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"Not sleeping yet, Joonie?" Seokjin asked softly, standing behind the couch Namjoon sitting on and gave him small massages on his shoulder.

"No, not sleepy yet. But if you want to, you should go to sleep first Jinnie," Namjoon hold his lover's hand and I uwued at their relationship in silence.

Not wanting to disturb the couple too much, I quickly sit at the long couch close to Namjoon due to the question that suddenly popped into my head.

"Namjoon, who's your cousin?" I asked, very intrigued to know the man that has been considered as a family to me.

I don't care if I'm disturbing their soft loving hours, I need my curiosity answered.

"Oh, you haven't met him yet. Taehyung is my only cousin, and his dad owns the company we are working in," his simple explanation made me gasped loudly.

"Oh. My. God. Our handsome CEO uncle I saw that day in the lift is your uncle?!" I exclaimed, seriously shocked at the news I just heard.

"We have never told you that? Gosh, sorry sweetie. I thought you know about this already," Seokjin laughed at my reaction while taking a sit beside me.

"Oh wow, really?" I mumbled to myself, but loud enough for the two adults to hear me.

"Where did you hear about him? Jungkook?" Namjoon queried and I nodded as answer.

"Yeah, he told me that your cousin might come to the meeting tomorrow, so I got curious" I honestly confessed.

"If you're wondering how to recognize my cousin tomorrow, just look at the most handsome man there. Taehyung is even more handsome than his father and me, but Seokjin is better in my eyes," Namjoon said truthfully, earning a blush on Seokjin's cheeks.

"You and your uncle are handsome enough for the world, but your cousin is handsomer? Really now?" I asked in disbelief, suddenly wondering how good looking the guy that we were discussing of.

"Well, whatever. I guess I'll meet him tomorrow to know the truth of your words. Good night you two, thanks again for today. I love you guys," I hugged both of them and went upstairs, letting them have their time together for the rest of the night.


"Holy cow, he is smoking hot!" I whisper-shouted to Jungkook who was also eyeing the handsome man that was currently greeting Namjoon in the meeting room.

Jungkook giggled very cutely at my words, I repeat, giggled, very, cutely, with a pink flush on his cheeks making me widened my eyes at the boy's reaction.

"Jeon Jungkook, do you like him like, like him?" I asked in a very slow, controlled, but excited voice, only to be answered but an even redder cheeks from the boy beside me.

"Oh. My. Goosshhh! Kook!" I quietly squealed at the unexpected discovery, and to express my excitement I stomped my heels a few times on the same location I was standing.

I could see that Jungkook was looking around the crowd, feeling grateful that not many people have arrived for the meeting yet, thus, not witnessing my embarrassing reaction.

"Noona, noona. Don't tell Mr. Kim about this, please" he begged so cutely that I wanted to tease him so much.

"Which Mr. Kim are you talking about?" I pretended oblivious.

"Our Mr. Kim, of course!"

"So, you're okay if I tell the other Mr. Kim?" I wiggled my eyebrows and he turned red until it reached his ears.

Couldn't contain the laughter I had anymore, I blurted out a hearty laugh that was quite loud to gain a few attentions from the people in the room.

"Noona, quiet down! People are looking," I clamped my mouth shut immediately after Jungkook said that, and both of us bowed repeatedly for a few times, apologizing for making a scene.

We looked at Namjoon only to have him already looking at us and I gulped, nervous if we had made him mad. 

I flashed him a guilty smile and to our relief, he smiled back.

But the relief didn't last long for Jungkook, because Namjoon was now walking towards us, with Taehyung.

"Meet Y/N, my new employee, Seokjin's sister which automatically makes her, my sister as well," Namjoon compactly introduced, one of his hands politely pointing towards me while the other one rested comfortably on his cousin's shoulder.

"Nice to meet you, Y/N noona. I'm Taehyung, Namjoon hyung's cousin. I heard so much about you that I begged my father to attend this meeting just to meet you," the cousin introduced himself and I quickly took the hand he extended.

Despite the very friendly manner he introduced himself, holy guacomoli, his voice was DEEP.

Like really deep, deep.

I thought Namjoon's voice was sexy enough, but Taehyung's voice was sexier, not going to lie.

It depends on our own preferences, really.

Except if Seokjin ever asked, I will choose Namjoon over Taehyung.

No wonder our cute Jungkook could fell for this guy considering the short amount he has been interning here.

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