Chapter 41

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Make sure you check out my other books.

Slight sexual warning!

After a week spent in the hospital, the doctors said Yuki could go home. He was relieved that he could finally get out of the stuffy room he was confined to.

Luka had taken the twins home already and settled them into the house. Maya and Michael had been helping Amy and Kono after she had went into labor a short time before the crash.

Mark helped out when he didn't have to work. He visited Yuki at the hospital a few more times while he was there too.

Luka told Yuki how hard it was taking care of the twins without him there. He said that Mark was a big help, but couldn't wait for him to come home.

Yuki sighed as he sat down in the car. Luka raised an eyebrow at him, but stayed silent. He came to pick him up and left Mark watching the twins. He wanted Mark to get Yuki, but he insisted on staying back.

"Do you want anything before we get to the house?"

Yuki shook his head and said he wanted to go home first.

"I want to see the twins. It's been almost a week since I last saw them."

Luka nodded and began driving. They arrived at the house and was greeted by Hana. She was happy to see Yuki again, even though she visited Yuki almost every day in the hospital.

"How do you feel Momma?"

Yuki smiled at her and ruffled her hair. He slowly made his way into the house due to still being sore. Luka helped him sit on the couch and went to go check on the twins.

Hana sat with him and talked with him happily. Luka and Mark came back each holding a twin.

Yuki laid back on the couch and patted his lap. Luka paused to stare at him before handing him the twins.

Luka was forced to name them when Yuki was in the hospital. He picked from the list of names they had come up with earlier in the pregnancy. Yuki was sad that he couldn't see them when they were first born like Luka, but accepted it as it was.

"Leo has a hard time sleeping away from Amira. She is better at sleeping alone, but it has to be with someone at first. They really have been a handful, and they have only been home for a week. Hopefully now they start to settle down with you home."

Yuki looked down at Leo and Amira who were sleeping at the moment. He smiled softly at how two little pups could send Luka crazy. Granted having two newborn babies was hard for any family, and he had to do it without his mate for a week.

"You can take a nap or whatever Luka. I got them for now. Plus, Hana could help me if I need anything. Right?"

Hana nodded and listed off the things she had already been helping with. Someone rang the doorbell and Luka went to answer it.

Yuki listened to Hana talk, but stopped when he sensed a group of people nearing them. His instincts told him to hold the twins closer to his body, and get Hana behind him. He almost did, but realized who it was.

"My annoying siblings came over to say hi and see the twins."

Luka let out a long sigh and entered the room. Maya, Kono, and Micheal followed him in shortly after. Kono immediately locked his eyes on the babies and asked to see them. Yuki nodded and he moved so they could see them better.

"How is your baby doing Kono? Did Amy have a hard time with labor?"

Kono chuckled shortly before fake crying.

"It was so hard to see her like that. I couldn't do anything but sit and listen to her cry in pain. She broke two of my fingers while giving birth too."

He held up his hand and wiggled his fingers for emphasis. Maya shook her head and called him a big baby.

"It went good. She gave birth to a boy and named him Brian. He is the cutest little thing I ever saw."

Yuki laughed and said his kids were cuter. Maya leaned over the back of the couch and looked at them. She smiled and hid her face a moment later.

"No, you cant make me choose. I give all the babies the cutest ever award."

She laughed and then covered her mouth when Amira moved. She settled down and Yuki sighed.

"These guys are going to be a handful. They are going to be giants too with their fathers height."

Micheal laughed this time from the kitchen that was connected to the living room. He said he could see the future of them already.

"Yuki is going to be looking up to everyone in the upcoming years. I bet even Hana with grow taller then you."

Yuki stuck his tongue out at him and pouted.

"It's not my fault I got my mothers height."

Luka kissed his forehead and said he liked Yuki's height. Yuki smiled up at him and thanked him for being on his side.

The three left a few hours later, and Yuki put the twins to bed. Hana asked for a bedtime story, and Yuki happily gave her one.

Mark had left shorty before the three arrived, and Yuki wondered if it was connected.

By the time he made to bed, he was exhausted. Luka asked if he wanted to take a shower, and Yuki practically ran for the bathroom.

They stripped and spent a few minutes washing and rinsing each other off. Yuki almost moaned at how good the hot water felt on his skin. The cuts from the crash healed, and no scars marked his skin. He let his mind wander for a bit, and Luka dragged him back with a light kiss on his mark.

Yuki tilted his head and pushed back against Luka. He shuddered as he felt Luka's teeth graze and nip at his skin.

The water flowed over them as they kissed gently. It eventually become more intense and Luka pressed him against the wall. Yuki allowed Luka to dominate his mouth with his tongue, and groaned deeply.

Luka smiled against his lips and trailed his hands down lower until he found what he was aiming for. Yuki's hips jerked and he whimpered quietly.

They broke apart and tried to catch their breath. Luka let his eyes travel lower until he saw proof what he had hope to do. Yuki was taking in deep breaths trying to calm his body down.

Luka was going back in for more when he heard faint crying. He cursed and Yuki sighed and threw his head back.

"I'll get her. You stay here and finish up."

He nodded to his mate and watched him leave. He finished quickly and grabbed the towel. His eyes found his pile of clothes and he threw them on. He then looked in the mirror and smiled.

His life was perfect now. He had a mate and friends, and even his father back. He had newborn twins and a daughter now. And that was all that mattered to him.

Yuki sighed deeply and opened the door to the twins room. Luka was rocking Amira in a chair and smiled when Yuki entered.

His heated session with Luka was interrupted by her, but he wouldn't have it any other way.

It might sound weird to some people especially since he was an Omega.

But Yuki was glad that he got mixed up in the Mafia.

Their peaceful moment was interrupted by Lukas phone ringing. Yuki took Amira and watched Lukas face twist into fury.

Luka ended the call and stood from the seat.

"We figured out who tried to kill you."

He paused to take a calming breath.

"It was Rein."

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