Intro & Characters

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1. Intro

I am really enjoying myself by writing this book right now and I hope you guys will enjoy reading it too.

First, I'm sorry about the title. I don't really have a wide range of vocab to find the most creative title to the story, thus, You.

You refers to Hoseok. 

Hoseok has never left Y/N's mind even a split second.


It's always you. 

(cue It's You by Ali Gatie)

Sing the song if you want, it went through my head for a split second as well. Have to be honest here.

And for Y/N, it's always Hoseok.

This story isn't going to progress too fast, I'm sorry for that. Example: Hoseok will immediately be reunited with Y/N after two to three chapters. 

No, it won't happen. Sorry.

Reason: I'm trying to connect Y/N better with the other characters (Seokjin, Namjoon, Jungkook and Taehyung, eventually Jimin and Yoongi) instead of just focusing on her relationship with Hoseok.

But their meeting will happen. 

Interaction between Hoseok and Y/N will happen. 

It will happen, although I can't promise when or how many chapters will it take. For the two of them to stand face to face, sit side by side, speak to each other, probably share a hug, a kiss, a bed - okay let's just  stop there.

But of course. For sure. Definitely. It will happen, this is their story after all.

And again, I hope you will enjoy reading them. As much as I enjoy writing them.

2. Characters

a) Y/N (25 years old)

Loved Hoseok since high school. Loved him too much that even when she was treated badly, she still loved him. Decided to leave Hoseok once she found out that she was pregnant with his child. However, her love for Hoseok never died.

b) Seokjin (26 years old)

Y/N's neighbor. That one kind of motherly friend that everyone needed in their life. Very supporting towards Y/N during and after her pregnancy. Even volunteered to babysit the baby when Y/N got stuck with her work.

c) Namjoon (25 years old)

Seokjin's love. Together with Seokjin, theyhelped Y/N when she was struggling after she left Hoseok. Became her second-bestfriend right after Seokjin

d) Hoseok (25 years old)

Just dated Y/N for fun but even after years, he never thought of breaking up with her. Because the thought of having no Y/N in his life has never crossed his mind before.

e) Hee Young (7 months old)

Hoseok and Y/N's daughter.

f) Jungkook (23 years old)

g) Taehyung (24 years old)

h) Jimin (24 years old)

i) Yoongi (26 years old)

For Jungkook and Taehyung, their character will gradually get close to Y/N as the story progresses, but as of what's progressing in my head, Jimin and Yoongi's involvement will be very minimal. Close to none. But again, it will happen. 

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