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"Huh?" I raised my eyebrows a little at her shout and Hee Young pointed to the screen.

"Mama, there, there! Uncle ice cream!" she moved closer to the screen all of a sudden and shouted even louder, making her voice blasted loudly through the speaker and boomed throughout the lobby.

A few heads turned towards me and I scolded myself in my head for not lowering the volume earlier. Bowing a little a few times to the crowd, they just smiled in reply, forgiving, before going back to their paused conversations.

"Hee Young, baby. Don't shout please. Look at Uncle Minie, his ears hurt already," I scolded, and the girl gasped, realizing her action and quickly turned to check her babysitter.

"Sorry Uncle Minie. Is it hurt too much?" she pouted skillfully towards the boy, and I just sighed, observing her action.

I didn't even know if she's really apologizing or not. That girl was like a small aspiring evil witch. She even got me scolded by Seokjin when she used her skills at the male to go against me.

Just because I didn't let her watch her favorite cartoon.

"It's okay. What uncle, Hee Young? Ice cream?" the boy shook his head with a smile, brushing off her misbehavior.

As expected, Jimin easily accepted the girl's apology, even proceeded tidying up her hair that got messed up earlier. The girl smiled victoriously and remembered about her 'uncle' she just mentioned.

"Ah, Uncle Minie! Hee Young know one Uncle at food shop. We eat ice cream together, it is very yummy! And, and, Hee Young see him in the phone," she excitedly told Jimin her side of story and I turned around immediately to search for the only one person that fitted her description.

Jung Hoseok.


Hoseok's POV

I was just out to get fresh air after the overwhelming meeting with Y/N when I heard the small cute voice. Looking around to find the source, surprisingly, I saw Y/N again who was only a few meters away from me, apologizing to the people standing close to her due to the unexpected noise.

I could see that her screen phone was lit up indicating that she was on a video call with someone. Whom I guessed was, Hee Young.


I wanted to see my daughter again.

I didn’t know that I'd miss her this much after the first meeting.

I'd love to feed her and looked at her chubby cheeks moving when she munched her food again.

Sheesh, her pout too.

How can a baby looked so cute while munching food?!

I'd love to feel her small hands tugging at my fingers, asking for another spoon of ice cream again.

I'd love to see how she sat cutely on my laps with her small two feet dangling in the air again. And to hear her hum in delight at some random song only she knows, tilting her head left and right, making her pigtails moved along.

I'd love to see more of her sparkly eyes and her heart smile again.

Damn, I didn’t know that I'd feel that happy when I held the baby.

I didn't know that I'd feel that happy to know that I'm a father.

And I want to feel the happiness again.

But would she allow me to?

I looked up to the mother who had sat back on the couch, focusing back on her phone, seeing her suddenly turned around in search for something. Or someone.

And eventually, our eyes met. I gulped unknowingly, knowing that I was caught staring, but I got even more nervous when she lifted her hand and gestured me to come to her.

Is this real?

Heart thumped a little bit faster than normal, I took a deep breath and moved closer to the most gorgeous lady of the night - in my opinion.

And no one could change that opinion of mine.

Not after I saw her in that dress.



I was nervous when I saw him approaching me.

Was my make up okay?

My hair?

The dress that Seokjin forced me to wear?

I did a quick check into the camera ignoring the fact that Jimin and Hee Young could see me through their screen and cleared my throat, sitting better.

I turned around as I heard his clack of shoes stopped just behind me, and I flashed an awkward smile towards the dashing man who's standing tall behind the couch.

"Uh, Hee Young is with her babysitter and she saw you and uh - would you like to talk to her?"

"Can I really?" he sounded so genuinely happy and attacked me with the original heart smile, making my face heat up. But even before I could reply, my daughter interrupted.

"Uncle! Hi, uncle! Hee Young miss you a lot!" she squealed in delight and I could see that she was jumping on her butt while still sitting.

I was still stunned at how she could recognize the man even after just meeting him once.

But maybe because he's her father after all.

At the sound of my daughter's voice, Hoseok suddenly crouched his body down and brought his face close beside mine, making me held in a breath due to his unexpected moves.

"Hee Young, hi! I miss you too. Are you sleeping already?" he asked, stretching his hand towards the phone to angle the phone better for Hee Young to see him, not even realizing at how close our distance to each other.

Not to mention his hand engulfing mine that was still on the phone.

And how his chest was slightly brushing my back, increasing my heart rate.

And how his perfume that I loved for so long now had completely invaded my nose.

And how his voice was so close to my ears, how his breath slightly hit my exposed shoulder as he exhaled, giving me goosebumps.

They talked to each other for a while, ignoring my nervous - almost freaking out - existence and I tried to divert my attention to other things.

And then I saw Jimin’s face.

He looked shocked at the sudden appearance of Hoseok, but then I saw how his face showed that he was calculating everything in his head.

He might have figured out that the man was Hee Young’s father. But what even shocked me more, was when the said man suddenly called out Jimin’s name too.

"Is that you, Park Jimin?"

"Ah, yes Mr. Jung. It's great to see you, sir" Jimin acted so proper all of a sudden, with a small bow of respect given to the man.

"Uncle Minie, you know Uncle ice cream?" my daughter asked in small voice, and I thanked her in my mind for asking the same thing that I wanted to know too.

"Yes, he's my big boss. Big, big boss" the boy answered cheerfully, making both me and my daughter to gap our mouths at the information.

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