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"I didn't know that my employee takes care of Hee Young," Hoseok smiled, distancing himself a little from me and I finally got to breath properly again.

During his conversation with Hee Young, the girl out of the blue invited the male to sit beside me because it seemed to her that Hoseok was struggling in keeping his stance behind the couch.

"Uncle Hobi, can you please sit beside mama? I want to tell you about Pinky!" she exclaimed about her favorite toy and both of Hoseok and I exchanged awkward glances before I gave him a hesitant nod.

The couch was a three-seat couch, and I was sitting on the side by the arm, making Hoseok sit on the middle seat.

But throughout the conversation, he moved closer and closer with his one arm stretched behind me and eventually rested his hand to the arm chair, while the other held the phone, still engulfing my own hand.

(a/n: can you guys imagine their sitting position?

Hoseok wasn't touching Y/N's back though. He moved closer inch by inch because he was getting too into his conversation with the little girl. 

Example: He was trying to get a clearer look into the small screen to see the said milk stain that fell on the pink plushie when Hee Young fell down that one time where she had Pinky in her right hand and a bottle of milk in her left hand.

The girl was a great story teller, could you blame him for falling into her charm?

His arm was able to go across behind her because Y/N wasn't resting her back on the couch in the first place. When he finally realized it though, he had moved too close to her so he opted to rest his palm on the armchair instead.

Sheesh, that's a damn long explanation just for a sitting position. And to justify Hobi's situation.

Our Hobi is a gentleman, he won't get too touchy with a lady without her consent. Especially someone important like Y/N, that he loves and respects.

Hope it helps your imaginations!)

Only god knows how much I tried to regulate my heart beat and acted like I was fine when accidental contacts happened between our bodies.

"He's just a part timer. I hope that your company allows that?" I brushed my hair behind my ears with my fingers, placing the phone on my laps and sitting straight.

"Oh, of course. It's outside office hours after all. He's free to do things he wants as long as he'd able to perform well on his job the next day," he also sat back properly in his seat, seeming indifferent at our close contact earlier.

I nodded at his answer, and fiddled with my fingers on both my hands, which were now intertwined with each other on my lap. I had no idea on what to talk anymore but I didn't want him to go yet.

Urgh, I felt like a stupid girl in love.

Which, I am.

How could I not?

He seemed to enjoy talking to Hee Young a lot. They talked for almost half an hour, with the girl showing him all her favorite plushies with detailed description. And the male just entertained her, encouraging her to talk more by chirping in a few questions here and there about the dolls.

He acted so gentle and patient like a parent should have towards Hee Young.

He did even better than me.

My phone rang informing about incoming call and I immediately answered, seeing the caller.

"Yes, oppa?"

"Honey, Namjoon got a stomach ache all of a sudden and we decided to go home," Seokjin informed, alerting me their situation instantly.

"Where are you guys, should I meet you at the car?" I asked fast, since Seokjin probably need help in handling Namjoon.

"Well, actually honey, I panicked a little just now and we're already on our way back. I kind of forgot about you," he sounded so guilty but I didn't mind it at all.

True, it's quite late into the night, and I guessed that it'll be a little difficult to find a cab now, but I couldn't ask for Seokjin to come back when he had sick Namjoon in his care, right?

"Oh, it's alright oppa, I'll just find a cab home. Don't worry about me and take care of Namjoon," I replied light heartedly, smiling at the thought of Seokjin taking care of his husband.

"I'm really sorry, honey. I'll make it up by cooking your favorite cookies tomorrow?" he apologized.

"It's okay, really. Nothing I can't handle,"

"Alright, Y/N. See you at home," Seokjin bid goodbye.

"Sure. Be careful you two,"

I hung up the call and let out a big breath, realizing that Hoseok was still by my side, seeming busy with his phone too.

I wondered who'd that be.

He seemed occupied enough and I looked around observing our surrounding, noting at how the area was almost empty now, indicating that most of the guests had went home too.

Taehyung must've still been busy entertaining the remaining guests, thus, I opted to just text Jungkook about me going home, whom I was sure still by his boyfriend's side.

"I'll get going Hoseok, something happen and I had to go home now," I called him by his name, since there's no need for me to act formal with him when no one's around us.

"You're getting a cab home? I heard you said that in the phone just now," he looked up from his phone, questioning me as soon as I stood up.

"Ah, yes. My ride had left me due to some emergency, so that's my option for now. Or I'll take the bus. It's been a while since I took bus a back home," I answered, head filled with many choices of which bus to take that'll take me to Seokjin and Namjoon's house.

The last time I took bus was when I was still living with Hoseok.

Brushing off the random memory that popped up without invite, I focused back on the male who had stood up too.

"Do you mind if I send you back home?" he asked, and I wasn't sure if I heard correctly.

Did his voice just trembled?

Hoseok was never someone who had quivered even when talking in front of a crowd.

Many occasions had happened in the past to prove the previous statement.

He was almost born to lead with the confidence he had in him. Although he went into the wrong direction in high school, but he was able to lead a lot of groups because of the high level of confidence he owned.

He lead the class.

He lead the dance team.

He lead the gang of bullies.

And now, he proved it even more by leading his company.

He was that kind of confident leader. That's how quiver, tremble, cower, or any timid words could never be related to the one guy named Jung Hoseok.

So what caused him to have that shake in his voice?

That's it.

My hearing must've gotten worse due to parenting stress.

Because Hee Young loved to shout too much these days.

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