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"Y/N honey, are you okay?" I was engulfed in Seokjin's wide embrace as soon as I entered the house with Namjoon behind me.

"Oppa," my voice was muffled onto his shirt as I returned his hug, letting a few more tears escaped due to the overwhelming feeling.

"Come on, Y/N. Let's sit first," Seokjin rubbed my back comfortingly before pulling me to the living room, and Namjoon followed after.

"Drink this tea first," Seokjin offered a cup of tea to me, and turned his focus on Namjoon.

"How's the presentation?"

"It went very well, as expected of Jungkook," Namjoon sounded relieved, but still eyed me worriedly after what happened earlier.

They talked a little more, waiting for me to finish my tea, and as soon as I placed the cup down, both attentions were instantly turned to me.

Seokjin moved closer to my side and wrapped one of his arms around my shoulder as Namjoon successfully pulled his couch closer to me. Without kneeing the coffee table or breaking the chair in the process.

"Can you tell us, now?" Seokjin asked in a soft voice, obviously asking about the one thing they didn't know about my past lover.

I took a deep breath and looked at the face of both of them before saying his name.

"Hoseok. His name is Jung Hoseok," I let out the name shakily from my mouth, feeling a slight foreign feeling at the mention of his name after not saying or hearing it for a year.

"Jung Hoseok" Namjoon repeated the name, making Seokjin and I looked at the man who seemed to be thinking about a certain past.

"You know him, Joonie?" Seokjin asked, also on my behalf since I was wondering about the same thing.

"No, not really. But I think Taehyung knows him well," Namjoon informed in a low voice, still thinking of the man named Jung Hoseok.

"Jinnie, remember your last year in high school when Taehyung got into his rebelling stage?" Namjoon said after a few silent moments, and I was remembered to Taehyung's comforting words before.

"Yeah?" Seokjin sounded clueless as to why would Namjoon asked the question out of nowhere.

"His friend who was forced to transfer, was Jung Hoseok, right?" he questioned again, and Seokjin finally flickered a memory in his head.

"Oh gosh, Joonie! Now that you've said his name again, I guess you're right. Y/N, is this the same person?"

"When did he transfer?" I asked Namjoon, considering that he had a better recollection at the memory right now.

"Mid-year of our first year in high school? But his parents are just as influential as Taehyung's, so there is no problem with his transfer at all," Namjoon said, and I brushed my hair to the back after hearing that.

"Yeah, I guess that's the same Jung Hoseok," I concluded, knowing that the time frame matched with my memory as well.

"How did our Y/N got involved with a guy like him?" Seokjin sighed, asking to no one in particular, since all of us already knew about the whole story of my one and only love life.

"But he is not all bad, oppa. Please believe me on this,"

"I know honey, I know. And I believe you from everything you've told us,"

"Y/N, do you want me to tell this to Taehyung? I think he might be a little helpful for me and Jin to know Hoseok. Who knows, they might have contacted each other again after all these years,"

"What are you saying, Namjoon? Taehyung isn't the bad boy he used to be anymore," Seokjin furrowed his eyebrows after hearing Namjoon's word.

"I'm not saying that, Jin, and I know Taehyung has changed for the better now, I see him myself. What I'm trying to say is that maybe they had meet again under work circumstances, looking at the fact that both are present earlier," Namjoon lengthily explained, and I understood where he was coming from.

Hoseok and Taehyung had been friends, they shared a past together. Even if not everything was flowers and rainbows, but they had memories of being together.

And to be in the same line of work, with both having the potential to take over their parents' companies in the future, their reunion might have been unavoidable at some point.

"I understand if you want to tell this to Taehyung. He is a good man, I trust him like I trust you. I can see it even though we just met today. He helped calm me down a lot after you leave to handle the meeting," I gave my permission to Namjoon, and he smiled gladly at me.

My shoulders felt lighter after the couple finally knew Hoseok's name. I didn't even know why I kept it from them in the first place.

As my coping mechanism?


But the mood changed to lighter only after a short talk with the two.

Now all three of us were in our own thoughts, probably reminiscing our high school years, but with different context, depending on our memories.

A phone dinged, bringing us back to present altogether, and Namjoon fished his phone out of his pocket to read the message that was sent to him.

"On second thought," Namjoon spoke out after reading the message and looked to both Seokjin and I.

"Maybe you want to tell your story to Taehyung yourself?" he asked, making me looked at Seokjin as he did the same to me, and we looked back at Namjoon.

"What do you mean?" I asked, unable to grasp the meaning behind his question.

"Since they are worrying about you too much, Taehyung and Jungkook, is coming to visit us" Namjoon brightly announced.

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