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"What do you mean? What I did to you was unforgivable, Y/N" he choked out.

"I just couldn't hate you, Hoseok. I love you too much that I couldn't bring myself to hate you," I uttered honestly, without hesitant.

"You're not afraid of me?"

"If I did felt afraid of your touch, I won't trust you for that last time," I told the man, remembering the last night we shared together.

It was the night that I would never forget.

The night where Hoseok's the gentlest he had ever been.

The night that I felt loved.

"So, I'm going to trust you again. We'll live with you," I finally decided, wanting to give another chance for both of us, to create better memories together. With Hee Young.

"Y/N..." he looked like he'd break down any minute at my words.

"Hug?" I asked, smiling wider now and opened my arms to him.

Hoseok took no time to get up from his seat and pulled me tight into his arms. My head was buried on his chest, and I could hear his heart beating so loud and fast.

"Is this real? We'll live together? Hee Young too? Really?" he hugged me tighter as he voiced out the questions that didn't need to be answered.

He didn't even try to hide his happiness and I liked it. It made me feel like I took a step further into the right direction.

Hugging him back, I closed my eyes and just appreciate the moment, being in Hoseok's arms after so long.

He broke the hug after a few moment and took a seat beside me this time.

"What about Namjoon and his husband? Are they okay with this?" he wiped away the tears that managed to escape his eyes.

"I have talked a lot about this matter with them actually, many times at that. And they are okay," I informed, telling the fact.


"Yeah, but I don't know about Hee Young. She never sleeps outside the house, so maybe we should let her familiarize with the house first - what?" I asked, raising my eyebrow on one side as Hoseok smiled goofily.

"Nothing. You just said 'we' earlier, and I feel like my heart is going to burst," he answered truthfully, and I almost blushed at his pure smile.

"Anyways, so, Hee Young. What do you think?" clearing my throat, I ignored his comment and moved to the topic discussed.

"What about tomorrow we go and spend time at uh - our house? Or am I being impatient here?" he said with a shy smile and I really blushed this time. It did feel different hearing it from someone who's not you.

"Ah - uhh alright. Sure," I stuttered, almost wanting to bury myself under the ground for being so weak against the male beside me.

"Alright, and I should probably call for house deco I guess?" Hoseok asked, softly taking my hand and intertwined my fingers with his.

"You don't have to do that yet. Let's take a look at the house first," I suggested, looking at our intertwined fingers and back to his face.

"I really didn't do anything after you left though. The guest room's vacant just like the last time you're there," his gaze were soft, fixed on our hands.

"Why didn't you - move out?" I have always wanted to ask this question. Hoseok had become way more successful than three years ago but he still stayed there.

"Because of you, of course. I don't want to forget anything about you, and I'd always hoped that one day you might return and I'll still be there," he answered, eyes lifted to stare into my own, and I could certainly feel the honesty in his words.

He held our gazes longer, and I looked down to avoid his hard stare, cheeks definitely heating up.

"Uh, are you finished with your coffee? I'll place them at the sink" I tried to change the topic, getting up from the seat to hide my blush.

It was hard to talk when all I could hear was my thumping heart in my ears. I released our hands and walked to the sink, placing both mugs inside it.

Taking a few deep breaths to calm down my beating heart, I walked back to Hoseok who had never looked away from me even once. I flashed a small awkward smile, taking the previous seat I left beside him.

"Thank you for coming back to me. It means everything to me, Y/N" he thanked, taking back my hands in his.

We were now sitting facing each other, knees brushing and both my hands were in his. He brushed the back of my hands with his thumbs softly, looking down at them, and I feigned ignorance when I realized his thumb stayed a little longer at the empty fourth finger of my left hand.



"What about your parents?" I asked hesitantly, knowing that this needed to be discussed sooner or later.

"They know about you and Hee Young already," he said flat, void of emotion at the mention of his parents.

"What do they say?" I asked soft, not wanting to trigger anything that would ruin his mood.

Hoseok wasn't really fond of his parents ever since he was in high school and I was aware of that. It was one of the main reasons for his rebellion. But I never got to talk more about it with Hoseok as he was not someone who'd talk to me about those issues he had.

"Nothing. They have no say in this," his voice hardened all of a sudden, and I took his hands in mine this time.

"Don't be like that, Hobi. I want them to accept me and Hee Young as we are. Don't ruin your relationship with your parents like that," I tried to sugarcoat the boy, knowing that he had a soft spot for me when I called him with the nickname. He did loosened up, and sighed.

"I'm sorry," he apologized, controlling his emotions.

"Don't be. But talk to your parents, please? I'd love to meet them one day,"

"You sure?"

"Yeah, I'd love to tell Hee Young that she has another pair of handsome grandpa and pretty grandma soon," I said playfully, earning a chuckle from Hoseok.

"Alright. I'll talk to them. For Hee Young, and for you. I know my mom was harsh on you before, and I did nothing to defend you. I'm sorry," he apologized, looking down to our hands.

"It's okay. No mom wants her child to be with someone she didn't know," I tapped his hands in comforting way.

"But she shouldn't talk to you like that," he sounded so hurt, and I took his face in my palms, lifting it up to look into his eyes.

"It's okay. I'm okay, Hoseok. I'm really okay," my eyes met with his hurt ones, and he took a deep breath, leaning into my palm.

"What did I do in my past life to deserve someone like you?" he whispered out, and I just smiled softly.

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