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'What's he doing?'

I looked at the man who seemed to be frozen on his two feet, eyes almost staring into space.

I turned to glance at Taehyung who was laughing while having a great time with his boyfriend, feeling weird as of why he decided to introduce me to Hoseok even though he was already aware that I had met the man in the mall a few weeks prior.

I could say that it was easier for me to meet him now. However, it didn't change the fact that I had almost chocked on my drinks - soft drinks, no alcohol, I'm a mom that needs to take care of my baby when I got back home - when I first saw how hot Hoseok looked in the designer suit he wore.

And I also realized at how his facial features were softer than how he looked three years ago. He smiled a lot more tonight, and I almost missed Hee Young too much because of his smile that I saw when he talked to one of the people he knew in the crowd.

"Uh, Mr. Jung. I'll be taking my leave now, I supposed? I would have to greet our other clients as well -" I stopped in the middle, knowing that my voice didn't reach the man's ears at all.

What was he thinking about anyways?

Taking a small step closer to the man, I braved myself to tap on his forearm, and called out his name again.

"Mr. Jung?"

I managed to take a whiff of his cologne and my stomach was doing somersaults at the familiar scent. The one that I liked the most among all his perfume collections.

Thankfully, at the small touch, he got out from his trance and looked at me. He immediately cleared his throat, blinked a few times, and then, he took a step away.

Maybe he was just surprised, but still, it kind of hurt.

"I need to go, if that's okay with you, Mr. Jung?" whether I liked it or not, he's way in a higher position than I was, thus, explaining why I had to ask for his permission to leave. He was at Taehyung's level. The CEO's son. The future owner of a big well-known company.

"No," he answered almost immediately, and I blinked.

Did I hear wrong?


"I mean sure! No problem, go on ahead. I'm sure you have a lot of people you need to tend to," he was back to his usual self, and I nodded a little out of courtesy and walked back to Seokjin and Namjoon.

I just needed to get away from him before I was fully dazzled by his charms, that's all.

But as I was about to call out for the couple, my phone rang.

Hee Young's babysitter.

A part-time babysitter actually. He's a great guy looking for extra bucks to support his life since his salary as an office worker wasn't really enough. We didn't usually hire him though, unless there were events like this that needs all three of us to attend.

Luckily he was free this time, and he happily agreed to take care of Hee Young for us. And thankfully for me, Hee Young loved him so much ever since the first time they met, and vice versa. He loved the girl and was an excellent babysitter to Hee Young.

"Hello, Jimin" I greeted, and was greeted back with a pretty voice of the male.

His voice lulled Hee Young to sleep like a magic spell. The first time I saw him sang to the baby, I was amazed that she fell asleep almost immediately.

He's that good in handling babies.

"Hello, Y/N noona. I'm calling because I think Hee Young misses you a little. She isn't crying but her pouty lips made me gave in. Can we video call you for a bit?" he asked with cheerful tone, and I could make out Hee Young's voice in the background.

Laughing a little at my daughter's request, I agreed but asked them for a little time since I need to inform Seokjin and Namjoon that I'll be away for a while. The crowd wasn't too noisy but still, it's not going to be comfortable having a video call in the room full of people.

"Hang on a sec okay, honey? Mama will call you back," I informed the girl after the phone changed hands.

"Okay, mama. Hee Young and Uncle Minie is waiting!" she answered with much enthusiasm in her voice, and I almost squealed due to the cuteness overload of my princess.

Permission granted by the pair, I walked out the ballroom and took a seat at one of the couches available in the lobby, dialing Jimin's number.


"Mama! Mamaaa!" she screamed in delight as soon as the call was picked up, her face filling up the screen. I laughed heartily hearing her voice, waiting for my daughter to be calmed down by Jimin.

Soon enough, the boy took my daughter to sit on his lap and distanced the phone from her face. I could see that Hee Young was already in her pajama, ready to sleep.

"Hi, Jimin. Sorry about that. How are you guys?" I laughed, and the boy replied with a light chuckle.

"Don't worry, noona. Everything's fine, right Hee Youngie?"

"Yes, mama! Hee Young and Uncle Minie have so much fun. We play princess!" she held onto the crown on her head, making sure it was still there, and I could see some of Jimin's fingers being filled with various colors as he secured the girl's position on his lap with his hand.

"I can see that. Make sure to tell Uncle Minie thank you, okay? If possible, give him a massage on his shoulders like you used to give me before we sleep. Can you do it?"

"Yes, mama. Uncle Minie need rest too! Hee Young will say thank you and give Uncle Minie good night kiss after that,"

"Good girl. Did you already pack your toys before going to sleep?" I still asked, although I could already see how messy the background was.

She widened her eyes at my question and turned her head to her 'Uncle Minie' to ask for help.

"Uncle Minie, did Hee Young not tidy up after her playtime?" I asked Jimin, trying to hold my laugh at my daughter's antics. The boy who was also trying to keep his straight face to appear serious in front of Hee Young, defended her instantly.

"We have not, but we will as soon as mama hang up, right, Princess Hee Young?" Jimin looked down to the girl, assuring her that she'll be saved from my scolding.

"Y-Yes, mama! We will do it before Hee Young go to sleep," she quickly agreed, smiling at her savior.

To Hee Young, Jimin's like her knight in shining armor. That's what makes Hee Young loved him so much. He'd always save her in critical times like this.

I looked at her and just nodded.

"Alright, honey. But also make sure to brush -" I tried to give her one last talk before hanging up but then she stopped me by her excited shout.


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