Chapter 13

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Soft chapter.

Luka glanced down to look at Yuki. He was still bundled up in his arms wrapped in a blanket.

Shortly after Yuki calmed down after being wrapped up, Luka injected the medicine Sarah had given him. She had informed everyone that Yuki was going into heat, and most likely didn't take his medication.

He was glad that he grabbed it when Maya and Kono came running to him.

Luka was talking with his parents and Michael when they ran in. He thought that they were still talking with Miles.

Miles was a officer that worked for them at the station. He wasn't a rat or anything like that, he just informed them if there was anything that could affect them.

Guess that their conversation ended, he thought.

They had been sitting there quietly for a while when Yuki shifted. Luka looked at him again and saw Yuki staring at him.

Luka tilted his head and watched him lazily. His hand was running through Yuki's hair slowly, and with both of their pheromones calmly blending, it was almost peaceful.

Yuki moved again and Luka sighed.

"What's the matter Yuki?"

He stopped moving and looked at him again.

"Aren't you grossed out from touching me?"

Luka's hand stilled in his hair. He looked down at him, but Yuki had turned his face.

"No. Your worth hasn't changed to me at all. You are still the most important thing to me."

He ran his hand through Yuki's hair once more before pulling away. Yuki wiggled out of the blanket and sat there watching him.

Luka went to the door and opened it slowly.

"Wait. Don't go yet."

Luka stopped and looked back at Yuki. His eyes were wide and his face was still flushed. He felt his wolf perk up at the sudden request, but Luka pushed it down.

"I'm just getting the water they left out here."

Yuki ducked his head embarrassed, and began playing with his fingers. Luka gave him a small smile and grabbed the water bottle. He shut the door and walked back to Yuki.

The omega pheromones had subsided and Luka didn't feel like dominating and claiming Yuki anymore.

Ever since he found that Yuki was his mate, Luka had a hard time acting calm around him. He just wanted to hold Yuki down until he only looked at him. Luka knew that he couldn't do that to him though, so he just put some distance between them.

With Yuki suddenly going into heat had Luka feeling conflicted. He wanted nothing more then to act on his desires.

He opened and handed Yuki the bottle and waited until he finished most of it. They had managed to stop his heat early but Yuki was bound to still be exhausted already.

Omegas really have it rough, Luka thought.

Yuki was staring at him again, but this time his eyes were curious.

"Why do you smell so different Luka?"

Luka froze and looked at him. Yuki was still months away from turning eighteen, but Luka could tell that Yuki was his mate from middle school. 

"It's because your in heat dummy. You should take a shower soon; you were sweating a lot before anybody realized what was happening."

Yuki nodded and tried to stand. His legs gave out, and Luka had to catch him. They looked at each other before Yuki hugged him suddenly.

Luka gripped him tightly and buried his face in Yuki's hair.

"I'm sorry for hitting you earlier. You just caught me at a bad time."

Yuki spoke quietly into Lukas chest. Luka inhaled deeply and continued holding him.

"I know Yuki. I shouldn't have come at you like that. I was just so angry that something like that had happened to you, and I couldn't do anything about it."

They stayed silent for a while before Yuki pulled away. He wiped away a tear and grabbed the handle to the connected bathroom. Luka pulled him back as he stepped inside and turned Yuki to face him.

"I'm sorry I couldn't protect you Yuki."

His face was serious, and Yuki felt like breaking down. He touched Luka's cheek and smiled softly.

"You were the one person I never wanted to hurt. I spent years trying to look good in your eyes, and for this to-."

His voice broke, and Luka pulled him into another hug. Yuki started crying, and Luka just held him tighter.

Both of their wolves whined at each other, their bond slowly growing.

Yuki stopped crying and shook his head. Luka waited for him to catch his breath before grabbing his face. He looked at Luka confused, but relaxed as he drew closer.

Just as they were about to kiss, a loud bang interrupted them. Luka growled and moved away from Yuki slowly.

Yuki backed away and then laughed. He looked at Luka again and grabbed the handle.

"Thanks Luka."

Yuki shut the door and left Luka standing there alone.

Luka moved away from the door and stalked towards the source of the noise.

He threw open the door and growled at Maya and Kono. 

"What the hell do you think you two are doing?"

They looked at him sheepish and then at each other.

"Did we interrupt something?"

Luka growled and they both flinched.

"We found the address of the asshole that hurt Yuki."

They all turned to the voice and watched him walk closer.

Michael had his hands in his pockets and a hard expression on his face. When he got closer, they all saw the anger in his eyes.

"What are you going to do about it Luka?"

Luka lowly growled at being question like that. Everyone in the family knew how Luka felt about Yuki; one would be a fool not to see it.

Michael handed him a piece of paper and grinned.

"Let's go show him what happens when you mess with one of us."

Luka gripped the paper tightly and moved past them. He heard them following and smirked.

Today was going to be one hell of a day. 

Mostly soft chapter.

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