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"Sorry about that," I apologized, getting into my seat as soon as Hee Young was seated properly in her seat, occupied with her favorite plushie.

"It's okay, I finally got to meet your family," he replied kindly, but I could still remember his dry mouth when he was stared by Seokjin for the whole time.

"Uh, yeah. More than a brother, he's more like my mother. My foundation," I said, miling while describing about Seokjin and again, Hoseok nodded understanding.

"I understand," he smiled gently, staring softly into my eyes, and I almost melted at it.

Hoseok started driving and the atmosphere was calm until Hee Young’s voice was suddenly heard from her seat.

"Hobi appa, mama is hot mama!" Hee Young blurted out and I could only gasped, couldn't even stop her since she's sitting at the back.

Blood rushed to my cheeks instantly at her words, and I buried my face with my hands.

"Urgh, I'll kill Taehyung later," I groaned into my hands, earning an amused chuckle from the man beside me. I felt his hand on mine, pulling it away from my face slowly.

He took the time he had and stared to my flushed face since we were at a red light.

"Well, they're not wrong. Mama is really pretty today, right Hee Young?" he said smoothly, adding the colour to my cheeks, making me wordless.

"Yes, appa! Mama and appa matchy. Hee Young and appa matchy too. We all wear matchy," she excitedly pulled her black leather jacket on her body - that was bought by Taehyung even after I scolded him numerous times - to strengthen her words, and I looked to each of our outfit.

We did wore somewhat matching clothes though, and I sighed as a thought crossed my head.

"Taehyung planned this, right?" I asked the male who had his eyes on the road now, focusing more on his driving.

"He did gave me this jacket yesterday. He said it's the same as Hee Young’s," Hoseok informed, snitching out on Taehyung easily.

"I knew it was shady when Seokjin oppa tried to fit me into all those leather clothes," I huffed out a defeated sigh, disappointed in myself for not realizing this sooner.

"Well, you both look amazing today. I'll give him my thanks later," he smirked, glancing at me before smiling fondly at the sight of Hee Young playing with her dolls from his rear-view mirror.


"Excuse me, could you please take a picture of us?" a girl tapped softly on my shoulder, asking for her picture to be taken. I turned away from the animals, leaving Hee Young in Hoseok's care for a moment and looked at the girl who just asked for my help. It seemed that she was with her boyfriend.

"Sure," flashing a smile at her, I took the phone she offered to me and took several pictures of the young couple.

I tried my best to get the perfect angle for the two since I knew how important these pictures were. Young couples these days might wanted to upload the photos in their social media accounts.

I wasn't one of them, probably due to age factor, but I'm not opposed to it either. It seemed fun and they get to reminisce all the memories from the photo they took and uploaded. They could share their happiness with their group of friends too.

"Thank you!" she exclaimed in happiness after the two checked the photos and were satisfied with the outcome. I huffed out in relief that they liked the photo and didn't realized that Hoseok was already by my side.

"Can you take a picture of us as return?" Hoseok chirped in, moving a step closer to me with Hee Young secured in his arms.

"Oh, of course! My boyfriend take great photos, can you take their photo?" the girl turned to her boyfriend expectantly, and the boy just smiled, agreeing.

Hoseok handed his phone to the boy and the youngsters took a few steps back to get a better background.

"Come on, Hee Young. Look at oppa and unnie there," Hoseok guided the little girl, pointing to the young couple who were waving their hands to get her attention.

The boy started counting and my focus went to the camera, not realizing that Hoseok had taken another step towards me before the count of three and swiftly circled his free arm around my waist, pulling me backwards causing my back to rest on his chest.

His hand stayed on my waist for the whole time and I could feel my heart beat faster at the close contact. Nevertheless, I still smiled to the camera, not wanting to ruin the photo and took more of the couple's sweet time.

After a few shots, the girl and boy walked quickly towards us, seeming excited to show us the photo. Hoseok's hand left my waist and I managed to stop myself from pouting at the loss of contact between us.

Get yourself together, Y/N.

"You all look so great together. Gosh, unnie is so pretty, oppa is so handsome. And the baby is the cutest baby alive! I'm a fan now. I ship this family so much!" the girl rambled on and on and her boyfriend just quietly returned the phone to Hoseok, bowing a little to apologize for his girlfriend's sudden outburst of fangirling behavior.

"I'm sorry, she's into all these kinds of shipping things that I still had problems understanding. Please ignore her, and have a great day," he smiled awkwardly and slowly pulled his girlfriend away from us, who was still staring at us with sparkly eyes mumbling about how we should be a family leather fashion models or something like that.

Hoseok and I were quite taken aback at the girl's behavior and just looked at the boy who's still pulling his girlfriend through the crowd without saying anything. Until Hee Young broke the silence.

"Appa, is that unnie sick?" Hee Young asked with her eyes blinking innocently, looking at Hoseok for answer.

At her question, both of us laughed out loud and soon, Hee Young joined us with her delighted cackles, without knowing the reason behind our laughs and was just enjoying the moment.

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