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When I woke up, I was in my bed with Hee Young sleeping peacefully besides me. It was still dark outside, but I knew that Seokjin was usually already up around this time, to prepare breakfast for us.

Getting off the bed, I went to the bathroom and groaned when I saw my eyes swollen.

Ignoring the thoughts on the questions that I might be getting from my colleagues, I was more concerned about the questions that'll be bombarded by Seokjin, and probably Namjoon too. They'll try to get everything out of me to make sure that I was okay, and Hee Young was too.

That's how much they cared for both of us.

Sighing as I finished washing up, I got out the room slowly and walked down to the kitchen. Upon realizing my presence, Seokjin turned to look at me elegantly from his seat, patting the empty seat beside him for me to take.

"Morning, oppa" I greeted with guilty smile, knowing that I had him worried the whole night previously.

"Morning, honey. You're okay now?" he asked kindly, offering me a cup of coffee after I was seated.

"Yeah, thanks for yesterday" I whispered out, sipping the hot coffee carefully and Seokjin went to sip his own.

"Do you want to tell me what happened? I was so worried that both of you came to me crying," Seokjin started, but I didn't feel like keeping it from him because he deserved to know about this.

"We met Hee Young's father," I spoke out slow. It seemed to take a while for Seojin to speak again, probably having all the possible reasons of how Hoseok had made us cry in his head.

"Jung Hoseok?" he reconfirmed.

And I nodded.

"What did he do?" Seokjin asked, genuinely wanted to know about what happened, no accusing tone in his voice.

"He did nothing, oppa. And he knows that Hee Young is his daughter. He does have a good brain ever since we were younger," I told the truth.

"So why did you cry? Did he say something bad?" He used his finger to tidy up my bed hair softly, patiently waiting for my answer.

"Not at all. He even offered himself to be in Hee Young's life. I was overwhelmed with so much emotion when I see you, oppa. I couldn't help but let them all out by crying, I guess" I took another sip of the coffee, letting the satisfying burn in my throat going down to my stomach.

"What kind of emotions, honey?"

"Relief, happy? That he knows? That he accepts?" I answered unsure, taking a deep breath and letting it out.

"That's it?" he asked again, knowing that that's not the real reason I was crying.

Smiling at him at his knowing question, Seokjin smiled too, lifting his brows, demanding the answer to his question. There's no running away from this oppa. He knows me too well.

"I - I guess I still miss him, oppa. When I met him, I know that my feelings for him never fade all these years. And when I saw him again, I felt like - I - I want to hug him, oppa. But I didn't have the courage. I was afraid. But I know that I still miss him so much," I blurted out everything, spilling out all I had been feeling about the man I still love.

"It's okay, honey. It's okay. Love is not something you can force to come or to leave your heart as you like. We both know that, so there's nothing wrong if you still have feelings for him. He does have a significant impact in your life when we wasn't there for you. But do you want him back in your life, Y/N?"

"He wants to be in Hee Young's life. But I'm not sure if he wants to be in mine though,"

"What makes you say that?"

"Remember that Taehyung had told us about the bracelet I gave him? He didn't have it with him anymore. Maybe he has someone else now,"

"Or maybe he lost it? Or he broke it? So that's why he didn't wear it," Seokjin tried to reason, and I just shook my head slowly.

"I don't know, oppa. I don't think I'm going to put hope in our relationship. Hoseok seemed to be more matured now when I saw how he treated Hee Young, but we didn't exactly have a conversation going between us. So I couldn't say how he had changed after all these years," I smiled sadly, tracing my finger on the cup.

"Don't you want to find out?" Seokjin asked all of a sudden, breaking the silence after a while.

"Find out what?"

"Find out how he had changed. After all, it has been three years. He might changed into a much better person. And he might still have feelings for you too," he said teasingly as he lifted his eyebrows suggestively at his words, and I felt my cheeks heated.

"Oppa!" I exclaimed, and the male laughed at my embarrassed reaction.

"I'm just saying. It's just my gut feeling, but I feel like he still feels something for you too,"

"You don't know that, oppa," I retorted, not convinced with his gut feeling or whatsoever.

"True. So what do you say? Give him a chance? Hmm?" he moved closer and kept poking my cheeks, batting his eyes that have beautiful long eyelashes, acting cute to persuade me in giving in to his request.

"Oh gosh, oppa. Stop, don't act all cute to me. I'm not Namjoon," I laughed at his petty behaviors and pushed his fingers away from my face.

"But you love me, and I know you too well. You're giving him a chance, right?" he guessed spot on, I just gave up in trying to hide anything from him.

"To be in Hee Young's life, yes. He has the rights and Hee Young should know about her real father as well,"

"And for your life?" he asked, teasing again.

"We'll see about that, oppa. I'm still not confident with myself and he might actually have someone new already," I said softly.

"Believe me, he doesn't" he said confidently, looking at his nails.

"Again, you don't know that, oppa" I retorted again, but was just brushed off by Seokjin's last words before he got up from his seat to start preparing breakfast.

"And that's your task to find out, darling"

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