Chapter 12

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This is a flashback.

"Daddy? Why does no one want to play with us?"

Reid looked down at his four children. They were all looking up at him with big eyes.

He smiled and bent down to them all.

"What do you mean Maya? I like to play with you."

She stomped her foot and crossed her arms.

"That's not what I meant. None of the others kids wanna play with us. Why?"

Reid sighed and sat down on the ground. He knew that they didn't have many friends, but that was to be expected.

As children of the Mafia boss, they were bound to be isolated. Not every kid was willing to be friends with them.

"They are just scared of how awesome you guys are. When you do find that someone that wants to play with you, don't let them go."

They are nodded their heads and walked away.

It was hard raising the little brats. His wife had gotten sick after giving birth, and she had to stay in bed.

He was raising them all on his own it seemed.

They are lucking that they were cute, he thought.

Reid watched them playing a little before going back to paper work.

A few weeks later they came home crying. Maya was the first one in, and Kono wasn't that far behind. Michael and Luka were quiet and stood next to their siblings.

"What happened to you four?"

Reid was in the middle of a meeting when they came rushing in. The client was looking at him and he sent them away.

"We will have to reschedule out meeting. I do hope that you understand."

It wasn't really a question and the man quickly nodded and then left. Reid looked at his children again and smiled. They were adorable even when covered in tears and snot.

Michael sniffed once and then mumbled.

"We found a friend."

His face was serious and Reid had to suppress his laugh. He coughed and bent down to them all.

"And that has you all crying? I thought that you were hurt or something."

He stood and placed his hands on his hips. They watched him sit down and sigh.

"Alright then. Tell me about them."

Maya explained that a kid named Yuki sat near them all. He's a werewolf too, and lived close to them. He was the one to start talking with them at lunch, and played with them at recess.

"Yuki's really smart too daddy. He knows how to read big words, and he's really good with his math."

Kono was smiling now while talking to him.

The four told Reid about how cool their new friend was, and Reid listened carefully to each of them. After they seemed to calm down, Reid suggested that they tell their mother. Micheal led them out of the room and down the hall.

Reid's assistant appeared and handed him some papers. Reid looked them over before sighing.

"Is something wrong sir?"

Reid looked at him and then laughed.

"They have been crying for years about not having a friend, and now after two years in middle school, they finally found one."

The man looked confused, but nodded along. Reid sent him away and focused on his work.

After a few months, the four came home and asked if Yuki could come over. Reid told them no, but Anna had talked him into it.

"Come on honey, this is their first friend. Please let them have just one day with him."

Reid had tried explaining that the kid would get scared after finding out they are Mafia to his wife, but she insisted that it would be fine.

Yuki came over on a Friday and spent the day with the four. Anna was surprised to see how timid and shy he was, but left it go. She was also surprised that his parents didn't call or even come with him. After a while, Anna called her husband to her room to talk about how they all were.

"I think they will be good friends."

Anna watched him sit down on the bed in silence. He grabbed her hand and kissed it gently.

"I think he isn't to afraid as well; even if he flinches every time the kids touch him, and doesn't really talk."

He sighed and ran a hand through his hair. Anna squeezed his hand and tears formed in her eyes. Reid brushed them away and kissed her forehead.

"I just hope everything works out for them."

Reid sighed and looked away.

"All we can do is watch from the sidelines."

Anna nodded and rubbed her eyes.

"Hopefully they don't say anything that is too much for him to handle."

She laughed and smiled at him.

"Make sure our babies are nice to him."

Reid nodded and stood up. He went looking for the five of them and found them playing in the garden. He smiled at them and watched them play. Yuki stopped playing after a while, and said he had to go home.

Maya asked him to stay longer. but Yuki just shook his head. Reid sent him home and gathered his four children.

"Listen up you guys. That friend of yours looked a little scared today. I want you all to be nicer to him okay?"

They all nodded and went off to their own things. Reid stood there and huffed.

He really needed to stay on top of this.

Anna heard a knock on her door and smiled. She told them to come in and laughed as Luka popped his head in. She motioned for him to sit next to her and waited for him to get settled.

"Now what brings my adorable pup here? Are your siblings playing?"

Luka nodded and looked at her. Her blonde hair was pulled into a pony tail, and her blues eyes were shining.

Anna had become sick and weak after giving birth to the four of them. It was a surprise when she had found out there were going to be four of them, but loved them nonetheless. She had to stay in bed most of the time as well, but that didn't stop her from being a loving mother.

"I think there is something wrong with Yuki Mama."

Anna looked at him and frowned.

"Now what makes you think that?"

Luka shook his head and began mumbling. Anna held him until he stopped and sighed.

"I don't know but he doesn't smell right. The only thing I can smell on him is the stuff you put on our scrapes after we fall."

She tilted her head and thought for a moment.

"Well maybe he fell down then. Come on now, go play before dinner."

Luka nodded and kissed her on the cheek. He left the room and wandered down the hall.

"But why does he smell like that everyday then?"

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