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After fifteen minutes on ride, we arrived at the hospital. I was lucky Jungkook offered the ride because the traffic was so bad due to peak hour.

"Oppa," I rushed to Seokjin who was waiting for me outside the children's ward.

"Y/N, that's fast," Seokjin smiled warmly, making me feel a little calmer.

"What about Hee Young?" I quickly asked, still worried about my baby princess.

"She's sleeping. It's just a normal fever, so we can bring her home after Joon settles all the paperwork," Seokjin informed, patting my back softly to help calm my nerves down.

"Thank goodness, can I see her?"

"Of course, honey. She's at the third bed on the right side." Seokjin said, as he raised his eyebrows at Jungkook who just came into view after parking his motorcycle properly.

"Oh, oppa. This is Jungkook, he helped me get here quicker by riding his bike. And Jungkook, this is Seokjin oppa that I talked to earlier on the phone," I did a quick intro to both of them.

"Nice to meet you, Jungkook. Thank you for helping Y/N today," Seokjin offered a handshake that was gladly received by Jungkook.

"It's okay, noona seemed so out of it so I thought that it's better for me to help," Jungkook said and I couldn't help but glared at him a little even though it was the truth.

Both of them chuckled at my reaction before continuing their talk a little.

"I feel reassured knowing that Y/N has a nice friend like you. Since you guys are here, I'm going to Joon. God knows what he's destroying at the front counter as of this moment," Seokjin said as he bid us goodbyes and left to find his boyfriend.

I walked into the ward together with Jungkook, but as I reached Hee Young's bed, I realized that Jungkook already stopped a few meters before reaching Hee Young's bed. 

I looked at Jungkook who seemed reluctant to step closer.

"It's okay to come closer, you know. She doesn't bite. Well, not when she's sleeping though," I joked, to help the boy become less nervous.

He must've never been close to a baby before.

"Is it okay? I never dealt with kids before, I don't know what to do," Jungkook asked, confirming my assumption earlier.

"Trust me. I've been a mother for seven months but I'm still figuring out how to deal with her. Seokjin oppa is better than me in childcare," I confessed honestly.

After a few more reassuring words, Jungkook finally sat beside me to have a closer look at Hee Young.

"She's smaller than I thought," he whispered.

"What do you expect, she's not even a year old yet. Of course, she's small," I replied with similar volume of voice.

"So, Seokjin oppa is Hee Young's father?" he innocently asked, looking straight at my face.

I snorted at the question and had to clamp my mouth shut from bursting out laughing in the middle of the ward full of sleeping babies.

"No, he's not. Seokjin oppa is like a brother to me. Due to a certain situation, I had to leave Hee Young's father and Seokjin oppa offers me to live with him and his boyfriend."

"He has a boyfriend?"

"Yup, a steady one and they are going to get married at the end of this year. Important note: even you know his boyfriend," I hinted and Jungkook scrunched his nose in confusion.

"I know Seokjin's boyfriend?"

"Yes. Very well at that,"


"We'll find out soon," as I said that, the doctor came in followed by Seokjin and of course, Namjoon.

I looked at Jungkook as I felt a tug on my sleeve. I held my laugh looking at the boy who was confused by the presence of his boss in the ward.

"That's Mr. Kim, right?" he asked in a whisper.

"Yes," I replied shortly, hiding my smile from him.

"Is it just me, or is he following the doctor and coming to us?" Jungkook asked again, and I cracked a small smile at his confused look.

"Nope. He is coming towards us, Kook"

"But why?" his confusion only increased, and I felt a little pity towards the clueless young man.

I couldn't answer as the doctor had reached the bed, started doing a final check up on Hee Young and explaining her condition to us.

Seokjin and Namjoon also walked up closer to the bed and we listened to the doctor's explanation on Hee Young's condition.

After the doctor went out, I glanced back at Jungkook and from the wide doe eyes he had, he probably had figured out the situation.

"You okay, Jungkook?" Namjoon smiled at Jungkook who was still in daze.

"Huh? Oh. Yeah. Just overwhelmed by this news. Am I not supposed to know about this?"

"Nah, we don't mind if anyone find out. Actually, I didn't even realize that no one has find out about this yet" I answered as I carefully lifted Hee Young from the bed.

"We'll get the car to the main door. Just walk slowly not to let Hee Young wake up and meet us there, okay?" Seokjin instructed.

"See you tomorrow, Jungkook," Namjoon tapped Jungkook's shoulder and went out from the room together with Seokjin, leaving the boy with me.

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