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"We have to go now, Hee Young. Say bye bye," Hee Young was now back into my arms and all three of us had walked out the restaurant.

Hee Young seemed down that she had to part with her 'stranger' that she came to like in the span of half an hour. It was obvious looking at her trembling lower lip as I took her back from Hoseok's hands. Her eyes were glossy but she didn't cry, trying to keep it in.

The man seemed down as well, being obvious as his eyes lever left the girl. He lifted his hand and rubbed the back of Hee Young softly, making the girl look at him with earlier glossy eyes. Unable to stop her tears, she started crying again and I just allowed Hoseok to take her back from me.

"Shh, it's okay. If we meet again next time, we'll get both chocolate and strawberry ice cream, okay?" he tried to calm the girl down, and I didn't know where he got the skills to handle babies.

He was doing great.

Hee Young cries once again dropped down to only sobs at his words and she wiped her own tears, looking for the man's eyes.

"Promise?" she took out her small pinky and put it in front of Hoseok's face, staring at the man with her serious eyes. Although from my point of view, she was just cute.

"I promise," Hoseok took her pinky and wrapped it in his own pretty pinky, promising the girl with his soothing voice and gentle smile.

I was almost caught staring at him but a cough from a random stranger passing by us had saved me.

"Come on baby, we have to go. Papa's waiting," I spoke with soft voice, trying to get Hee Young back, and this time she didn't cry anymore but still buried her face into my neck, feeling sad to be parted with the man.

"We'll get going now. Thank you, for everything" I eyed him knowingly, thanking him for taking care of Hee Young and letting me eat, paying for our food, and for treating Hee Young nicely.

I called Seokjin as 'Papa' in front of Hee Young as habit and only realized it when I caught a glimpse of his face dropped. I had a desire to explain to him about how he misunderstood the whole thing but then stopped myself.

Why should I explain myself?

He might not be interested in me anymore.

Sure, he seemed to be accepting that Hee Young’s his daughter and treated her good, but that didn't mean that he wanted to get back into our lives.

Specifically, my life.

Our meeting was after three years. He might already have someone he liked more than he liked me. And I didn't see the bracelet that Taehyung had mentioned before, so maybe he had moved on.

After all, he was Jung Hoseok. A lot of people wanted him.

Ignoring the hurt I felt, I nodded curtly to the man who's still standing with us in the middle of the lobby. When I wanted to turn my heels away from him, I was suddenly stopped by his call.

His call of my name.


Oh boi.

That's one dangerous call straight to my heart.

"Hm?" trying to keep my compose, I waited as he fumbled through his wallet and took out his name card, pushing it towards me.

"I, I never change my number. If one day you are willing to let me meet her again, please contact me back. I will be glad to meet Hee Young again," he said with sincere voice, and I felt my throat tightened at his words.

It sure felt different when he said it himself.

He wanted to be in Hee Young’s life.

Taking the card from his hand, I nodded again without saying anything, trying to held back my own tears now, which I was sure he caught a glimpse at. Nodding one last time, I quickly walked away from the man who meant so much to me, hugging my daughter tight in my arms for emotional support.


"Y/N, here - hey, why are both of you crying?" Seokjin asked in concern as I walked fast towards him with Hee Young still in my arms. He immediately engulfed both of us into a warm hug, and I took a deep breath repeatedly to calm myself down.

It wasn't a panic attack. I was just overwhelmed by the earlier meeting. A meeting that happened too randomly that I didn't had the time to think properly about how I was feeling.

And when I saw Seokjin, all the emotions came forward and I let it all out. Hee Young was just sniffing because she was sad about parting with Hoseok, but cried again when I started sobbing in Seokjin's arms.

"Oh you two, what happened sweeties? Let's just go back, okay? Give me the keys, Y/N. I'll drive this time" Seokjin decided to pull us out the mall since he saw that my sobs weren't calming down. He took Hee Young from me and calmed the girl first, but told me to clutch on his shirt sleeve and not to let go until we reached the car.

I obeyed obediently, feeling like a vulnerable girl being protected by her brother. Gosh, I was so lucky to have Seokjin in my life. Soon, with Seokjin handling both of us and leading the way, we reached the car at the parking basement.

I get into the passenger seat with Seokjin opening the door for me, and after I was properly seated, he placed sleepy Hee Young on my lap.

"Hold the baby, Y/N. She's almost asleep now, so try not to cry too loud okay, mommy?" Seokjin whispered in teasing tone, making me let out a silent chuckle.

Seokjin smiled in relief as he saw me chuckled, and closed the door slowly, making his way to the driver seat. After a few moments, the car was out of the basement and we were on our way back home in a comfortable silence.

I had my focus on Hee Young, dismissing the glances given by Seokjin in trying to find out what happened in that short span of time.

Hee Young's body was facing me, her head resting on my chest and both her legs dangled on both my sides. She tried to open her eyes with difficulty, but then decided to give in and shuts slowly.

Observing her actions, my own eyes felt heavy due to all the cryings I did and I let myself fell into slumber as well.

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