Chapter 34

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Blood and violence warning!

Luka sat on the couch with Maya and Kono. He wasn't sure how his sister got back so quickly from her trip, but he was glad that she was there. She was constantly yelling at him for screwing up with Yuki, and Luka wanted to throw her out of the window.

He knew she was right and all, but he didn't like to be reminded of his mistakes. Kono pointed out that he kind of deserved getting yelled at.

Luka sighed and dragged a hand over his face. They looked at him, but didn't say anything. Reid came back from the hospital and said that Micheal was out of surgery. He would live, but they didn't know when he could come home. They all sat in silence as people bustled around them. Reid told them to wait until they knew where Yuki had gone, and they decided to sit on the couch.

It was hard for them to just sit there and not do anything. Maya was mad that the rouges got in, let alone everyone getting hurt too.

"We cant just keep sitting her guys. Let's go ask dad what we can do."

Kono pulled her back down on the couch. She hit the couch with a thud and growled at Kono.

"What the hell dude?"

Kono shook his head and told her stay put.

"Dad's with mom trying to calm her down still. She is still too worked up and it's not good fro her health. Luka, back me up here."

Luka snorted and stood up.

"I say we go."

He started walking away from them and heard them both get up. They followed behind him and they walked to Reid's office. Luka knocked and went in shorty after.

They saw Miles and asked if they found anything yet. Reid sighed and looked at Miles with a smile.

"It's like they can sense it or something."

Luka asked what he meant and Miles handed him a paper. It was a map and Luka looked at them both confused.

"That's were they took Yuki. I already have a group getting ready to leave. Are you going with them?"

Luka looked at his father with a glare. Reid laughed and told him to get ready. Maya and Kono said they were going too and Luka looked at them shocked.

"You cant go alone right? We are coming to get Yuki too. After all, we are his friends."

Luka said he didn't care, and they all got ready to leave. They were all in a car driving to the place where Yuki was being held. Reid stayed behind with Anna and Amy. She had come over after Kono told her it was okay.

It has been almost three days now that Yuki has been gone. Luka was sure he would be injured in some way, and hoped it didn't hurt the baby. Maya noticed his restlessness and grabbed his hands.

"You know Yuki is strong Luka. He will be fine and so will the baby. You need to stay strong for him until we get there, okay?"

Luka felt himself nod, but didn't feel assured. Kono tried making small talk until they arrived, but knew it wasn't helping. He stopped and the car was filled with silence.

It was dark out when they arrived at the hideout. Luka heard the others say they had to wait until morning. He wanted to go in now, but knew it would be too dangerous.

They spent the night watching the place for movement, and only saw a few rouges. Luka tried to sleep, but was too nervous. His wolf wanted to come out and just get Yuki. He had a hard time controlling himself with Yuki right there.

The next morning was busy. Luka watched everyone gear up and get ready. Some shifted and went ahead to take care of the rouges. Luka and his two sibling followed the others into the hideout.

After the rouges outside were taken care of, there weren't many inside. Luka noticed how quiet everything was inside, and hoped that Yuki in was there. The others branched off to make sure the rest of the building was secure. Kono led them to the back of the building and Luka heard something.

They stopped at a back room and listened. There was yelling and then growling from the other side.

Luka nodded to them and grabbed the handle. Maya and Kono aimed their guns at the door, ready to fire. Luka took a deep breath and ripped open the door.

He saw Yuki standing over someone with bloody clothes. His own clothes were ripped up and Luka saw cuts on his skin.

Yuki looked at them when they walked in and then back at the man on the ground.

The man on the ground wasn't Rein, and they would have to still find him.

Luka felt his nails grow, and didn't hold his wolf back this time.

Yuki noticed his movements and moved back against the wall. Maya stepped back with Kono and watched Luka rip into the man. He screamed in agony as Luka tore off his limbs. His fur was matted with blood when he was done, but he didn't care.

His wolf was in control, but Yuki wasn't scared. He waited for Luka to calm down first before walking towards him.

Luka felt his wolf let go, and he shifted back. Kono handed him pants and Luka pulled them on. Yuki held back his tears as Luka looked at him. Luka stepped over the body and wrapped his arms around Yuki.

Yuki cried into his chest for a while as they stood there.

The others that came with them found them and called Reid. He was glad to hear Yuki was alright, and said to get Yuki to the hospital.

Luka finally noticed the other person in the room when Yuki called for her.

Luka gave Yuki a look and watched him smile. Yuki wiped away his tears before grabbing her hand.

"This is Hana. Rein killed her mom and held her here too."

Luka nodded, but then shook his head.

"And what are you going to do with her?"

Hana whimpered at the intense look Luka was giving her. Yuki bent down to her and let out a quiet groan. Luka noticed and held back a growl.

He could smell the blood in the room, and it was no doubt Yuki's. He wasn't sure how badly Yuki was injured, and wanted to get Yuki to the hospital quickly. Maya broke his thoughts by saying they had to leave. Yuki nodded and picked Hana up.

Luka yelled at him not to do that, but Yuki said he was fine.

"I can smell the blood Yuki. You are definitely not fine, so put the girl down."

His voice turned deep as he let out his Alpha pheromones. Yuki swallowed before putting Hana down. She hid behind Yuki and grabbed onto his leg. Yuki patted her head and looked at the ground.

Luka sighed and told Yuki to get in the car. Yuki didn't move and looked at Luka. They stared at each other before Yuki huffed at him.

"Not unless we take our daughter with us."

Luka stilled and stared at Hana. He pointed to her, then to Yuki, and then himself. Yuki nodded and smiled brightly. Even after being held captive for three days and beaten, he still knew how to smile.

Luka finally sighed and pointed to the car. Hana giggled and followed Yuki to the car. He helped her up and turned back to Luka. He watched Yuki walk over to him and sigh.

"You found me Luka."

Luka scoffed and rubbed dirt off of Yuki's cheek.

"Of course I did. I wouldn't have stopped looking until I did. Are you okay?"

Yuki nodded and hugged Luka gently. Luka kissed the top of his head and looked back at Hana. She was watching them with her bright eyes and smiled when they made eye contact. Luka laughed and grabbed Yuki's hand.

"Come on. Our kid's waiting for us, and we have to make sure the other one is okay too."

Yuki looked up at him shocked and Luka laughed. He felt pretty smug until Yuki pulled him down to his whisper in his ear.

"Make that two other ones."

Yuki the Omega WolfWhere stories live. Discover now