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"Nice to meet you too, Mr. Kim" I said with a sincere smile on my face.

"Call me Taehyung, noona. I am younger than you and I'm going to keep calling you Y/N noona as well," 

Taehyung kept his eyes on me most of the time, but I could still see a few glances he threw to the bunny boy who has been quiet since they two arrived.

Did I sense mutual feelings here?

"Jungkook is going to present today on behalf of the team, I hope you'll be able to stay until he finished his presentation. He worked really hard to perfect everything," 

I pulled Jungkook closer to us and as if he was waiting for the chance to come, Taehyung immediately removed his gaze to look directly at Jungkook.

I bit the inside of my cheeks to hold myself from laughing at the two and looked at Namjoon who was already grinning knowingly at them.

Sorry, Kookie. Namjoon already knows.

"Of course, I rather miss the world than missing on Jungkook's presentation. I will never take my eyes off him as long as I'm here," Taehyung said while dreamily staring into the boy who was already blushing at his words.

I was sure at this point, both were already lost in each other's stare, and Taehyung might not even realize that he had spoke out such romantic sentences out loud.

I took that as my cue to leave them alone and sided with Namjoon.

"Let's leave them alone," Namjoon suggested as soon as I reached his side.

"Yeah, that's what I thought as well," we quietly walked away and greeted the others until, I saw him.


I felt my legs weakened at the sight of him and barely able to focus on Namjoon who I believed, had been calling me for a few times.

"Y/N, what's wrong?" Namjoon looked at me worriedly, my face was probably as pale as it could be now, because even I felt the blood drained from my face.

"N-Namjoon, hide me from h-him please," I stuttered out, ignoring the fact that I addressed my boss casually in front of those high-ranked people.

"Who, Y/N? Tell me who?" Namjoon gripped my shoulders tight, trying to keep my attention to him and explain the situation in a way he could understand.

"Hee Young – Hee Young's father," I croaked out with quivered lips and my vision blurred due to the tears that had pooled in my eyes.

"He's here?" he questioned in a slow voice.

Namjoon had apologized and excused ourselves from the few people he was talking to and supported me in walking to another room, that was empty from all the people there.

He sat me down on one of the chairs before opening a drinking bottle to offer to me.

"Here, drink water a little bit," I took the bottle shakily from Namjoon's hand, and attempted to drink a few gulps, only to fail miserably and wet my blazer in the process.

I sobbed at my failure, letting Namjoon took the bottle back before burying my face in the palms of my hand.

"Shit, Y/N. Take a breath in now, and out. Follow me, Y/N. Listen to me. In. Out. In. Out."

Namjoon calmly repeated his words together with the action, and I tried to follow him to my best, and soon, managed to calm down.

"Namjoon, we have to start in a few minutes," said Taehyung who had knocked on the door and entered the room after given permission by Namjoon.

"Y/N, we'll sit down and talk later about this at home together with Seokjin, okay?" he asked for my confirmation in which I nodded to.

He must have wanted the name of Hee Young's father now.

Both Seokjin and Namjoon knew the full story but they never knew the name since I refused to mention one.

"Taehyung, I'm sorry to trouble you but can you stay with Y/N until Jungkook finished presenting?" Namjoon pleaded to his cousin, and I felt guilty to be causing trouble at a wrong time.

"Sure, hyung. I can even send her to your house, no?" the handsome boy offered.

"No need, Tae. You just came back here from a long ride, I don't want to do that to you. It won't take any longer than an hour," Namjoon promised.

"Can I leave you with Taehyung, Y/N? I'm sorry but I can't leave Jungkook alone there," Namjoon then quickly talked to me, and I nodded between small sobs.

"G-go, Namjoon. I'll be okay," I assured the man who sent a quick nod to both of us, before leaving the room.

Taehyung looked at me before quickly crouching down, handing me his handkerchief on my palm.

"Noona I don't know what's going on, but everything will be okay, I promise. Namjoon and Seokjin hyung are with you, so I know that you'll be okay. They are strong, and they are there for me when I was at my lowest to bring me back up. Even Jungkook and I are with you if you need us," he gently comforted me, and his words worked in stopping my tears from flowing anymore.

I wiped the remaining tears away with Taehyung's handkerchief and flashed a small smile at the boy.

Jungkook has chosen a very great man to like, I'm proud of him.

"Thanks, Taehyung. Sorry you have to take your eyes away from your lovely Jungkook because of me," I said to him, earning pink hues on Taehyung's cheeks.

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