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Hoseok's POV

My ears perked up at a cute cackle from the baby who was just seated behind me in the diner. Turning sideways a little to peek at the new customer who came right after me, I smiled a little looking at the happy face of a little girl who seemed to be with her mother.

That was, until I heard the mother's voice. The smile I had on my face faltered immediately hearing the voice.

The voice that I had yearned to hear since so long ago, for almost three years.

The voice that I could never forget, the voice that I heard in my dreams almost everyday, that I hoped to wake up to.

The voice owned by the one and only, Y/N.

Turning my head back quickly to my food in order to prevent her from knowing that I was there, I gulped as I focused on her voice.

"Alright, Hee Young. You can choose only one set. Mama will let you choose for today," her voice was cheerful as she talked to the girl, but I felt a large lump in my throat as I heard her one word.


Running a company with multiple projects handled directly by myself, it was almost in my nature to think fast, and my brain was wrecking with all the possibilities that could come out from that one word.

Was she babysitting?

But the girl called her mama. Why not nanny?

So then, that's really her daughter?

The girl did have her look. She's like a little angel.

Did she get married after leaving me and had a child?

She might find someone new, but the girl seemed to be old enough to be a two year old.

That was too fast. Did she have someone other than me all along we were together?

No. That's impossible. She would never be like that. She's the kindest people I have in my life. I had lived with her for years, and she'd never ever did anything that'll make me mad at her. There's no way she'd have someone else.

So, the girl. Is it possible that she's actually... mine?

Having the plausible thought crossed my head, I took a deep breath and looked at the baby again.

She was so pretty like her mom was, but her one feature gave her identity away almost immediately as soon as she carved it on her face.

And like a knot of threads being untangled, she ended all the miserable thoughts I had in my head upon seeing the special feature she got on her face.

Her smile.

I could recognize that heart smile from miles away.

Because it was exactly identical to mine.

She had my smile.

She's mine.

She's my daughter.

Did she left me because of the baby? If that's the case I guessed she wasn't wrong. Even I didn't know how I'd reacted if she told me she carried a baby in her three years ago.

I was a bullshit.

A douche.

A horrible boyfriend towards her.

Heck, I might even told her to get rid of the baby.

Blinking the tears that managed to glass my eyes, I looked up only when a waitress came to my table.

"Sir, are you okay?" she asked in concern. She was probably worried that I might have any allergic reaction to their food.

"Yes, I'm okay. Sorry about that" wiping the tears away with my fingers, I waved the waitress off and she went away after providing me some extra paper napkins.

However, I forgot that as I was talking to the waitress, my face was exposed to the baby, and before I could stop her, she talked.

"Mama, uncle cry. Hee Young sad too,"

I watched as her mouth trembled, forming a frown on her cute face, and eyes getting glossier each second as she stared at me.

Y/N was taken aback at the sudden cry of her daughter, so she immediately carried her up from the baby seat to calm her down and turned to look at me.

At the moment our eyes met, we only stared at each other without saying anything.

Nothing came out from my mouth and I just stared at her, taking in all of her features that I had missed for so long.

Y/N was beautiful. She got even more beautiful after having a daughter, and I was breath-taken at how good she looked in her suit.

Where's she working at? Did she had a similar job to her previous ones?

I had tried to contact the company she worked at before, but they said she quit around the time she left the house.

She seemed even more matured, her face full of live, and I was glad that she was in good hands at wherever she was staying at, as of now.

Her movements was gentler as she patted her baby's back softly to cease her cries. Being a mother did that to you, I guess. It made you move delicately to protect your baby from harm.

However, her movements became urgent as Hee Young’s cries was still loud and she was getting anxious at the stares from other customers.

I stood up and walked towards the two, and Y/N eyed me wearily.

"Just let me try, please" I pleaded, having no ill attention towards the two, and Y/N reluctantly let me get close to them.

"H-Hee Young, I'm okay," I started shakily, not expecting myself to be talking to a crying baby that also happened to be my daughter.

At the sound of my voice, it was almost like a miracle that she suddenly slowed down and only sobbing. She peeked through her mom's neck and looked around to search for me.

Wanting to be at her eye level, I ducked down closer to Y/N’s neck, trying to ignore the scent of perfume she was wearing.

She still wore the same brand. The same scent. The scent that I loved.

"Hey, little girl. I'm not sad anymore. See, I don't cry" I pointed to my eyes, talking with a calm voice and giving my full attention to the little girl.

"Huggie," and to add more surprise to both me and Y/N, the girl moved away from her mother and tried to reach me for a hug. I gulped and turned to Y/N, who was also staring at her daughter with wide eyes.

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