Chapter 32

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Luka sat in the chair while waiting for his mother to begin. His siblings minus Micheal were in the room along with Mark.

They were all shocked to hear Yuki was pregnant. He hadn't told anyone yet except for Anna and Amy. Anna told them that Yuki wasn't sure how to say it.

"He told me that he was afraid you would take it bad. He didn't want to take the chance because it might break your bond. I can tell you he isn't afraid of being pregnant though. Even if he is only seventeen, he is happy to be carrying your child."

Anna stopped and waited for Luka's reaction. He opened his mouth a few times but didn't say anything. Reid wasn't in the room with them, and Luka was glad.

He was with Miles trying to find anything on Yuki. They didn't find anything yet, but Luka knew they would soon.

Luka sighed and rubbed at his eyes slowly.

"Why did he think I wouldn't be able to handle it?"

Anna swallowed before answering him.

"Neither you or your wolf marked him. He thought you did it out of anger instead of wanting him."

Luka stood up suddenly. His face was furious as he faced his mother.

"He knows that I love him! It doesn't matter why he didn't tell me anymore. All that matters is getting him back, and ripping those rogues apart."

Luka snarled out the words with hate. Anna nodded and laced her fingers together. She didn't argue with him about his plan. Luka was going to have to figure this out on his own.

Reid walked in the room with Miles on his heels. He looked at them all after noticing the tension in the air. Miles didn't ask any questions but still cocked his head at Anna. She gave him a small smile, but that was it.

Luka asked if they had found anything, and sighed when they shook their heads.

"Don't worry Luka, Yuki can handle himself for now. I don't think Rein will try anything with him so soon. That means we have time, so stop pouting."

Luka tried to retort, but the look on his father's face told him not to. Luka knew that everyone was worried about Yuki, but he felt like his whole world was crashing down around him. He knew it was because they were mates. And to make it worse, Luka still hasn't marked him.

That is what Yuki was most concerned about too, he reminded himself.

Luka didn't want to risk bonding them forever if Yuki didn't want to. He has been going against his body, which wanted Yuki. Yuki said that he wanted to be with Luka, but Luka wasn't sure how much Yuki could take. Business with the Mafia was tough on its own, not to mention everything else now.

Luka snapped out of his thoughts with Maya smacking him. He looked around and saw everyone staring at him.

"Sorry, wasn't listening."

Reid scoffed at him and sighed.

"Yeah. We could tell Luka. You need to go your head in the game. Stop zoning out and help us find him. He is your mate."

Luka glared at him for a second. Reid narrowed his eyes at his son, almost as if he was challenging him. The others sensed the tension build, and Anna stood up.

"We can't have any more people fighting. Micheal is in the hospital, and we have to look after our people still. Luka, help Miles with finding Yuki so your father can do other things."

Luka nodded and followed Miles out the door. He didn't miss the look Mark gave him, and he wanted to turn back and ask what his problem was.

Probably just mad I let Yuki get kidnapped, he thought.

He felt his wolf stir at the negative thoughts in his head. His mind began conjuring up all the worst possible things with Yuki. If Miles noticed it, he didn't say.

They entered a room filled with computers and monitors. The few people in the room nodded their greetings. Miles sat down with them and motioned for Luka to follow. Luka had only been in the once or twice before. He knew that they had access to cameras all over town and that they were now looking for Yuki.

Miles typed something on the computer and hummed when something popped up. Luka leaned forward to look at what it was. His eyes scanned the words but didn't register what it said.

His wolf paced back and forth, waiting for Luka to do something. Luka ignored it for the most part, but it was hard when he felt the same way.

If we can just find something, anything, to lead us to Yuki. Luka tried focusing on that. As the hours went by, it just made Luka more restless. Miles told him to go get some sleep, and that if something came up, he would come to get him. Luka tried to argue, but he could ignore how heavy his eyes felt.

His body matched with them too. Luka finally agreed with him and went back to his room. The window had a tarp over it to block it, but nothing else. Luka made a mental note to fix it before Yuki came back. He laid on the bed before inhaling deeply. He found Yuki's scent and sighed. Even if Yuki wasn't there with him, Luka felt connected to him. Their bond had grown so much over the last weeks, and he was sure that this wouldn't affect it like Yuki thought.

Luka fell asleep quickly after closing his eyes. He wasn't sure how long he was asleep but woke up from a nightmare.

He sat up quickly and took deep breaths. His body was drenched from sweat, and he had to pull away his shirt from his neck. He felt like he was suffocating from how tight it was.

His eyes darted around the room for a threat. When he found none, he sighed deeply. Luka wasn't one to have nightmares because he wasn't scared of much.

This dream was about Yuki though.

His only weakness.

Luka pushed off the bed and took a cold shower. After he dried off and put clothes on, he walked to his fathers' office. His hand hovered by the door when he arrived. He wanted to knock, but was scared they wouldn't have found anything yet.

The clock told him he was asleep for a few hours, and that was more than enough time to find Yuki's trail.

So if they didn't find him now, then they might not ever.

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