A better person to you too. I don't want to lose you two anymore," he pleaded softly.

I was silent.

Thinking of the right thing to say as reply.

"Are you sure you're ready for the responsibility of being a father, Hoseok?" I looked at the man. He wore such determined look in his face.

But how can I trust him?

He once had said that he never wanted a family in his life. There might be possibilities that the guy will chose something else over Hee Young. And that would not be okay at all.

If Hoseok could not fully accept Hee Young in his life, then I wouldn't want him in my life too.

Because Hee Young was everything to me since she was born, and I was everything to her too.

"I did left because I was pregnant with Hee Young. That shows how scared I was that you won't be accepting towards the baby, Hoseok. You know better than anyone at how upset you were when I brought up the topic before," I blurted out the truth.

The topic of having a baby of our own.

A tear dropped again, as another harsh past was brought up between us.

But it's not from me.

It's from Hoseok.

"I know. I do know about that and fuck, I regret it so much. I really, really regret that a lot, Y/N" he dropped his face down, and I saw a few more tears escaped to the ground, and I felt guilty for making him drop his tears.

This was the first time he ever cried in front of me. It made me want to wipe all those tears away. With kisses if I could.

But I won't lose myself just because of these tears, not yet.

"But after I saw her, there's no way for me to not love the little girl. She looks just like you. And knowing that she's a part of me as well - please, Y/N. Please let me love her and make up to all the years I'm not with you guys," Hoseok turned his body fully to face me, voicing out his strong wish to be in our lives, eyes still teary.

"What about your parents? I believe they are still the same as they used to?" I asked, hurt evident in my voice, remembering the clear incident where I met with his mother.

It was short, but the wound from her words cut deeper than any weapon could make to my heart.

In conclusion, they were just like your typical rich parents who thought of me as a mere gold-digger and were looking for a same-status girl for their son. The reason why Hoseok and I struggled in the beginning of our working life.

"They changed, although not too much, but they saw how bad I was after you left. And they stopped meddling with my life unnecessarily after that," his eyes softened but glinted with hurt, and for the first time after I left, I wondered how he had been after my absence.

Was he living well?

I always thought that he'd be living his life as usual, not affected by me who's gone from his life. But to make his parents change like that, I guessed I did have an effect in his life.

"I really want to be with you two, Y/N. Please, trust me" he added, eyes showed desperation that almost made me gave in.

But I needed to be firm in this. Because this involved Hee Young’s life as well.

"If you want to be in Hee Young’s life, you have to be there for her forever. Be there in every moment of her life, Hoseok. The first time she learns how to cycle, her first day of school, get to know her first friend, attend her school activities, telling her existence to everyone in your world, protecting her, and the list goes on, Hobi. Can you really do that?" his nickname flew out of my mouth at the most inappropriate time forever and I facepalmed myself in my head to do the mistake in this serious time.

I knew that he was hiding his smile but I was thankful when he didn't dwell deep into my mistake. At least he was serious about this too.

"I'm going to do my best, Y/N. And it might be shameless of me to be asking you this, but that's why I want you to be with me too. I need your help. I need you," he asked, softly stretching his hand to reach for mine, and I didn't pull away when his fingers took my hand in his.

I longed for his touch too.

And to feel the goosebumps and sparks just like the old times - as he always managed to make me feel just from a simple touch - made me want to give in even more.

He was winning.

Huffing out a breath of defeat, I decided to let him try. Although I was sure he would be able to win Hee Young’s heart - mine too, oh well, mine was always with him the whole time - but I still decided to be on guard.

"I'll give you your chance. You need to prove your words, Hoseok" I gave my final decision, feeling my heart almost burst when I saw how bright his eyes sparkled at my answer.

And his smile, oh, curse that beautiful smile.

I felt my body heated again when he suddenly pulled me into a tight hug, embracing me close to his chest, and I just smiled into his shoulder hearing him muttered thousands of thanks by my ears.

He broke the hug after he realized that he had hugged me too much and there's a cute blush on his face, making me blush too.

Soon after, he sent me home to my doorstep.

I turned towards the guy who insisted on leaving his car just to walk me for a few seconds to the doorstep, and returned his jacket.

He accepted the jacket but then kept holding my hand that returned the jacket to him, and swiftly left a kiss on it.

A hand kiss?!

Oh god, did I make a wrong decision accepting him in our lives?

This looked dangerous.

"Thank you, Y/N. I'm going to do my best for both of you," he smiled one last time, before leaving me frozen at the door due to his action previously.

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