Chapter 39

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I walked through the halls slowly as everyone passed by. I didn't look up from the floor in fear of making eye contact with them. I was an Omega, the weakest of the bunch.

My dad was one of the strongest fighters around, and also held a high class job. He was a lawyer who took cases that grabbed attention. Everyone who saw him knew that he was definitely an Alpha.

My mom on the other hand didn't see him like that. She was a human, so it was to be expected. Everyone was surprised when he announced they were getting married. They didn't think the strong and smart Alpha would go for a human.

The Alpha saw that the woman loved him not because of his status, but because she really loved him. The job and the title meant nothing to her. My dad fell in love instantly and married her. When she become pregnant with me, everyone was scared.

What would the baby of a human and werewolf be like? Sure there were some already out there, but not close to them. They were scared of what path I would take. Be a human and become out casted from the wolves?

I ended up fine though. My mother died and my dad remarried. He told me these stories when mom died. It wasn't until he found Marie that he stopped. Said it hurt to much to talk about her.

Everyone around us said that I looked like my mom, and that made it hard for all of us.

My dad knew it was the truth.

I didn't like reminding my dad of the painful memories.

Marie didn't like that my dad was still focused on his ex wife.

I tried hard to make everything better though. Marie never changed her ways, and my dad didn't stop her. It was too much for him, and I think he just wanted to run.

I was the thing holding him back.

Marie told me this constantly. I first thought it was fine, that my dad loved me and didn't want to leave. Once the neighbors starting telling me who I looked like changed my views.

I became distant and tried to rebel. I wanted my dad to hate me so he could just leave. If he hated me then he wouldn't look back. It would hurt, but I wanted, no needed, him to be okay, happy.

I arrived at a classroom and opened the door. It was empty, and I wondered what made me come here in the first place. I didn't remember how I got there, or what I was looking for. It was cold and lonely, and I just wanted to go back.

Back to where though?

I don't know who I am or who I was. Wandering seemed like the best option, so that's what I did.

I went around the school I was in and then went outside. I found myself in a house that felt familiar.

But why would it?

I continued through the house and stopped at a door. I put my ear against the door and heard someone singing quietly. I didn't want to interrupt them, but wanted to see who it was.

I opened the door and saw a woman. She was sitting in a rocking chair holding a baby. I blinked at her as she continued rocking back and forth while singing. She seemed to notice me after a while because she stopped and looked up.

She smiled and tilted her head to the side.

"Do you know where you are?

I shook my head and watched her stand. She placed the baby in the crib and stepped towards me. I held my breath as she brushed my hair back with her hand.

I felt a sudden urge to hug her, so I did. She returned it and sighed deeply.

"What are you doing here?

I shrugged and looked around the room. The walls were colored in blue, and for some reason it calmed me.

The woman held out her hand, and I took it. She lead me throughout the house again, but this time I noticed things differently.

It seemed brighter now.

The woman kept asking me questions that i didnt really know the answers to. I didn't know who my friends were, or who I wanted to be.

She nodded as if she understood. I didn't even understand what I was saying.

We spent more time walking around the house. She showed me framed pictures that were a family of three. They seemed happy even though the child was an Omega. We went back check on the baby she put it the crib. When I asked who he was she said it was her son.

She spoke about how much she loved her baby, and how he was going to grow up into a strong man. I asked if that was possible with him being an Omega.

"Just because you are born with a weak title or name doesn't mean you cant grow up to be something more."

I thought about what she said carefully. I looked at the baby and saw how peaceful it slept.

"I would want my kid to grow up knowing it can be whatever it wanted."

The woman laughed quietly and sat back down in the chair. I asked why she was there alone and she smiled.

"My husband is at work right now. He is being the best he can right now at work. I'm doing the best I can here at home with him. And he is doing the very best at being a cute little nugget."

I laughed at her words before realizing who she was. The words she told me before struck me hard in the chest. She looked at me confused as I dropped down to the ground.

She tried to get me to stand up, but my legs were too weak. I didn't know who I was, but she was an important person to me.

"What's wrong?"

I felt tears on my face as I shook my head. She knelt down beside me and pulled me into a hug. I returned it back tightly while laughing.

"Can I stay here with you? Its calm and quiet and I feel at peace."

She shook her head slowly and helped me up.

"It is peaceful because it is home. This was before all the bad things happened. You need to grow up and be the strong little nugget you are."

I wiped away the tears and sniffled as she sat me in the chair. I tried to hold back the tears, but failed.

"I know you want to stay here baby but you cant. You have a whole life that it just beginning. You need to go back and be there for them now. Teach them how they can do their best at being the best. Tell them everything you have learned and more."

I swallowed and looked at the crib. The baby wasn't there anymore, and I looked at her.

"Who am I supposed to help now? That baby is gone and I'm all alone."

She kneeled down in front of me and looked me in the eyes.

"The baby is gone from here yes. Go back and have a new baby be given to you."

I licked my lips and shook my head again.

"And what baby are we talking about?"

She laughed and stood up.

"Why yours of course."

She pointed at me and I looked down. Two babies were sleeping in my arms peacefully. I gasped as I felt the tears fall down my cheeks.

I looked up once more at the woman. She nodded and I inhaled shakily.

"Thank you mom."

Yuki the Omega WolfWhere stories live. Discover now