Chapter 1

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This is my first time writing something like this. Please leave a comment if you like!

He was sitting in the tree quietly with a book in his lap. He spent many of his days alone in the tree. It wasn't like he minded being alone, he preferred it that way.

He swung his legs off the branch and jumped down with his book secured tightly in his hand. Spending time alone had become a reoccurring thing for him.

Yuki was the omega of his pack, the lesser being.

None of the other werewolves around him wanted anything to do with him. He knew that they didn't like him, and that was never going to change. He stopped letting it bother him years ago.

Looking around him quietly, Yuki began walking to the house he was forced to call home.
The walk there allowed Yuki enough time to make up an excuse about why he was gone so long. His father would be mad that he missed his chores, and his step mom would give Yuki a disappointed face.  It didn't matter to him that she was upset, and he purposely tried making her mad sometimes.

Yuki knew that she really didn't care. She only married his father because he had status. His father knew, and just didn't care enough to divorce her.

Being the omega son to one of the strongest fighters in the pack was hard. Between protecting the pack, and caring for a weak son, saying it put a strain in their relationship was light.
Yuki couldn't say that was the only problem though.

His mother died when Yuki was eight. Wolves are supposed to have a wolf mate, but his mother was human. Many defy the laws of nature and mate with humans so that they don't have to mark them. Since humans don't feel the urge to mark and claim, werewolves can build families and relationships with them, knowing this.
This way if the human was to betray them, they can abandon them without any problems.
Mating with humans is looked down upon, but his father claimed that he really did love his mother.

He arrived at the house and stopped to sigh. The house never looked as if there was conflict in it. He drug his feet and went inside the house.

"And where were you?"

Yuki's head was jerked back harshly. He stared at the woman behind him, wincing at the dull pain in his scalp.
His step mother glared at him, sharp blue eyes waiting for his answer.

"I was studying."

She released his hair and turned away from him. She flipped her blonde hair over her shoulder as she barked orders at him. 
Yuki hated that color. It was box dyed because her gray hairs were starting to show, but he never said that to her face.

He waited a minute for her to say anything else before walking away. He paused at the end of the stairs and watched her go into the kitchen.

God I wish he would just divorce her already.

He sighed and made his way up the stairs to his room.  He didn't have a door anymore because his stepmother didn't trust him alone without supervision. His father didn't agree, but wanted to make her happy, so he lost the only thing that separated him and them.

Not like I have much of anything now.

Yuki sighed as he sat on his bed. His head burned from the harsh tug that she had given him, but now a headache was threating to form. He looked at the small clock that his father had gotten him for his tenth birthday. He smiled as he laid back and closed his eyes.

Yuki didn't have a problem with his father besides that fact that he loved his wife more than his own son. Yuki had asked his father why he hated him, and received a hard smack to the face. He learned to stay away from topics like this, since his father never hit him before.

Yuki the Omega WolfWhere stories live. Discover now