Chapter 33

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Violence and abuse warning!

Yuki and Hana were talking softly when the door slammed open. Hana flinched and immediately hid behind Yuki.

He was startled at first but quickly calmed down. His heart rate sped up though when he saw who was standing there.

Marie glared at him with her hands on her hips. She made eye contact with him and smirked.

"I wasn't sure if keeping you alive was a good choice. Rein had to talk me into the whole thing after he brought you back. I was just going to kill you, but now I have so many things I can do to your body."

She threw her head back and laughed. Yuki felt like throwing up just thinking of what she had planned for him. He felt Hana move from behind him, and Marie stopped laughing. She focused on the little girl behind him for a long time before speaking.

"Rein said he had another down here, but I didn't expect such a young girl."

Marie moved towards them and Yuki quickly blocked Hana from her. Marie growled at him before grabbing his hair and yanking it. Yuki shouted out as his head was ripped back; suddenly remembering everything she has done before. His body tensed up as he stared at her terrified.

Hana yelled for her to let go of Yuki, but it was in vain. Yuki protected his stomach as Marie hit him repeatedly.

She slapped him in the face first. Then she kicked him and stepped on him. Yuki knew she was going to kick him again but was stopped when the door opened. Yuki struggled to look at who the person was.

Hana whimpered and moved back into the corner. Yuki immediately knew who it was, and tried to sit up. Marie stared at Rein in confusion before she was sent flying.

Rein had kicked her right in the stomach. Marie crashed into the wall before sliding down slowly. Yuki followed Rein's shoes as he walked over to her. Marie gasped as Rein pulled her out of the room by her hair. Yuki almost felt bad for her.


After Rein left with Marie; Hana went back to Yuki. She asked if he was alright before remembering he was pregnant.

"Is the baby okay Yuki? Do you feel bad anywhere?"

Yuki smiled at her warmly while pulling himself upright. He groaned when his back hit the wall, but sighed after a minute.

"I think we're okay for now. She didn't hit my stomach, but all this stress isn't good either."

Hana nodded and asked how to help Yuki relax and stay calm. He told her that he was fine, but stopped when he saw the look on her face.

She was determined to help protect the baby in his stomach.

"Don't worry about me, sweetheart. Make sure you stay safe, okay?"

Hana went quiet for a while after that. Rein brought more food for them, but Hana didn't eat. Yuki tried getting her to eat but failed.

"You have to eat baby. You don't want to get sick right?"

Hana nodded and nibbled on some food. He wanted her to eat more but didn't push her. After she finished, he asked her what she was thinking about.

"You need to eat more for the baby. I want to help you so, can you be my new mommy?"

Yuki sat there staring at her for a long time. He didn't even realize he was staring untill she moved away from him.

"No, never mind. It was stupid of me to ask you that. I'm sorry."

After his mind figured everything out, Yuki beckoned her back to his lap. She came slowly from the corner, and Yuki wondered if he could do it.

"I was just surprised you asked me that. I was hoping you came to trust me but didn't realize it might come this far. I would love to take care and love you, Hana."

Yuki knew that if he could feel his wolf; that it would be pleased. He was sure that his pheromones would be radiating pure happiness right now.

And Hana would be too. She smiled brightly at him before hugging him tightly.

They stayed like that for the rest of the day. Yuki figured out that Rein fed them three times a day. The third time was at night, so he could at least know it was dark out.

Rein came in for the third time to deliver food. Yuki wanted to ask what time it was but was too scared. He didn't want to socialize with him at all. Rein had kidnapped him and ruined a little girl's life.

His little girl.

Yuki glared at Reins back as he left. He looked at the food on the floor before telling Hana to get it. She happily ate the food while Yuki stared at his. She asked what was wrong, but he just shook his head.

It took him a while before he finally ate the food. Hana was worried about him but didn't say it. Yuki could see the glances she gave him too. He just wanted to be out of here already.

Without his wolf, Yuki was getting restless. Usually, he was the calmest out of everyone around him. Being stuck in the same room for what, two days, was making him crazy.

Yuki didn't have to wait long for some thing to happen though. Rein walked back in and smirked at Yuki. He swallowed and pulled Hana behind him protectively.

"You must be feeling bored Yuki. After two days; it is to be expected. I will come to see you tomorrow and then we can play. Until then, sleep well."

He slammed the door behind him which made Yuki and Hana both flinch. Yuki sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. He wasn't sure what Rein had in store for them and didn't want to find out.

Hana asked if he could tell her a story. He smiled at how cute she was before having her cuddle up with him. He wrapped his arms around her small body before starting the story.

Hana fell asleep rather quickly in his arms. Yuki stayed awake a little longer before falling asleep finally.

When he woke up, Rein was standing in the room watching him. He realized that it must be the next morning.

And now he had to face whatever Rein had planned for him.

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