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"Seokjin oppa, I'm home!" I said loudly as I entered the house.

Did I mention that the house was huge?

It was gigantic.

The first time I went inside this house, I thought it was a mansion owned by some retired ministers or something.

Seokjin seemed to be in the kitchen from the tasty smell that was surrounding the air. I walked up to the kitchen with the empty lunchbox from earlier today.

"Oppa, are you really cooking my favorite food?" my eyes widened as I recognized the aroma.

"Oh, welcome back Y/N sweetie. Yes, yes I am. We need to celebrate your first day at job," Seokjin greeted me without missing a beat in his stirs.

"I'll go change and bring Hee Young down. I miss my baby girl. Did she cry a lot?" I asked as I placed the lunchbox in the sink.

"Not at all. In fact, she laughs even more when you're not around. We even had a full girl talk over tea, you know?" he boasted, but I believed none of it.

Not bothering to reply, I ran up the stairs, wanting to look at the face of my daughter after a long day at work.

"Don't disturb her if she's still asleep, you hear me young lady?" I heard Seokjin's voice from the kitchen.

I opened the door and walked silently to the baby crib.

And there she was, sleeping peacefully without any worries for the world.

"Oh, my princess," I whispered out, looking at the peaceful sleeping face of her.

I sat down on the bedside and rested my chin on the edge of the baby crib.

I took her small hands and awed when she gripped my thumb with her whole hand.

She's my most precious person in the world alongside with Seokjin and Namjoon who were here by my side.

"Hee Young baby, mama loves you so much. I promise you that I'll do my best to be a mom that you can be proud of, darling," I muttered while looking at her lovingly.

After a few minutes of staring, I decided to cut it off although my hands were itching to pinch her cheeks.

But if I did that and Hee Young woke up, I might not be able to eat the feast Seokjin had cooked for dinner tonight.

And I definitely didn't want to miss his cooking.

I got down only to witness Namjoon being kicked out of the kitchen with a half-peeled onion in his hand.

"Hey Namjoon, what did you try to do today?"

"Oh, hey Y/N. I tried helping Jinnie slicing the onion, but I ended up dicing them into the smallest particle that could only be seen under a microscope – was what Jin said" he explained.

"What a way to exaggerate. By the way, welcome home. You're quite late today, how's the meeting?" I asked as I took the onion from his hand.

"It seems like we're getting the project. It'll be a good opportunity for you to touch up and improve your skills as well. You're up for it?" Namjoon proposed and I stared at him in disbelief.

"What, really? I don't mind starting from the simple tasks first – DON'T touch your eyes with that hand!" I exclaimed, quickly putting the onion aside but I was too late.

"Argh my eyes! My poor near-to-blind eyes," Namjoon grunted and I quickly pulled his hands away from his face.

"What happened?" Seokjin's voice boomed from the kitchen.

"It's nothing, oppa! Namjoon just rubs his eyes with his onion hands. I'll handle him!" I replied with a loud voice to assure Seokjin not to worry about the situation.

"All right, I trust you Y/N," after earning Seokjin's trust to handle his boyfriend, I tugged his hands to start walking.

"Come here, boss. I'll lead you the way to the bathroom," I teased, trying my best to hold my laugh from escaping my mouth.

"Don't laugh, Y/N. My eyes are killing me," he really clamped his eyes tightly shut, with a few tears staining his cheeks.

"It's funny, you can't blame me. Damn, I wish I could record this, but my hands are full," I giggled, ignoring his warning.

We finally reached the bathroom and I directed Namjoon towards the sink and helped open the faucet.

"Bring your hands together to the sink, I'll give the soap to you," I instructed, feeling like taking care of a little boy.

Namjoon instantly obeyed bringing his hands together in front of him.

To my surprise, after I gave him the soap, he brought his foam-filled hands to his eyes and I couldn't save him for the second time.

"The hell – Namjoon!"

"Y/N are you trying to make me blind?!"

"Excuse me, you're trying to blind your eyes yourself! I give you the soap to wash your hand, not your eyes!"

And now you see what Seokjin and I meant by NO NAMJOON IN THE KITCHEN, thank you.

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