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"Hee Young, come to Uncle Taetae baby. I know you love me most! Come here!"

"No, come here. Uncle Kookie is better, Hee Youngie,"

"She'll come to me for sure. Who wouldn't come to my handsome face, plus, I'm the one who – how could you, young lady!"

A series of exaggerating disappointed groans were heard coming from Taehyung, Jungkook and Seokjin as Hee Young chose to toddle towards Namjoon.

"You love me the most, Hee Youngie? I know you know that I never meant to break your favorite spoon and drop your porridge before, right?" Namjoon rambled to the girl who had climbed on his lap now.

Jungkook sat cross-legged sadly with his pout on display, Taehyung lied flat on the grass seeming done with his life, and Seokjin stared bitterly at the girl who wasn't fazed by it even a little bit.

While Namjoon, the unexpected winner, just made a pure blissed out face even when the girl started to pull his glasses from his face and messing with his hair in the process.

He was just happy at the fact that Hee Young chose him above others and I couldn't help but cackled at their reactions while filming everything with my phone.

Instead of celebrating Hee Young's birthday in some booked places or whatsoever, I opted for a simple picnic attended by only the six of us. Since the girl just started walking, I thought that it'd be better to go to a place where she could walk freely to her heart content without us worrying too much.

Seokjin and Namjoon didn't even hesitate to agree as I suggested the park and I was glad that Jungkook and Taehyung also accepted the idea happily. All of them offered to take part in the preparation for the celebration and I couldn't be even more grateful than I was now to be blessed by such loving people in my life.

"I can't believe she betrays me like this," Seokjin was now by my side, stealing some food from my plate. I just let him be and laughed a little at the funny face he made while munching on the food angrily, eyes on the baby that was now on Taehyung's lap.

All of us were now enjoying the food Seokjin packed earlier except for Jungkook. He was now feeding the girl instead of eating, having fun playing with the girl instead of filling his own stomach.

"That boy is whipped," Namjoon spoke out of nowhere, taking a seat beside his lover and pointed towards his cousin.

Both of us now diverted our eyes from the baby and looked at Taehyung who was staring hard at Jungkook without even blinking.

"Damn, Jungkook didn't even notice" I muttered out slow, only to be heard by both male close to my side.

"Nahh, he noticed. Look at his cheeks, they're on flame" Seokjin pouted his mouth, pointing to the actually-blushing boy. His cheeks were really red.

"They're cute, really. I hope they get together soon" I wished sincerely, wanting to see the people I love to be happy with their loved ones.

Seokjin and Namjoon hummed in agreement at my wish, and we continued helping ourselves with the food on our plates.


Another year passed by quickly and Hee Young's now a little older than two years old. She had grew up beautifully while I managed to grow too, becoming better in my working life.

Namjoon had been promoted into a higher position and I was given the responsibility to be in his former position as the head of the department. I tried to refuse since it wasn't even two years after I worked there but the other colleagues had persuaded me into accepting the position, saying that I deserved it.

They said that last year's project wouldn't be such a great success if not for the hard work of us three.

Jungkook did leave the company because his internship ended, but was accepted as a full-time employee as soon as his studies completed. He was now placed under me.

"Ms. Kim, this is the report you ask" Jungkook called and placed the report on my table. I rolled my eyes at his formality but still take a look at the report as I gestured him to sit down in front of me.

"Drop it, Kook. I can't get use to it," I scolded the boy who's just grinning at me.

"Well, you're technically my boss, noona. What if I slipped out calling you 'noona' when we were in a meeting or something? I need to get use to this," he reasoned and I just let him be.

"Do whatever you want, Kook"

I was registered as Kim Y/N after agreeing to be officially adopted by Seokjin's parents. Hee Young was now Kim Hee Young too. We figured that it'd be better for all of us to have the same surname as Hee Young grew up to avoid her being confused, and I'll explain to her once she's able to understand everything.

"We'll have a meeting with one of the clients later, right?" Jungkook asked and I was remembered what my secretary told me earlier.

No, she's not Namjoon's previous secretary.

That intimidating lady had announced her wedding out of nowhere last six month and decided to quit her job, saying that she's following her husband to Italy for his work. Although I was relieved she didn't become my secretary and was replaced with a softer and kinder one, it's definitely a loss to the company to lose such a great employee like her. She's indeed showed outstanding expertise in her works throughout her time here.

"No, sorry I forgot to inform you. You can proceed with going on to the hot first anniversary date with Taehyung since it's cancelled," I smiled suggestively at the boy, informing the cancellation of the meeting.

Yes, Jungkook and Taehyung had become an item on Jungkook's birthday a month after Hee Young's birthday celebration.

"Urgh, noona. It's just a birthday dinner. You've been teasing me about Tae since forever. When will you stop?" he whined and I laughed heartily.

"Never. Now go, I need to help Seokjin oppa do groceries today too. Namjoon had been too busy lately that he didn't even remember his birthday is just around the corner," I complained about the same-aged friend that was officially married to my brother, Kim Seokjin. 

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