Chapter 25

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Slight trigger warning!

The days went by slowly, and Yuki felt worse. He was still worried about how the case against him would play out. Miles said that there wasn't anything to point to them, but the boss still wanted them to look.

Luka was going to school with the rest of his siblings, and had to leave Yuki alone.

He was worried about Yuki too. He had Mark come over to try and get Yuki to feel better, but Yuki was still nervous around him.

Yuki slept all day and threw up almost everything he ate. Mark said that it was because of his nerves, and Luka wondered if he was right.

Miles said that everything was winding down finally at the station. Yuki was glad that it would soon be over, and that he didn't have to worry about Luka going to prison any more.

The time that Luka was at school was the worst for Yuki. He was constantly waking up from nightmares of Brent, only to find himself alone.

He tried to eat and calm his nerves, but it came back up shortly after he ate it. Anna noticed the bags under his eyes and asked him questions. He didn't want to say anything, but needed to tell someone his worries.

Amy had moved in with Kono after Reid told her to. Her parents didn't really care and left her to do her own things. Yuki spent some time with her while Luka was gone during the day. She couldn't go to school anymore, and was in the same boat as Yuki.

"And you have no idea what it could be?"

She asked him softly, but Yuki broke down.

He started crying and told her that he was putting more stress on everyone. Amy had calmed him down quickly and stayed with him until Luka came home.

Yuki had been avoiding Maya and Micheal more frequently, and they felt angry. Angry because they went and killed Brent, and now it was hurting Yuki.

Kono watched Yuki talk with Amy at dinner and suddenly asked if he was pregnant.

Yuki stilled and looked horrified. Luka got angry and immediately went after him. His pheromones caused everyone to shake and Yuki almost collapsed.

"What the hell are you doing Kono? Why are you asking stupid questions like that?"

Luka growled at him after sitting back down. Dinner was ruined for them, and Yuki just wanted to leave.

Kono pulled Amy closer to him protectively before answering.

"Well I thought maybe he got him pregnant or something."

Maya sighed and Micheal shook his head at his brother. Luka rubbed away at his face angrily and turned to Yuki.

Yuki swallowed and quietly told them it wasn't possible because he used a condom. Luka picked Yuki up after that and went back to their room.

Kono looked at them all sorry and then left with Amy.

"I mean I understand why he would ask that, but it was such bad timing."

Maya told Micheal as they helped Sarah clean up. Micheal agreed with her and said they should ask Anna what could be wrong.

They both walked to their mothers room and found their father there as well. They told them what had happened, and Reid cursed angrily.

"Does he have rocks in his head or something?"

His grumbled to himself before Anna calmed him down.

"What did you need to ask me?"

Maya asked her if there was an Omega thing that could be effecting Yuki. Something other then the stress and worrying.

Anna shook her head and sighed softly.

"There isn't anything besides heats that are any different from Betas or Alphas."

Reid told them to go to their rooms and turned to his wife.

"You should have a talk with Yuki. He has been worried about this whole thing, but I think there is something else."

Anna nodded and kissed him before he left. She thought about telling him that she already did, but thought against it.

Reid shut her door and walked off to his office. His assistant handed him papers and then left. He sighed and began working on them.

Someone knocked on the door before they stepped in. Miles poked his head in and smiled at Reid.

"What do you need Miles?"

Miles looked offended before sitting down across from him.

"Why do I always need an excuse to come in here?"

Reid told him its because it was his office.

"If it was a social call then you would have waited until I was done."

Miles nodded and laughed. Reid told him to hurry up and say what he needed to.

"Well we have been getting more reports of breaking and enterings lately. Everyone we have as a suspect are rouges. They are happening all around here, and I'm not sure if we should be glad. They are taking people off of Yuki's case for it. "

Reid leaned back in his chair and hummed.

"Rogues usually hang out near woods or forest, not in towns. They must be here for something."

Miles nodded and then stood. Reid watched him walk out and sighed.

"Now what the hell is happening?"

A cloaked figure slowly walked down the alleyway. Her red painted fingers were holding onto her hood.

Her grin was barely able to be seen, but the men that looked at her didn't care. She was there to speak with their boss, and they were not foolish enough to gaze upon her.

Their wolves watched within them as she slowly continued walking past them. Her revealing clothes did nothing to help their battle against themselves.

The woman knew what she was doing. She needed everyone there to be infatuated with her. If not, then her plan would fail.

I will not allow that Omega to make a fool of me, she hissed to herself.

A man held the door for her as she entered the building. A group of fifteen was staring at her, but she didn't care. Her mind was focused on one person.

The rogue Alpha in charge.

He stood up when she had entered. His fangs were showing, and she trembled slightly at them.

He asked her what she wanted, and she slid back her hood.

The woman tucked a few loose strands of blonde hair behind her ear before stepping forward.

His eyes trailed down her body, and she smiled.

"I can help you take down the Maine family, but only if you kill an Omega for me."

The Alpha grinned and beckoned her closer. He grabbed her hair and ripped her head back. His teeth grazed her neck as he smelled her. She flinched hard at the feeling, but it only made him laugh.

"And who is this Omega you hate so much?"

The woman frowned at the name in her mind. He released her hair and caught her chin with his hand.

They locked eyes before she whispered the name of the werewolf that ruined her life.

"Yuki Cross."

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