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Jungkook and I went out from the room as well and headed to the main entrance where Seokjin mentioned.

"No wonder you seem comfortable around Mr. Kim even though you just started. I thought it's because you two shared the same personality," Jungkook spoke out while still looking at sleeping Hee Young in my embrace.

I chuckled lightly at the young man's comment.

"Yeah, but I only got to know him a year ago so there are still a lot we don't know about each other. You have to come to the office early for the presentation tomorrow, right? You better get going now, Kook. Sorry for all the trouble though" I smiled apologetically to the boy and he looked at his watch to know the time.

"No problem at all, noona. I'm happy to be able to see Hee Young today. I'll wait with you until the car arrives and then I'll go home," he informed.

"Thank you so much for today, Kook. I'll bring some cookies for you tomorrow as tokens for helping me," I uttered out my gratitude.

"I will usually say 'no need', but if these cookies are made by Mr. Kim's boyfriend, I'll have to say yes to them" he answered fast, making me raised my eyebrow at the bunny boy's statement.

"You've tasted his cookies before?" I asked curiously, wondering if Namjoon had offered him Seokjin's cookies.

"No, but Mr. Kim once brought the cookies and the delicious smell spread throughout the office, but he didn't want to share it with any of us, not even with his cousin"

"His cousin?"

"Oh, you haven't meet him yet noona, but he might come tomorrow to the meeting. He is – oh the car's here," Jungkook cut through his sentences, pointing towards Seokjin who was waving his hand to us from the co-driver seat.

We stopped our conversation midway and walked towards the car.

Jungkook opened the back door for me to enter and closed it back softly to prevent Hee Young from waking up.

He bid goodbyes and went off to his motorcycle, while four of us went back home for the day.


After making sure that Hee Young was rested comfortably on the bed, I went to clean myself and went down to the kitchen to eat the takeout we bought on our way home.

Seokjin missed to cook dinner tonight due to Hee Young's condition but that's nothing to be complained about.

Walking into the kitchen, Namjoon and Seokjin were already seated side by side, eating their food with small talks in between.

"Thank you, you two. I love you guys so much!" I sneaked in between them and wrapped my arms around their neck gently, pulling them for a side hug. 

Both chuckled lightly at my sudden act of gratitude and I felt loved.

Namjoon ruffled my hair and Seokjin returned the hug by wrapping his free hand around my waist, before letting go and emptying his seat.

He moved and pulled me to sit on the seat he emptied, making me to be in between the two males.

"We're family, Y/N. Things like this should be handled together," Seokjin said as he placed my food in front of me, handing me a pair of chopsticks to my palm.

I flashed a smile at him, and we continued eating in comfortable silence. 

After eating, I checked up on Hee Young to make sure she was okay, and went back down to help Seokjin in the kitchen.

"Oppa, when will mom and dad visit us?" I asked, bringing dirty dishes to the sink where Seokjin was cleaning them.

I was told by Seokjin's parents to call them mom and dad after they learnt my situation. 

Our families were really close to each other, but during my parents' death, it somehow slipped my mind to inform them about the news.

However, when the news reached their ears which was only after I contacted Seokjin, they immediately considered me as their daughter, giving me the all the love that I had lost a few years ago.

And the couple's relationship was strong just like his son with his boyfriend's, and even more from what I have seen.

According to Seokjin, almost immediately after he moved in with Namjoon, the couple decided to travel the world together, considering them as their extended honeymoon.

But they did stop by and visit us once every few months, just to do a simple check up on our lives.

"Why, do you miss them? Do you want to try to video call them together with me later?" Seokjin questioned lovingly, while passing the plates to me to dry.

"I miss them a little bit, but it's okay. They did say the receptions were kind of bad there, right? No need, oppa. I was just suddenly reminded about them when looking at Hee Young in the hospital just now," I gave him a reassuring smile.

"Don't worry, they'll visit in two weeks' time. They've informed us in the group chat in case you forgot," we wiped our hands dry and walked to the living room.

It's already quite late, but Namjoon was watching the television, so, we joined him there.

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