Chapter 2

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Do you feel like these chapters are too short?

Yuki sat back on the couch and rubbed his eyes. He was glad that it was finally done and over with. The day had been bearing down on him already, and he was starting to feel it.

Yuki had just finished his tutoring session with the three Mafia siblings. He sighed and stood to stretch his legs. His glanced at his watch and sighed in relief as it read eight o' clock.

I get to go to bed.

His hopes came crashing down as he remembered that Micheal, the last sibling, was still in training with his father.

"Hey Maya?" Yuki asked tiredly.

She looked up from math book in front of her, a bored expression resting on her face. Kono had given up on trying and was taking a nap on the couch with his head resting on Luka's shoulder. Luka was the only one that ever really paid attention. Even if they didn't talk, he still appreciated the focus and attention he gave to his lessons.

"When do you think Micheal will be done? I would like to go home now."

Maya just shrugged her shoulders and rested her head on the table. Yuki was feeling how she looked, and he hoped he could tutor Micheal another day.

The door opened at that moment, and two men walked in. Yuki was rubbing his eyes and stopped to blink at the newcomers. He recognized them as Micheal and his father, Reid.

Please don't say he's ready for his lesson. Please just let me go home.

Reid looked at his children and exhaled sharply. Kono had woken up and Maya just grunted her acknowledgement.

"Hello Yuki. I hope everything went smoothly today?"

Yuki nodded and looked past him at Micheal. He was the oldest of the siblings, and so he was expected to take over when his father stepped down.

He nodded to Yuki and smiled. Yuki returned it and looked to Reid.

"I was hoping I could tutor Micheal tomorrow maybe? It is pretty late today, and I'm sure he is already tired from training with you?"

Reid looked at Yuki thoughtfully for a moment and nodded, agreeing with him. Yuki sighed deeply and laughed nervously when he got a look. Reid just shook his head and patted Yuki's head.

"Yes, training did go later than I expected it too. I don't have a problem with that. Do you Micheal?"

Micheal shook his head and Yuki began gathering his things. Something in his pocket crinkled, and Yuki remembered the candy he got earlier. He offered it to the others, who accepted it happily.

Yuki smiled at them while they opened and ate the candy. Even Luka seemed happy with the gift. Yuki would never tell anyone it secretly pleased him. Reid tapped him on the shoulder and motioned for him to follow.

Yuki went with him after setting his books back down, and they walked down the hall, talking quietly.

"How are their grades doing Yuki?"

Yuki told him that all four had greatly improved. He seemed pleased with that, and stopped at a door on the right. Yuki recognized it instantly and looked at Reid. He smiled at Yuki and opened the door.

"She has been wanting to speak with you for a while."

Yuki nodded and stepped inside the room. The curtain were pulled shut, and the lights were dimly lit. Yuki saw her sitting up in the bed and smiled. The woman was the mother of the four he tutored: and the wife of the mob boss.

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