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(a/n: it's a bit longer compared to other chapters since it's the last chapter. I thank you all for reading!)

Three years later.

Hee Young's POV

"Hee Youngie," I heard someone called my name and looked around only to find Uncle Yoongi waiting for me outside my school gate.

"Uncle Yoonie!" I ran towards him, clutching my bag straps tight in my hand.

"Careful sweetheart," he kneeled down on the ground to be at my eye level and I hugged him by wrapping my arms around his neck, missing my one of the many favorite uncles.

I first met Uncle Yoongi when Hobi Appa brought me to his office. We clicked immediately and I could proudly say that I was the reason Uncle Jimin fell in love with Uncle Yoongi now.

I was that great at being a matchmaker.

Uncle Yoongi laughed as he was pushed back due to my action, but still hugged me back. He lifted me in his arms as he stood up.

"Why are you here, uncle? Where's appa?" I asked, feeling curious.

"Your appa needs to send your mama to the hospital," he walked to his car that was parked quite far from the gate. Well, a lot of cars were parked in front of my school because everyone was going home just like me.

"Why? Is mama sick?" I furrowed my eyebrows in worry at his words, but Uncle Yoongi just smiled and shook his head.

"No. Mama has a baby in her belly, you remember?"

"Of course, she is so big now, Uncle Yoonie. Like this!" I make a big circle in front on my own stomach, remembering how big mama's belly was.

"Yes she does, because she's growing in there. So, they are going to check if the baby is healthy or not," Uncle Yoongi said as we reached the car and he opened the car door for me by the passenger seat.

"Baby will sure be healthy, Uncle Yoonie. She kicks my hand very strongly yesterday" I sat down on the seat after giving my backpack to Uncle Yoongi, and let him put on my seat belt for me.

"Well, that's a great thing, but mama still have to meet doctor and hear what he says," he crouched by the door to repair my clothes so that it won't wrinkle a lot while sitting. And after he was satisfied with my appearance, he closed the door and got to his own seat, starting the engine.

"So uncle, are we going to mama?" I asked, as Uncle Yoongi started driving away from my school.

"No, we are meeting Uncle Jiminie," he told, glancing towards me before focusing back on the road.

My eyes sparkled at the info and I looked up expectantly, wanting to meet another one of my favorite uncles.

And a certain baby.

"Can I see baby Minnie too Uncle Yoonie? Please?" I asked with hopeful eyes and clasped hands in front my chest, looking at Uncle Yoongie just like how Hobi appa taught me to.

"Of course, he misses you a lot too," Uncle Yoongi chuckled as he looked at my direction, and gave me his permission to meet the little baby boy.

Uncle Jimin and Uncle Yoongi lived together now. And a few months ago, they visited our house with little Taemin. Uncle Yoongi said that Taemin will live with them now, and he can be my little brother if I wanted.

Of course, I agreed.

I liked the idea of having a baby brother. And also because my baby sister in mama's tummy took a very long time to come out too.

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