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After our meeting with Taehyung and Jungkook, the two boys had gotten closer and frequently visited the house to play with Hee Young.

"Noona, I want to buy this dress for Hee Young but I'm afraid I'll choose the wrong size. It's a limited edition and I really want Hee Young to have one. Will you come with me, please?" Taehyung suddenly popped up in front of my desk with his puppy eyes looking at me.

Jungkook peeked out from his place to listen to our conversation.

It was lunch hour, but Jungkook and I had to stay a little bit to finish one of our report that needed to be submitted before the day ends.

And Taehyung seemed to be free as always, wandering around our office more frequent than ever.

"Taehyung, you bought so many things for her already. She's growing up and there are even clothes she hasn't wear yet. You bought too much already, young man" I declined softly.

"Then, we'll buy a bigger size. Isn't that right, Jungkookie? It's for her birthday, please" Taehyung batted his eyes to Jungkook looking for support and the youngest only blushed at the nickname, immediately nodded in agreement.

I rolled my eyes at the two and sighed.

"Okay, I understand. When are you planning to go?" I gave in.

I was going to lose anyway.

"Today after work? I need to make reservation for the dress, and I'm excited since this is the first time that I reserved for a baby clothing!"

I widened my eyes at his words and opened my mouth to reject the offer again but was stopped immediately by Taehyung.

"No, noona. Just think of this as my practice when I have my child with Jungkook next time. Moreover, I already contacted the shop and informed that I'll be there with the baby,"

"Urghhh, Taehyung" I frowned my eyes at the boy, feeling bad that he was going to spend so much money on Hee Young.

Jungkook was already red from Taehyung's casual statement just now and seemed to stop functioning.

While the other boy only smiled confidently looking at two very different reaction at his earlier words.

"Only this one time. No more next time, you understand me, Mr. Kim Taehyung?" I warned, with a firm voice.

"Loud and clear, ma'am!" he saluted with a playful voice before dragging us two to get our lunch.

I smiled apologetically to my co-workers that were still in the office with us, but they just laughed and waved at us telling us to enjoy our lunch.

I felt grateful that after they knew about my relationship with Namjoon and the others, they still treated me the same and didn't try to sabotage me or gave me a side eye like you usually seen in movies or dramas.

The only difference was the hostile look given by Namjoon's secretary was now nowhere to be seen. Maybe she didn't consider me as a rival any longer and more like a sister now.

And that's a good thing for me.

She's really great at her job just like Namjoon said, so, getting on her good side was definitely a plus point for me.

Even Jungkook warmed up to her a little bit since then.

And I have never seen Hoseok after that one day.

Taehyung agreed to keep it quiet for me, and I was thankful for that.

"Y/N let's go. Seokjin will meet us at the mall later with Hee Young," Namjoon knocked on my desk and I looked up from the computer in front of me.

"Oh, it's time already?" I turned to look at Jungkook's desk, but the boy was not there anymore.

"Taehyung went ahead and kidnapped the boy while you went to the restroom earlier. Come on, pack your things," Namjoon instructed and I immediately packed everything and followed Namjoon to his car.

Namjoon didn't drive.

He had a driver to drive for him.

Previously Seokjin would drive for him but after we moved in, Seokjin asked Namjoon to find a driver since he had to take care of Hee Young.

It's not that Namjoon was spoiled, but he just didn't have the ability to drive.

He wanted to drive by his own, but he can't.

Among all the abilities that god gave to Namjoon, driving was definitely not one of them.

He tried and put a lot of effort studying everything about driving, but eventually gave up.

He failed the driving test twice. He even failed the simulation program.

And that's how we knew that he wasn't born to drive and will have people drive for him for the rest of his life.

So, after the company knew about how I was now part of Namjoon's family, I took the role as his driver.

His former driver now works for Seokjin at the house, helping whenever Seokjin needed to run an errand but couldn't leave Hee Young alone.

"Alright. So, the report?" I asked, referring to the report Jungkook and I submitted earlier.

I drove out from the basement parking and was nearly blinded by the sun that was setting in front of us.

"I only look through it once and didn't get the chance to go into details yet, but it looks good," Namjoon wore his sunglasses and pulled out another pair from the dashboard before offering it to me.

It was quite big for me but still, I wasn't going to let my eyes go blind just because of the excessive exposure to sunlight.

"Thanks, but let us know once you spot any mistake, okay. Jungkook and I checked thrice, but we couldn't be so sure about it," I eased my frowned eyebrows as soon as I wore the given sunglasses.

"Don't worry too much. I trust that you guys did a great job on the report,"

"Whatever you say, boss" I grinned, earning a chuckle from my boss beside me and we continued talking about everything until we reached the mall.

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