Chapter 17

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Got some good old father/son love here.

Mark sped through the traffic as fast as he could. He was on his way to talk with the one person he never wanted to face again.

Once he realized that Yuki's life could be in danger, Mark knew he had to act. He wasn't always the best toward him, but he was still his father nonetheless.

Reid Maine was truly a man of horror. He was suspected of being involved with over twenty cases of murder, and had never been found guilty once.

Mark himself had fought with trying to get him in court, but had ultimately failed. He put the case past him and focused on others, but now he was all that Mark could think about.

And why the hell was Yuki there, he thought to himself.

Maybe they had someone in the police department that recognized the last name. They could have gone to Reid and informed him that an old enemy had resurfaced or something.

The possibilities were endless as to why he was there.

Mark didn't even have a plan for when he got there yet. All he knew was that he lost Yuki's mother, and his wife.

He wasn't about to lose Yuki too.

He eventually made it to the front gate of the house. It looked fairly decent from the outside, but he knew what they were. As if they already knew he was coming, a small group came out of the house. Mark swallowed and exited the car. He walked up to them and explained that he was here tow see his son Yuki. One of them left and came back shortly. Mark saw Reid walking behind the man and held back a growl. Reid combed his hand through his hair casually, and walked towards him.

"Well hello there. I honestly didn't know what expect to ever see you again. How are you doing these days Mark?"

He smiled and leaned against the gate while staring at Mark. He could feel the tension rolling off of the other Alpha, but didn't show it on his face.

Mark stepped forward and glared at him.

"I'm getting straight to the point here. My son is in your house is he not?"

Reid smirked and faked a confused face.

"Oh what ever could you mean? Why would your son be in my house?"

Mark growled and the men standing by Reid moved forward. Rein held them back and continued on.

"And if he was in my house Mark, what do you think is happening to him right now?"

Reid knew he hit the right nerve as Mark  jumped for him. He stepped back right as Mark stuck his hands through the gate. The men looked at Reid, but didn't move.

Mark snarled at him and Reid could feel the anger pouring from him.

That's what he gets for treating his son like shit for all these years, Reid thought to himself with a smile.

Mark slowly calmed down and grabbed the gate tightly.

"Please just tell me he is alive."

Reid stared at him and then suddenly laughed. How could he say that after everything he has done? Allowing his wife to abuse his son while he was away. Never paying any attention to Yuki unless it was to yell at him.

Mark glared at him again, but softened his gaze. Reid glanced at him and finally sighed. He turned to the men and nodded to them. They all turned and left them there alone. Reid was done playing with Mark for now. He would allow Yuki to speak with him, but not without one of them present. He also wondered what Mark was so keen on talking with Yuki about?

Reid watched Mark straighten out and stare at him. Mark dug his nails into his palm, and gritted his teeth when they drew blood. He released his hands and finally let them hang at his side.

Mark opened his mouth, but a door slammed before he could speak. Yuki appeared next to Reid and Mark almost collapsed. He sighed deeply and smiled at him.

"I'm glad you are-."

Yuki quickly shook his head and crossed his arms. Reid took note that Luka wasn't following behind Yuki like he thought he would be. Yuki looked at his father and frowned.

"What do you want?"

Mark inhaled sharply and looked down. He knew that Yuki was alright now, so why did he feel so unnerved?

Oh yeah, that's right, Yuki is suspected of being involved with a murder.

"I'm here because I was worried Yuki. I saw your phone saying that you were here, and immediately panicked. I didn't know what to think."

Mark lifted his arms and dropped them again. He had never felt so weak before in his life, and it was killing him how Yuki was staring at him. He looked so at home standing next to Reid.

Yuki shifted his weight and looked down.

"Why did you look up where I was? Where's she at?"

Marks eyes widened at the hate in his voice. He could hear the undertone of fear too, but it was mostly hate.

Reid was still standing next to Yuki, but was looking at something off in the distance. It was like he wasn't interested in the conversation at all.

Mark sighed and looked straight at Yuki.

"She's gone Yuki. I kicked her out, and I'm filing for divorce. It was too much for me to handle anymore. She was constantly lying to me, and how she acted towards you."

He stopped there and sighed. Yuki tensed, but still continued to look at the ground. Reid had brought his attention back to the conversation and was looking at Mark. 

"I don't think you know how she was really treating Yuki. You clearly didn't noticed anything going on did you?"

Yuki didn't say anything and dug into the ground with his shoe. Mark was looking between the two with a confused face. Reid sighed and patted Yuki's head.

"I don't think that now is the time for this discussion. How about you say what you really came here for?"

Reid stopped patting Yuki and was now looking tired. Mark took a deep breath and straighten his posture. Yuki noticed his sudden change and looked up at him.

"I'm here because Yuki's being suspected of murder."

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